Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
Cat Guy said: "At 71, I am a small guy (5' 7" and 125 lbs). My husband is also 71 and has similar stats. We adhere to a strict vegan diet. We enjoy a vigorous exercise regimen. We don't smoke tobacco, drink alcohol or use other drugs. Even so, we each have had health issues (3 heart attacks for me, 1 for him). For that reason, we really try to stay as fit and healthy as possible. We realize, however, that others may not do the same (for whatever reason), and we try not to pass our judgment on them.
Last year, in celebration of our 50th anniversary together, we saw the touring company production of "An American in Paris". The seats were TINY. When we arrived, a gentleman of considerable size was seated to my left. This was the first time I've encountered this sort of situation. We began to chat, and he apologized if he was taking up any of my space. I told him not to worry; that I would just lean closer to my husband if necessary. Throughout the time we sat together, he did what he could not to intrude. He had as much entitlement to enjoy the show as did I. We spoke again at intermission, and said "goodbye" as we left. Would I have wished that I was a bit more comfortable in my seat? Of course. But in this case, just a little friendly chat helped keep it from being a completely unpleasant evening.
Thank you for sharing your experience and insight. This was the best post in this entire thread.
I'm trying to figure out the BMI of some of the posters in this thread.
I'm guessing we have some seriously unfit people here.
BenjaminNicholas2, my god. Really?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
LizzieCurry said: "BenjaminNicholas2, my god. Really?"
I think people learned a while back that when it comes to the topic of obesity and such, the most venomous comments come from people who have real self-loathing issues even if they are fit now.
BenjaminNicholas2 said: "I'm trying to figure out the BMI of some of the posters in this thread.
I'm guessing we have some seriously unfit people here."
Mentally, too, it seems...
Just adding my 2 cents, a friend had an overweight person next to heat SpongeBob. She has high functioning autism. The combined rubbing against her arm by the man and his heavy breathing made the show a "sensory hellhole." Overweight people should be considerate by getting an aisle seat or swapping out with somebody in an aisle. I remember when I was at Waitress, an overweight and elderly lady swapped seats with me on the aisle to fit in the seat. She was sweet, and I was no longer in partial view! The first instance wasn't handled well and was magnified by her condition, but the other was resolved very nicely.
I'm not an overweight person, in fact, I've struggled with being underweight many times in my life. I can just empathize with people who are different than me because, well, I'm a decent person, which isn't something that I can say for most of the posters on this board....
Look I can be harsh, I can be b*tchy, but I am a genuinely empathetic person and I try my best to understand where everyone is coming from. Some of ya'll should try that because the racist, sexist, homophobic, and body shaming bs that gets spewed on this board shows exactly what this "loving" Broadway community is these days. I'm here to read reviews, share reviews, and discuss theatre. I'm not here to hear about your vile personal views about how everyone that's not a white, fit, man should stop inconveniencing them. It's bs.