Broadway because Sara Ramirez was in the cast. That's the biggest reason I bought it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Ah, I got the Broadway one as well but would have preferred the Off-Broadway one because Julia Murney was in it instead of Sara. Oh well.
Equality Now Pin from Broadway Impact
A signed ripped Berger shirt (it also says GIVE IT TO CLAUDE)
Picture with Jonathan Groff (nicest man ever)
and a FREE picture with Kobes (:
My best friend got an original HAIR playbill, and then we found another, only to have someone else take it. ):
Here's a photo of the cast board:
I'd say that you can't just buy that anywhere.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Wicked x2-.50
Wedding Singer tour-.25
Avenue Q-$1
Rock of Ages (off Broadway)-.25
Spelling Bee-.25
Mame OBC- $1
Rent final performance-$1
Lion King OBC-.25
Other stuff:
Little Mermaid shirt-$1
Lock of Ariel wig (signed)-$1
Little mermaid windowcard-$1
Little Mermaid cast board sliders( flounders)-$2
Rock of Ages Calender (signed)-$40
Billy Elliot ballet girl ballet shows- $5
Billy Elliot Tommy Batchelor ballet shows (signed)-$50
Billy Elliot Royal Ballet letter-$5
Lauren Molina drawing(signed)-$5
Next to Normal Meghann Fahey jacket- $25
Ripped shirt from Hair(signed by Will Swenson & insribed)-$30
Laura Osnes cookies from South Pacific-$1---- Those kids are adorable!
Autograph table-$50
Equality Now pin-$1
I love Duloc pin signed by Christopher-$2
Postponing such an event in NYC is just about impossible, the rentals of tables, chairs, etc. the changing of schedules of those involved, including many theatrical people who have shows, out of town stuff, etc, you get the drift, So BCEFA made a call. and finding out ROSELAND was free made the only decision they could, it was an all night shift, Roseland has few lights of their own, so some were brought in, but again the set up and load in, takes a village. I saw some people being shoved around and a saw a lot of Broadway fans picking around stuff and having a gay ole time.
It was unfortunate that due to space the basement HAD to be used and the workers were just as hot and tired, so a lot of bargains were to be had.
Sorry if Mother Nature had a slight cry, maybe she was remembering those who didn't have BCEFA when they needed it and had to watch the Festival from above.
Let's hope the Sun smiles next year and we can enjoy the Flea Market in it's HOME, Shubert Alley.
Thanks to all who fought the crowds, had fun and contributed to a great cause.
Yankeefan007: ok, I tried to PM you but it didn't work. how much do you want for the Tale of Two Cities script?
I guess I missed bargains in the basement
DivaBrigader, i was the last person on the "guaranteed" line for john stamos. i'm pretty sure no one else got in because he walked out right behind us.
Souvenir Programs:
Sweeney Todd
Little Mermaid
Boeing Boeing
Spelling Bee
Urinetown hat
Little Mermaid Shirt
5 High School Musical keychains
Bag of "Broadway Princess" Little Mermaid buttons
Avenue Q cut song CD
BCEFA Flea Market
Little Mermaid
All for $10 :)
Gypsy script with Arthur Laurents notes-$20
Little Mermaid-free
Young Frankenstein-$1
Patti LuPone at Les Mouches-free
4 signed playbills for $20.
Plus a bunch of other playbills I grabbed that were free.
Souvenir Programs:
Boeing Boeing-$1
Sweeney Todd revivel-$2
Little Mermaid-$5 with free poster
Shrek, White Christmas and Guys and Dolls-$11
Rock of Ages off broadway-$1
Signed pics of Sierra Boggess and Sherie Rene for $1 each.
Christine Ebersole with Billy Stritch and Patti LuPone at Ler Mouches- $15 together.
4 Copies of "How Does the Show Go On?" for $1.
Glory Days-$1
Little Mermaid-$1
Boeing Boeing-$1
Plus a bunch of other free stuff such as magnets ,key chains vinyls, hats and 2 signed posters from some random shows at Steppenwolf.
They were selling a goodie bag from Sister Act for $50 and I thought it was too much but now I regret not buying it. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with what I got.
DivaBrigader: At which booth were they selling the Patti-look-alike costume?
It's uncanny.
Looks like you had fun.
I bought around 20 Sondheim LPs (shows, revues and concerts) which I am going to frame and hang on the walls of my apartment.
I also bought a good number of CDs and cassettes as well as hats and 2 clocks.
At the end of the day I picked up a few items for free, including a Deuce Opening Night seat cushion.
I spent a little over $100 today, but every item I purchased is something I am going to use (unlike previous years).
