Ivanov with Kevin Kline playbill- $3
OBC Glengarry Glen Ross playbill- 50 cents
Forum revival playbill- 50 cents
Avenue Q program- $1
Rock n Roll program- $1
LoveMusik full cast signed playbill- $10
Passing Strange windowcard- $1
Frame for the windowcard- $20
$37 total
ETA- I went in at about 10:15AM and immediately made my way to the 53rd Street exit and didn't go back until about 5PM and stayed until about 6:45. I'm sorry that I missed seeing that Douglas Carter Beane would be there around 12:30, I would have gone back to have a script signed and meet him.
Updated On: 9/28/09 at 10:22 AM
Well then, I will consider the Patti/Edna lookalike comments to be compliments. It amazes me that I always spend almost the whole day there rummaging through the tables and people still find amazing stuff that I miss! It's just so crowded, sometimes I don't have the patience to wait to sift through stuff. Jealous of the "Doubt" scripts signed by Cherry!
Did anybody see the items being auctioned in the basement level? I was down there at my favorite booth (the one where the playbills are in individual plastic wraps and in boxes labeled by decade and alphabetical) and this booth had blow-ups of playbills signed by the casts. Someone got one signed by the entire OBC for "Shrek" for $105. They had other shows too.
Enjoyed being able to share the autograph line and photo booth with my niece and her friends!
I just got a picture with John Stamos, it was definitely worth it though!
Did anyone else get to/have to pose with Brian Stokes Mitchell's book?
I know what you mean, DivaBrigader. But again, I don't even think I saw everything on the main floor, let alone the bottom floor. I went down there around 5:45 I guess, and everything was gone, except for stuff left for free take. There wasn't anything I wanted down there at that point though. I got a lot of neat stuff though, so I'm not going to complain.
I somehow entirely missed the Next to Normal table even after going around the place at least twice...where was it?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/09
It took me a while to find it too perfectlymarvelous. It was just up from the table with the Broadway Bares dvds and stuff. Just one little table tucked in the middle. I only spotted it when I saw the pill bottles randomly on like my fourth pass through looking for it.
Next to Normal was in the middle row on the right hand side right by the Broadway Beat table across from South Pacific
The Who's Tommy 15th Anniversary Poster signed by cast
Rock of Ages Playbill signed by Current Cast
Rock of Ages Program was told signed by OBC but it is current cast
Rock of Ages Pint Glasses
Rock of Ages Drum Sticks
Various hats and magnets
Broadway Bares DVDs
Standing Ovations DVDs
After searching in vain for the Next to Normal table, I finally asked someone at the volunteer table where it was (they had a map). I must have walked past it four times and missed it, and when I finally found it I realized why. It was disappointing; they had some signed photos and those pill bottles, but that was about it.
It sounds like people managed to find some really good stuff.
in reference to the prices being really high: I actually felt all the prices were lower. especially the Marquees, the Phantom ones were usually more expensive.. I got several things I wanted.
I got the Marquee of marc Kudisch from 9 to 5... which was a lot bigger than it looked when i purchased it, it was about 6 and a half feet high.. It was interesting carrying that to penn station and onto the train.. it took up three rows of chairs.. and luckily a taxi van was willing to drive me to penn with it.. since it wouldnt fit on the subway or anywhere else..
I also got a shirt of Alice Ripleys from next to normal.. lol which is fun. also two of the enlarged playbills from downstairs.. brian stokes mitchell's book, which he signed.. a white christmas gym bag (christmas/opening night gift to cast), one of the opening night gifts to Sweeney Todd (pie pan, every year I consider buying it and never have, so I caved this year), and the london program to The Producers. I also finally caved in and bought a bag of the beads from the chandelier from Phantom of the Opera
I didn't find the downstairs as uncomfortable as everyone else did.. Although I agree, it was hellish inside.. I wouldve rathered them reschedule it.. all in all though it wasnt AS bad as I expected it would be
Stand-by Joined: 5/3/09
Next to Normal had some amazing stuff at the beginning of the day, but most of it went really fast. They had signed music boxes, costume pieces, and photos, plus the pill bottles and cupcakes. I loved that they almost always had an actor working their table - Adam was there early in the day, then Louis joined, then Kyle Dean took over.
It's really too bad that the location kept so many people away from N2N's table - I found it right away, but I think that was just luck.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/17/09
"After searching in vain for the Next to Normal table, I finally asked someone at the volunteer table where it was (they had a map). I must have walked past it four times and missed it, and when I finally found it I realized why. It was disappointing; they had some signed photos and those pill bottles, but that was about it."
They sort of added things as the day went on. Signed pictures, "music boxes", old things that used to be costumes, etc. According to a friend, there actually were some little tables and stuff that would have been out had they been outside and had the space.
and luckily a taxi van was willing to drive me to penn with it
I carried mine to Penn Station last year.
