He could do a one man Cell Block Tango
Aw shucks. Now, you should go wash your white pointy hood with some Clorox. Stains come right out
I hope you're not planning to burn a cross in front of my home, lovebwy, because the Times Square police will shoot you down in a second if you try.
Only if you burn Slim Jims. The low-rent version of burning a cross
If that fire gets too out of control, just find a black person and take their grape soda. It'll put a fire out immediately.
In all seriousness, I like how Wendy apparently doesn't belong in a Broadway community that invited and celebrated Mike Tyson.
I bet Mike Tyson likes grape soda and Slim Jims.
He doesn't eat Slim Jims. He's high-rent. He eats ears.
Wynbish, I audibly gasped!
Mike Tyson is another story. This thread is about Wendy Williams and I find it sad that people who disagree with me are resorting to horrible tactics of character assassination.
I stand by my statement that Wendy Williams does not belong on the Broadway that I know and love. Neither did Christie Brinkley.
Oh really? We didn't know.
Please kindly shut the fuc up and go away.
-Wendy Williams does not belong on the Broadway that I know and love.
-with people like Williams being allowed to tread the boards that she may NOT survive.
-I just don't think Wendy Williams belongs on Broadway. She belongs in a television studio doing her talk show.
-If Wendy Williams want's to go outside of her comfort zone, that's fine. Just don't do it on Broadway's dime, baby.
-I'm sure she's a lovely woman but she don't belong on Broadway, BABY.
-I just don't think Wendy Williams belongs on Broadway.
-I will stay away from from Chicago as long as Wendy Williams is in it.
-What's bad is putting a woman on Broadway who has no place there. Come on. Wendy Williams? ---That ain't Broadway. Not MY Broadway.
-Again, in my opinion Wendy Williams- that ain't Broadway.
-Wendy Williams, from that clip, does not belong on the Broadway stage.
-Her being up there, Christie Brinkley being up there is a mockery of this great business we call show.
-That clip of Wendy Williams on stage makes me weep for what Broadway has become...
We. Get. It.
Updated On: 7/2/13 at 02:01 AM
Do you think I give a rat's ass about what's cool?
I repeat, get the fuc out of here! You racist tub of guts.
Updated On: 7/2/13 at 03:01 AM
I just think this is all ridiculous - she even says herself in the video: "They didn't hire me to be perfect, they hired me to be Wendy". By all accounts, that's exactly what she's doing, and she's having a damn good time doing it. Plus, it's Chicago - not Shakespeare, get over it.
It still costs money to see Chicago. It's a rip off when they have such horrible performers in it.
Wait, so you DON'T want to see the show, lovebwy? Because I was confused about that.
LOL I see I've made my point.
You think? Your racist message has been delivered. You're free to leave, now.
I, as a homosexual man, would never be racist. I myself have been discriminated against, so I know what it's like. I regret my ill advised comment.
We're you appropriately clutching your pearls while you typed that?
He's the Paula Deen of Broadway World.
You all must have no life outside this broad to go back and forth like this! LOL. There is life outside your posts, I know it's hard to conceive, and you're only gonna see it if you leave. There is cool **** to do, but it can't come to you so come on.