Just so everyone knows, it was VERY crowded from the opening until about 12:30, but it did calm down. While it is a much better experience in the Alley it was still fun (as long as you were willing to go with the crowd every now and then).
I really think that I should stop reading of what everyone bought because I am super jealous.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/11/04
I picked up:
Broadway Bares 16 DVD ($10)
Broadway Bares 18 DVD ($25)
Broadway Bares 19 DVD ($25)
Window Cards:
Little Shop Of Horrors revival (signed): $15
Broadway Bares 19: $5
Next To Normal: $5
Spamalot: $5
Gypsy (Patti): $1
Gypsy (Bernadette): $.50
La Cage revival: $.50
Will Ferrell 'You're Welcome America' magnet: $1
Martin Short 'Fame Becomes Me' magnet: $1
9 to 5 post-it notes: $1
Avenue Q "Tear It Up" CD: free, if I bought 2 pins for $1!
Total spent: $96
Wow!! I didn't realize how much I spent until I typed it all out! I guess it's a good thing though. I only went one other year & all I bought was a pair of vampire teeth from Dance of the Vampires for $1. So I made a marked improvement in my charitable expenses.
I went with the intention of finding a few cheap window cards. I was on the lookout for Little Shop & Xanadu... no Xanadu, but I was pleased to find Little Shop signed... and for under $20! Though right after I bought it, a girl walked up to the booth, inquired about another signed poster priced for $15 (Tarzan), offered $3 & got it!! Oh well. I'm not one to haggle... even though it was at the end of the day. It's for charity right?
Yes, kchenofan, it did get cooler at the end of the day. Though that probably had more to do with less people being there. I was there early on & once before they closed down. It was MUCH better (read: cooler/comfortable) towards the end. I was actually able to feel air flow!
And I too was curious about the pie throwing area, SweetQintheLights! I ran out of cash though. Each time I walked by I didn't see anything happening though. What gives?! It would have been fun to at least watch! Did they get any business?! If not, send them over to my apartment!
You got a nice haul, saveusmike. I love the Bea & Liza items! Maybe I should have actually bid on the silent auctions! I was there while the Liza one was happening. (Though I have my Liza CD signed from her Barnes & Noble appearance.)
And regarding them turning people away or not letting people in, I was at the front at about 1pm and saw that there was a line of people outside waiting to get in - I guess that they reached capacity, which I totally believed based on how crowded it was.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
I obviously failed at this Flea Market, everyone seems to have gotten the Boeing-Boeing program that I couldn't find.
And regarding them turning people away or not letting people in, I was at the front at about 1pm and saw that there was a line of people outside waiting to get in - I guess that they reached capacity, which I totally believed based on how crowded it was.
I forgot about my free stuff.
At the Avenue Q table, I bought their 2008 AIDS Walk shirt for $5, and I got 2 buttons and a cd sampler for free. And with my Spamalot Cast Board, I got the Fantasticks and Hairspray sampler cds. I also bought 2 brownies from one of the tables.
I think one thing they should have done was have signs around pointing to where the stairs were to go upstairs. I had to ask the people in charge of signing in volunteers because it was too crowded to figure out, and I thought they said it was by them. But, apparently not.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
Doubt Window Card- $10
Giant Passing Strange Playbill Cover (Unsigned)- $15
Doubt Script signed by Cherry Jones- $20
West Side Story Playbill signed by Revival cast- $5
Young Frankenstein Window Card- $2
Equality Now pin- $1
Hair OBC LP- $5
Trekkie - where was the Doubt script? Good find!
Yes, that "Doubt" script was a great! And I hope that crack about me looking like Patti LuPone (if that was what the post was about) is a good thing as I love Miss Patti. Stop taking pictures now?
Haha - I saw the comment about the Patti costume before seeing the picture, so I FRANTICALLY looked for this picture so that I could see the costume I missed out on buying. I would have paid a lot for that...
Leading Actor Joined: 7/12/07
What I got:
A TON of playbills, including Company (OBC), Evita (OBC), Sunday in the Park (OBC), Spelling Bee (Off-Broadway), Dreamgirls (Actor's Fund), Gypsy (Encores! LuPone), and Phantom (10th Anniversary Playbill)
Phantom's Note Prop
Hairspray Window Card
Sunday in the Park Revival Window Card
Hairspray Demo CD
Gypsy of the Year 2008 DVD
...And two Urinetown hats for free that I didn't even want, haha!
Total spent was around $40.
I'm content.
Diva, I think you look like Patti as well, but I honestly first thought of Edna Mode from The Incredibles (which is a compliment, since I think she's so fierce and adorable).