I loved that they almost always had an actor working their table - Adam was there early in the day, then Louis joined, then Kyle Dean took over
I didn't see as many actors this year. As I said before I spent most of the day in the photo booth but I did make a few rounds. The only actor I saw was Ryan Steele at the WSS table. Last year not only were they working the tables but were shopping the flea market and watching the auction. I guess with it being moved inside they decided to keep away.
"Did anyone else get to/have to pose with Brian Stokes Mitchell's book?"
Haha...I got a picture with him and then he forced an autograph on me on an ad for his book.
Things I got -
'Producers' show jacket
Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pies Apron
Urinetown Hat
Evil Dead Mug
Set of Playbill Glasses
'Little Shop' T-shirt
Photo with Charles Busch (who was shoved in the back corner at a random table)
Photo with Brian Stokes Mitchell
Photo with Chita Rivera ( Lucky enough to catch her on her way out and she was very gracious about a photo)
Equality Now Pin and Ribbon
Spent a total of $50 (most of that was on the jacket)
I fortunately took the bus in yesterday, instead of the train. I managed to carry my sign on the subway, but it also is only about 3'x3'. And, I was able to store it under the bus. My arms and back are sore from carrying it though because it seemed light at first, but of course it was heavier than I thought.
I didn't notice this yesterday, but I should have argued down the price a little because I just realized Pamela Remler's name is missing. LOL! I'm just kidding. But, 3 stage managers are there.
Lucky enough to catch her on her way out and she was very gracious about a photo
Everyone else had to pay $40.
This reminds me of something I didn't discuss earlier. They announced that photos with Chita and Bernadette were $40 each (someone paid $100 for both). What kinda bugged me about that is that John Stamos being $20 was posted on the site. So everyone knew that he was going to be $20. Chita and Bernadette were listed among the regular time slots which suggested they would be $10. I wasn't surprised that they changed it to $40 but wish they had stated it beforehand. But anyone who went through the autograph line got Bernadette's autograph for the same amount. That could have been organized better IMO.
If anyone is interested Gavin and Will did pose for pictures together and those went for $50 each.
They asked $50 for Marin Mazzie and Jason Danieley and I bawked at that. Their reasoning was because they were a lot of people had requested them but I doubted that. As insanely talented as they are they're not huge stars. If I could get Beth Leveal and Danny Burnstein for $40 then I didn't understand why Jason and Marin were $10 more. I was already past what I'd budgeted for the day and I told them so. They backed down and I didn't pay $50 for my picture. They even commended me for doing it "right" because they'd seen people come and spend everything they had - including their fare home. btw...there was only one other person who got a picture with Marin and Jason. I don't know what she paid.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I do usually see more actors walking around than I did this year. I did see Gavin Creel walking around toward the end so that was fun.
I just want to know if I'm the only person who went through the noon autograph line and did not get Constantine Maroulis' autograph. He was called to the photo booth while I got to his part of the line, and Will Swenson and Gavin Creel were also there. I waited around because we were allowed to and he didn't come back. Will and Gavin did.
I don't know why, but I was a little surprised that Diana DeGarmo wasn't called over there. I thought she would be more popular with people. She seems like a really sweet girl though.
to philly03:
I kept looking for Tale of Two Cities stuff too, with no luck, what was the "outside the theatre" poster you got?
I was hoping they'd have the marquee pics of the cast, but didnt see them
Anyone know how much the Hair autographed giant playbill went for?
I happened to catch a glimpse of the sheet where they kept track of how many people request a particular person in the photo booth and Diana had no requests.
"to philly03:
I kept looking for Tale of Two Cities stuff too, with no luck, what was the "outside the theatre" poster you got?
I was hoping they'd have the marquee pics of the cast, but didnt see them "
I saw someone on this thread got a script. I saw only ONE playbill in my searches even and then the two type of window-card posters.
They had the one you can buy from Playbill, and then there were a few of the ones that I was told were in / outside the theatre, which lists the casts and all the producers / credits at the bottom, and there is no telecharge phone number. Its a bit of a darker colours, but nothing DRASTICALLY different besides the credits.
I remember emailing the Tale people about merch last year after it closed and they said they'd get back to me (never did) because it was all in a warehouse in NJ (where I assume they probably kept the set still?!).
I kept looking for Tale of Two Cities stuff too, with no luck, what was the "outside the theatre" poster you got?
I got a pack of Tale playing cards with photos from the Broadway cast at the stage managers table. They also had Mdm DeFarge's corkscrew and signed window cards. I have a signed window card from closing night signed in silver and it looks a lot nicer than the ones they were selling signed in black.