Announced on her talk show this morning. For 7 weeks over the summer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
She seems so much more a Mary Sunshine to me.
LOL. Wtf? Can she sing at ALL?
Weirdly I am intrigued, just because we all know that she is going to ham up the role beyond recognition, and I have a feeling she may also surprise us and hit it out of the park.
will there be subtitles? i can understand only half the things she says
I dont follow her show religiously, but I've seen clips. She has a huge personality. Like bdn223 said, I think she could surprise us in this role. I think there are worse people they could've picked, so I am not totally opposed to Wendy Williams.
She connects with a huge number of potential ticket buyers every day. When you're good to mama, mama's good to you.
I don't know if it matters very much how well she can sing and dance. She's there to sell tickets, as she's wildly popular. I find her personality delightful, it's hard not to like the woman. Good for her, she seems overjoyed with the news!
First Adam Pascal and now this? I'd like one ticket for the train wreck please.
As a concierge I continue to send guests to this show, now in its 17th (?) year, mostly international guests who have never seen it, or perhaps don't understand English all that well, or out-of-towners who've never seen a Broadway show. They love it, to a person. I think the Weisslers are very smart to keep bringing in "stars" to keep the show fresh.
How YOU doin?!
I've said for a while that Ms. Wendy's 'aftershows' on youtube are the greatest thing on the interwebz. TRISTAN! Just based on her personality, I think she will be very acceptable in the part and will probably do rather well.
Best of luck, girl!
I love Wendy and this is pretty exciting! I think she will rock it!
Jay, Chicago hasn't been fresh since about 2000. The stunt casting keeps the show alive, not fresh. There's a difference between presenting a bright new baby and propping up a lipsticked corpse. I love Chicago, but what's currently playing the Ambassador lies there like a dead fish.
I disagree. from RC in Austin, Texas
Leading Actor Joined: 11/10/07
I LOVE WENDY WILLIAMS! She so fun and full of joy about everything. I think she'll be a great Mama Morton. Good for her. I might even go back again to see it. Last time was Melanie Griffith.
I don't hate it... at all.
I'm so glad others find her enjoyable. Yes, she's very gossipy on her show, but her personality is infectious and she seems to really connect with her audience. I love her.
She'll bring her own wigs. They'll save a bundle on hair.
Oh, those crafty Weisslers and their never-ending stunt casting. They are clearly planning to run Chicago until Earth spins off it's axis and crashes into the sun.
I used to find Wendy insanely annoying but she has really grown on me and these days I find her on her show to be smart, fair, and very, very funny. Is she a competent Broadway performer? Who can say? But I have to admit that I'm actually thinking of buying a ticket to this.
Better Chicago than a show anyone takes seriously.
I disagree that the show is in bad shape. I saw it last year and thought it was holding up extremely well. Everyone was great and it didn't look tired at all.
Updated On: 4/15/13 at 09:19 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 10/15/03
This could be really interesting.
Paige Davis is returning to the role of Roxie this Thursday for six weeks only, by the way. I already have a ticket for Saturday's matinee.