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Wicked: mexican production- Page 4

Wicked: mexican production

blaxx Profile Photo
#75Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 12:55am

Good info. SNAFU, thanks!

I wonder why they do it in Canada, is it cheaper?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

gabiiferact Profile Photo
#76Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 2:18am

I really agree with you blaxx, I don´t know why Ana Cecilia Anzaldua has had so much succes in OCESA, I´ve seen her twice, in ACL and in Beauty and The Beast, and I really find her voice pretty anoying . The actress playing Bebe is Alicia Paola Sánchez, she is also in the ensamble of Wicked , look here is a video of her
I think she is really good

blaxx Profile Photo
#77Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 3:41am

The actress playing Bebe is Alicia Paola Sánchez, she is also in the ensamble of Wicked

She's like a Mexican Chenoweth! Wicked: mexican production Is she a Glinda understudy obviously?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#78Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 5:23am

LOL Mexican Chenoweth!

I believe in a video or something (that explored the making of WICKED) they explained that it was indeed cheaper to build the sets up there.
I wonder how small the UK tour is going to be. I know some of the venues they wanna visit are TINY

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

SNAFU Profile Photo
#79Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 5:31am

When they did the first Wicked the exchange rate gave them more bang for their buck. Now not so much but after building 10-11 productions, why switch horse midstream?

Eugene Lee also has a long history with the folks up there.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

gabiiferact Profile Photo
#80Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/22/13 at 2:14pm

As far as I know, Alica Paola is Madame Morrible understudy. Liesl Lar is Glinda understudy.

Updated On: 7/22/13 at 02:14 PM

#81Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/23/13 at 8:16pm

Hey Fran_mex, any new updates about the production?

#82Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 3:06am

Ana has her Defying Gravity up.

It's um.... I won't comment.

I'm sure you're going to love this blaxx.
Ana's DG.

BwayTday Profile Photo
#83Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 3:28am

Her mix is unlike anything I have ever heard... It's... interesting.

Would anyone mind offering up a translation? I don't know spanish well enough to make something completely coherent out of that.

#84Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 3:49am

OMG it´s terrible, sorry, she sounds like a sheep. Her voice is much too thin for the song.

I wanna hear Danna Paola, the lead Elphaba, sing the song. Hope she´s better. Updated On: 7/31/13 at 03:49 AM

#85Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 7:24am

1st-Her voice is sooooooooo thin!!!! which is not right for Elphaba
2nd-I pray that Danna Paola is better. If not, then this company is really screwed
3rd-Maybe the Wicked producers might want to start prepping Mandy Gonzalez, if things go really bad

Marlothom Profile Photo
#86Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 12:43pm

These translations are AWFUL. She is saying, "I am violating the rules of gravity, I am breaking the rules of gravity". Also, most of these phrases do not rhyme.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."
Updated On: 7/31/13 at 12:43 PM

#87Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 7:44pm

Hi fran_mex,
I have one question. Who is the lead Elphaba Danna or Ana? I have heard conflicting reports. One says the lead is Danna and the other says Ana is the lead and Danna is the alternate? So, which one is true?

sergio_27 Profile Photo
#88Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 8:12pm

I believe they're treating both Danna and Ana as equals. They appear with Cecilia in all the pictures, and the articles I've read (and the official @Wicked_Mx account on Twitter) just mention they will alternate. We will have to wait to see how they will split the shows.

Here's a Youtube video with the three Mexican actresses, meeting Lindsay Mendez and Katie Rose Clark.
Wicked: conociendo a Lindsay Mendez y Katie Rose Clarke

#89Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 8:21pm

I feel Ana'a DG started off with potential and then went down hill from there. Hopefully, 2 months of rehearsals will help the cast nail down the score, especially the harder songs for Elphaba(TWAI, DG, and NGD).

sergio_27 Profile Photo
#90Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 8:22pm

And about the translation: I think the video of her singing "Defying Gravity" is from a past event. The MC says "...and now she's Maggie, with us, on A Chorus Line." This is not necessarily the translation they will use on this production.

#91Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 8:23pm

I love listening to translations of musicals. In college I went to Montreal a few times to see show in french. It was a bummer they were not singing in spanish.

Marlothom Profile Photo
#92Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 9:20pm

I'm not holding my breath for good/meaningful translations of the songs. I saw the ACL video of "Music and the Mirror" (have done the show several times) and the scene scripting was phenomenal - then she started to sing and suddenly this smart/driven/witty woman from the scene before was talking about dreams and feels and the word bailar (dancing) thrown in any sentence where they couldn't find another word.

"Observe how bravely I conceal this dreadful dreadful shame I feel."

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#93Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 7/31/13 at 11:21pm

I had to take my headphones off when she sang "Defying Gravity."
Her voice sounds like a screeching cat. Hopefully rehearsals will prep her more.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

HBP Profile Photo
#94Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 12:18am

I am really, sincerely hoping this is not the official translation. A good portion of it doesn't even rhyme. But most of the chorus sounds good, and "la ley de gravedad" fits well with the music.... As for the actress.. I cant decide whether she reminds me more of Caissie Levy or this:

A rough translation (I missed a few words... not a native Spanish speaker)


"Desafiando la gravedad"

Hay algo extraño en mí,
Ya no soy la de ayer.
Y ya no jugaré
el juego que inventó alguien más.

No puedo traicionarme.
Ya no hay marcha atrás.
Hay que tomar los riesgos.
Tengo que tratar...
de desafiar la ley de gravedad,
no respetar la ley de gravedad,
y no me detendrán.

No aceptaré las reglas,
Tan sólo por decir (???)
Las consecuencias de mis actos yo asuntaré (?)
Ya he tenido miedos,
he perdido el amor.
Miedo y amor,
hoy los tengo que enfrentar,
hasta violar la ley de gravedad.
Yo debo helar (?) la ley de gravedad,
y no me detendrán.

Si quieren encontrarme
Miren el/al cielo azul
Como diría el mago,
¡Tengo el derecho de volar!
Y si es que vuelo sola,
lo haré con libertad.
Y quien me juzgue, mi mensaje escuchará:
Que yo desafié la ley de gravedad,
No respeté la ley de gravedad,
y me recordarán.
¡Y no habrá,
en todo Oz,
un mago que hay o que vendrá,
que pueda detenerme ya!
¡Vuelo ya!


"Defying Gravity"

There's something strange in me,
I'm not the same (one) as yesterday.
And I won't play
the game that someone else invented.

I can't fool/betray myself.
Now there's no going back.
I have to take the risk.
I have to try...
to defy the law of gravity,
to not respect the law of gravity,
and they won't stop me.

I won't accept the rules
just to say... (???)
I'll face (?) the consequences of my acts.
I've had fears,
I've lost love.
Fear and love,
today I have to face them,
even to break the law of gravity,
I need to freeze (?) the law of gravity,
and they won't stop me.

If you care to find me,
Look to the blue sky!
Like the wizard would say:
I have the right to fly!
And if I fly alone/and if I'm flying solo,
I'll do it with freedom.
And those who judge me, they'll hear my message:
That I defied the law of gravity
I didn't follow/respect the rule of gravity,
and they'll remember me.
And there won't be,
In all Oz,
a wizard that there is or will be,
that can stop me now!
I'm flying now!

I tried to make it literal, but I couldn't make out a few words and some don't translate directly... but that's the gist!! Updated On: 8/1/13 at 12:18 AM

#95Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 2:37pm

"And there won't be,
In all Oz,
a wizard that there is or will be"

....Fool for this.

gabiiferact Profile Photo
#96Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 2:54pm

That video was recorded in December 2011, in a christmas concert i guess, she was in ACL in that time doing Maggie. I really hope that by the time the ipening night comes, she improves this. I actually find very annoying her DG .

Sorry for my terrible english! D:

#97Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 3:05pm

You're fine, I understood what you were saying. No need to apologize :).

blaxx Profile Photo
#98Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 11:30pm

The horror. Are they deaf to cast these people?

I love how in all their press releases they "blame" the US creative team for this casting.

This is Danna singing live two weeks ago. She has 2 months to learn how to sing. Best of luck!

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE
Updated On: 8/1/13 at 11:30 PM

justincharacter Profile Photo
#99Wicked: mexican production
Posted: 8/1/13 at 11:33pm

"She has 2 months to learn how to sing"

