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Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?- Page 2

Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?

#25Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 12:25pm

For people in this thread saying this is crap and questioning artistic choices etc, apparently you are not the target audience. Per BWW, the show delivered ratings for Disney!  But what a bunch

PS: Haven't heard of the show till now, no interest in seeing the show just nauseous of all the blah blah blah in this thread!

Updated On: 8/2/15 at 12:25 PM

mattporter17 Profile Photo
#26Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 12:26pm

So people who are fans of Broadway and musicals are not the target audience? Would you mind explaining who is the target audience then?

#27Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 12:29pm

Blah blah blah blah 

Updated On: 8/2/15 at 12:29 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#28Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 1:48pm

Was an audience member at THE VIEW last Wednesday and they gave us a voucher/order form for the dvd. So I will see it in about 4 to 6 weeks when it arrives.

Just give the world Love.

Kad Profile Photo
#29Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 2:37pm

"So people who are fans of Broadway and musicals are not the target audience? Would you mind explaining who is the target audience then?"

Children and tweens who are fans of Disney.

It's the Disney Channel.


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#30Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 4:08pm

I grew up in the "golden" era of DCOMs and Disney Channel series (which, yeah, were incredibly corny but actually nailed the whole growing-up-is-imperfect-and-awkward thing pretty accurately). I'm in my twenties now and still watch the channel just for old reruns and for Girl Meets World, and I've caught snippets of their recent programming- such a drop in quality from what I remember.

That said, I wanted to like this movie for nostalgia's sake, I really did, but it was just not very good. At all. I think what really pushed it over the edge for me was the horrific Pitch-Perfect-ization of "Be Our Guest". 

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#31Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 4:40pm

"I grew up in the "golden" era of DCOMs and Disney Channel series (which, yeah, were incredibly corny but actually nailed the whole growing-up-is-imperfect-and-awkward thing pretty accurately). I'm in my twenties now and still watch the channel just for old reruns and for Girl Meets World, and I've caught snippets of their recent programming- such a drop in quality from what I remember.
That said, I wanted to like this movie for nostalgia's sake, I really did, but it was just not very good. At all. I think what really pushed it over the edge for me was the horrific Pitch-Perfect-ization of "Be Our Guest". "


Girl Meets World is the only thing worth watching on that channel anymore. Kids deserve so much better than shows like Dog With a Blog and Jessie. 

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire
Updated On: 8/2/15 at 04:40 PM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#32Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 4:45pm

"For people in this thread saying this is crap and questioning artistic choices etc, apparently you are not the target audience."

And you are?  So you must be about 12, considering your "blah blah blah" comment.


I'm a Disney fan and worked for them earlier in my life.  So, I can speak with some authority on anything Disney.


 What are your qualifications, ebontoyan?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#33Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 4:51pm

We have to list our qualifications to critique Disney now?

#34Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 4:52pm

eyeroll,sarcasm, thank you for the one who said I'm 12 blah blah blah blah blah lol lol 

Updated On: 8/2/15 at 04:52 PM

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#35Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 5:11pm

You certainly act like it.


And, no, CouldBeWorse, you don't need qualifications to have an opinion.  But it helps, because ignorance is a waste of board space.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#36Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 5:25pm

And your qualifications are what again??! Former Disney employees are either blind loyal or disgruntled lol lol Doesn't mean much of anything to me!!

PS: Free country I can write whatever opinion I have. Nobody tells me what to say, much less you.  Who made you the board police anyways??!  Oh btw plz feel free to block me! lol 

Updated On: 8/2/15 at 05:25 PM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#37Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/2/15 at 11:34pm

I loved it and it gave me HSM feels. Most likely because it was directed by Kenny Ortega

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#38Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 5:27pm

I have one burning question for those of you who saw it: did they explain how the villains had kids, or was it just mitotic?

#39Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 5:28pm

I must admit..."Evil Like Me" is pretty darn catchy.


I actually REALLY like that song!


TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#40Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 9:33pm

"Oh btw plz feel free to block me!"


Why?  I get a good laugh out of your posts?



I hate when school is out and the kids fill the boards with their nonsense.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#41Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 9:38pm

"I have one burning question for those of you who saw it: did they explain how the villains had kids, or was it just mitotic?"



"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#42Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 9:38pm

what r u, 60??! lol I am amazed by the stupidity...but oh well

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#43Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/3/15 at 9:44pm

"what r u, 60??! lol I am amazed by the stupidity...but oh well"


And I'm delighted by your spelling and use of the English language.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

notalwaysontime Profile Photo
#44Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 3:55am

I'm someone who really wanted to like this movie, I was excited about it, I love twists on fairytales and taking them beyond their original stories but this movie was so half-assed. I was so disappointed in Disney. The script was terrible, the plot was strange, all over the place, and resolved in literally about 2 minutes out of nowhere, and they only skimmed the thinnest layer of the surface as to what they had available to them character wise, and then there was the sets and costumes. The costumes legitimately looked like knock offs you'd get from a cheap halloween costume company, and the sets really weren't much better. This had potential to be wonderful and I really wanted it to be, but it's like they wanted the premise to do all the work and didn't even try

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#45Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 1:37pm

Okay, so I was perusing the "Junior Novel" of the film in the store and they made Cinderella's child out to be a complete tool?! That did NOT sit well with me, so I came up with a theory...

First problem- the Fairy Godmother is obviously much older than Cindy, so it would be very improbable for them both to have kids around the same age. If we're going to say "screw logic" anyway...did anybody notice how detached Jane seemed from the FG? It is my suspicion that after the events of the original story, at least in this Descendants AU, the Godmother suggested a payback from Cinderella as a proverbial thanks for her help.

Since the Fairy Godmother was too old to have children of her own, she forces Cindy into giving up her firstborn. Cinderella and Charming have boy-girl twins, the girl is born first, and the FG takes her to raise as her own. Cinderella is left with that jerk Chad for a son. Years later, at Prince Ben's coronation, Jane asks her adoptive parent to put her in a dress that Mother would have worn. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jane's coronation outfit in the movie resembles Cindy's ballgown.

Possible sequel plot? [/crazy fan theories]

#46Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 4:42pm

I had no idea anyone would actually take this alternate universe tv movie targeted to children and tweens so seriously and so angrily.

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#47Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 6:12pm

Only when it comes to Cinderella, Scotty. Haha. This is all in good fun, no anger intended- but I do take her character a bit seriously...!

Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
#48Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 7:28pm

I find it funny that so many have said that they wanted to love it but ended up hating it... meanwhile I had ZERO faith in the movie since I first heard about it over a year ago and I am the one that came out loving it in the end.


I think my appreciation for it however comes a lot from the disappointment over all their other attempts to recapture what they had with High School Musical. Camp Rock is boring to me. Lemonade Mouth was okay but just didn't take off. And Teen Beach Movie I was so excited for but man it is BAD. Especially the second one. That ending. Ugh. Descendants is the closest they have come. Personally I think I like it better then High School Musical because if I am gonna have to sit through a musical about high school drama, I’d much rather see it with magic and fairy tales in the mix.


Is it a work of art? No. Are there a lot of plot holes? Yes. But it's clearly an AU setting to all these fairytales to the fact that really go out there with some of them is okay with me. If we are being REALLY honest... the whole this is a flat out copy of the idea from the Ever After High doll line/web series... but it still works. I find it hard to pin point exactly what I liked about it. I guess you have to sort of accept that these are a form of the Disney characters we know and yet it is not them at the same time. After all, most of these villains would be dead long before having kids let along raising them if this was something that was canon.


Oh.... but the lip sinking was really REALLY bad. Nothing will fix that.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#49Will anyone be tuning into Disney's Descendants?
Posted: 8/4/15 at 9:20pm

" Since the Fairy Godmother was too old to have children of her own, she forces Cindy into giving up her firstborn. Cinderella and Charming have boy-girl twins, the girl is born first, and the FG takes her to raise as her own. Cinderella is left with that jerk Chad for a son. Years later, at Prince Ben's coronation, Jane asks her adoptive parent to put her in a dress that Mother would have worn. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jane's coronation outfit in the movie resembles Cindy's ballgown.
Possible sequel plot? [/crazy fan theories]"

I'd be down for that if Fairy Godmother's daughter wasn't the only kid in the cast who actually resembled her parent.  

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire
