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Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads- Page 3

Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#50Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/22/13 at 5:43pm

Doesn't sound too promising based on the lyric clips.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#51Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/22/13 at 6:00pm

In all fairness the tunes were pretty catchy, if slightly generic.

The songs all sounded like anything you would hear at the likes of a Scott Alan cabaret: pleasant JRB-lite melodies with sappy lyrics.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Meyerschultz Profile Photo
#52Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 1:41am

I don't even really pay much attention to "plots" given for Broadway shows. Most sound pretty terrible. I think it's usually more about the worlds and musical palettes created. For example:

How about a show about a songwriter who fixes vacuum cleaners and is going to give up on his music until a Czech girl tells him he shouldn't and helps him raise money to make a demo?

A Broadway show? Please. And what's that title even mean? Sounds terrible and nobody thought that would work. Certainly not on Broadway. ONCE is beloved and won Best Musical (and recouped).

How about a show about a shut-in who plays a record of his favorite bad musical from the 20s and it comes to life on stage before our eyes in his apartment?

Not only does it sound unwatchable, but the title sounds like a joke. THE DROWSY CHAPERONE won Best Musical (and recouped).

Two Mormon missionaries are sent to Africa for their mission to teach the AIDS-plagued indigenous population about Joseph Smith and Jesus.

People (with the exception of some South Park fans) thought it sounded horrible. One of the most critically acclaimed musicals of the last two decades. People said it wouldn't work on Broadway. One of the biggest hits of the last two decades. People said it wouldn't work on tour. Denver sells out in five hours and it's huge everywhere. BOOK OF MORMON... Best Musical, enormous hit.

Virtually every new show is an example of this. Naysayers everywhere. FIRST DATE won't work. BIG FISH won't work. LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE won't work. Sure it's fun and easy to call 'flop'. Most shows don't last and/or recoup. But most Broadway musical successes are unlikely big surprises that nobody saw coming. Look it up. I think it's because you generally can't know what the show really is until you walk into that theatre and experience it. Which is what I'm going to try to do with all of the new shows coming up. Because I like musicals and actually want to see artists succeed and actors and technicians stay employed and producers make their money back so they can finance more shows. Profile Photo
#53Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 3:52am

Sorry, sorry...I just have to say it.

"Once" is a movie people love. Sure, there was a lot of skepticism about whether it would work on Broadway, but it was very well liked as a property before it became a musical.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Drowsy Chaperone" did not, in fact, win Best Musical. Wasn't that the year of "Jersey Boys?"

And as for "Book of Mormon," MONTHS before it opened, press reports from industry readings had people like Stephen Sondheim falling out of their chairs and laughing so hard that they were likely to wet their pants.

Your larger point is true: plenty of good/successful shows seem ridiculous when condensed into a brief plot summary.

Here's where we may disagree, though: "First Date," at least on the page, is weak material. Lots of talented, well-known Broadway names simply passed on it.

BUT the best part of the OOT reviews were the nods to the cast, who apparently managed to make it work anyway. So I'm hoping this might be one of those shows that can fly with creative, charismatic actors--which both of these leads certainly are.

I'm not incredibly optimistic, but I wish them the best!

Meyerschultz Profile Photo
#54Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 4:43am

Good points, Elphaba. My bad on Drowsy. It won Tonys for Book and Score, not Musical.

The number of people who loved the movie of Once and impacted its success I'd guess is miniscule. I'd wager that a large majority of people who have ever seen that musical have never seen the film and didn't go to the show because they knew or loved the source material. It's like claiming that Hairspray was successful as a show because it was a much loved film. People who've seen it may have enjoyed the original film, but most people have never seen the original Hairspray. And as we all know, just because a property is loved or well-liked (e.g. Legally Blonde, Addams Family, Big, Catch Me If You Can) doesn't mean it will succeed commercially, artistically, or critically onstage.

I remember the reports about Mormon, but it didn't stop people from saying it wouldn't find enough of an audience to sustain it. Part of the point I was making has to do with people's general inability to accurately predict the success of any show and what audiences truly want. Not to mention what the actual show will be like onstage.

Thanks for agreeing about my larger point about show descriptions! As for First Date, you clearly know more than I do since you seem to be in the biz, know how the show "reads," and have some info on "well-known people" passing. I alas only know what I Google and see in the theatre.

To your OOT point, I did read some reviews that were mainly shout outs to the Seattle cast, but Variety and Seattle Times specifically praised the material, so not sure I agree with your point on that. Agreed on the Broadway leads.

I love the thoughtful discussion, even if it makes it seem like I have too much time on my hands!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#55Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 8:33am

It is easy to make any show sound bad or silly when one describes the plot in a sentence or two, but these plot descriptions weren't taken from BWW posters or Seattle reviewers. These are the carefully crafted (one would hope) plot descriptions by the PR team of First Date. They should be making the show sound as good as humanly possibly.

The PR team should be making the case for why we should go see this show. What is different about this show from all the other "date" shows we've seen before it? (I mentioned "I Love You Because," but even "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" and the like.) The orchestra is selling for $137. Why is this show worth $137. That's their job.

I do agree that a description of the plot can't replace the experience of actually going to the show, but no one was suggesting that.

For the record Meyerschultz, your description of Drowsy sounds absolutely delightful to me, and although it could have been a bad show, the premise alone is intriguing enough for any lover of Broadway musicals because we've all been the Man in the Chair at some point.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Kad Profile Photo
#56Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 9:19am

Once was based on an Oscar-winning film and then had a praised and successful NYTW run before moving to Broadway.

The Drowsy Chaperone had been kicking around since 1999 and had garnered a lot of attention and praise before finally moving to LA, and then Broadway.

And- granted, this was over two years ago- I cannot recall Book of Mormon starting previews with any sort of trepidation. It had a massive amount of buzz, thanks to its shrewd preview for the press a few weeks before starting performances, which was only amplified once people saw it. Plus, it had pedigree in the form of Parker and Stone (and not to mention Tony-award winning composer Robert Lopez).

Broadway is competitive. Very. Goes without saying, really. And First Date is managing to start off the race already behind. It's coming to Broadway not with waves of buzz, but with shrugs and "why?" It has no recognizable names in its creative team, and its leads don't really garner much excitement. Worse, it will be- as Whizzer already has shown- be compared to other similar (and all Off-Broadway) shows before people even buy tickets.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#57Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 10:00am

Aww man, I was kind of excited for this until I read those lyrics.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#58Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 1:00pm

The Variety review from Seattle called the lyrics 'flat out ingenious.' Pretty strong words! Either that reviewer isn't very picky, or that Awkward Pause video isn't a very good representation of the show.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#59Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 8:23pm

You are doing an outstanding job, Clara. Congrats. I am calling Junkyard Dog Productions tomorrow to tell them to give you a raise.

After Eight
#60Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 8:27pm

"Clara, I second what Belle9 said. Some people in this board absolutely thrive on negativity. Sad. I hope you have a fun time with First Date.

Hate to say it, but pretty much MOST of the people do :/ But yeah, Clara, ignore them. They were like this to me too when I joined. Have fun with FIRST DATE. :) "

Sad, but true. What could be more lamentable than to see these so-called theatre lovers trash a new show with glee before it even opens. And just you wait. They'll be the first to rush to the first preview to shout to the world just how terrible it is. Can you actually expect a fair and reasonable assessment of the show from them now, when they've already proclaimed how rotten it will be?

I truly can't figure out their mindset. One would think that they'd be hoping for each and every show that opens to be a great success. That's certainly my position. One has to wonder why these people even go to the theatre at all. For the joy of tearing shows apart, and for trashing those who like them? Pitiful, truly.

I'm looking forward to First Date, and hope it will be a great evening in the theatre.

Updated On: 5/23/13 at 08:27 PM

boggess Profile Photo
#61Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/23/13 at 8:41pm

If the Awkward Pause video isn't a good representation of the show I can't imagine why the team would have it put on YouTube.

After Eight
#62Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/24/13 at 6:27am

"Does it really take a theatrical expert to think that a new musical, by entirely unknown authors, which had an unheralded production out of town that most people were unaware of, with low-buzz star, and opening in the summertime is facing an uphill battle?"

The Fantasticks was an unheralded new musical by then-unknown authors that opened with no buzz at a tiny off-Broadway theatre in the month of May, when openings were sparse. It managed to do all right for itself.

So did other shows with no advance and no buzz, like Little Mary Sunshine, Bye, Bye, Birdie, The Magic Show, Never Too Late, Any Wednesday, I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change, Perfect Crime....

So let's not write off shows before they've even opened.

And, for a truly novel notion here, how about --- dare I even suggest it? --- wishing them well?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#63Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/24/13 at 8:21am

No one is "gleefully" trashing a show, as is erroneously stated above. If the characters in First Date are allowed to sing about their first impressions of each other, why shouldn't we be allowed to give our first impressions of the show? (We are gathering our first impressions from press and video released by the producers too.)

It's almost impossible to walk into a show with a blank slate. Inevitablely one has heard some buzz, is familiar with an actor/director/creative member of the production or otherwise. Can a show surprise you and alter your first impressions? Of course.

I was thrilled to be seeing The Addams Family, even with some troubled word of mouth coming out of Chicago. Nathan and Bebe seemed a perfect fit on paper and I couldn't have had higher hopes. On the flip side I was dreading Passing Strange. Two of my best friends HATED it, but with trepidation I went and it remains one of my favorite Broadway shows (one that I saw 7 times). Is my mind made up about First Date? Absolutely not. After listening to three songs and gleaning what I can about the show do I have some misgivings? Sure, but I'll go and see the production myself before making any final judgements as I know I've been surprised my times in the past.

Many of the examples listed above of shows that succeeded without buzz are not great examples, because none of them opened on Broadway in our current economic climate.

The Fantasticks barely survived its first weeks (Rita Gardner has stated that there were performances with 10 people in the audience!) A producer believed in them and let the show run, but it was also playing downtown at The Sullivan Street Theatre. If it had opened on Broadway and played to 10 people it would have closed opening weekend.

Likewise Little Mary Sunshine, I Love You, You're Perfect..., and Perfect Crime all opened off-Broadway.

Never Too Late was directed by George Abbott, and had names like Maureen O'Sullivan in the cast. The Magic Show was coming on the heels of Schwartz' huge success with Pippin, and Doug Henning was something of a name. Sandy Dennis had won a Tony the season before Any Wednesday.

Maybe a better example of a show that succeeded despite any buzz would be Memphis, but for every Memphis there are 10 Chaplin, Scandalous, Hands On a Hardbody-types waiting in the wings.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 5/24/13 at 08:21 AM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#64Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/24/13 at 10:01am

You're totally right, After Eight. I should wait until after something has started before completely trashing it like you do. Most people here wonder why it is that you go to the theatre since you have such vitriol for pretty much everything.

Like I've said previous, I'm not gleefully trashing a show. I'm making an educated guess based on the information I'm given. If FIRST DATE starts and becomes a huge success then that's great but it has a minuscule chance of that especially with the increased competition this season. I'm not saying that everything running right now is remarkable but they all seem to be doing quite well at the box office. I hardly doubt that such a bland offering without mega star help will find it's market. And again as has been said previously, this seems more like Off-Broadway mindless fodder like most of the shows that you yourself listed.

Everyone needs to take a moment and actually read what is being said before thinking that we're all townspeople with pitchforks running after a horrific monster.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

After Eight
#65Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/25/13 at 12:14am

Funny how people who have no knowledge, first-hand or otherwise, of a time and its cultural output and mindset contradict those who do. Effrontery, stupidity, arrogance--- call it what you will-- it's pitiful. One of these know-nothing know-it-alls looks up the titles of plays he has not seen and knows nothing about on IBDB, finds some credits, then trumpets erroneous conclusions derived therefrom as if he's the world's preeminent authority on the subject. Laughable? Of course. Asinine? No question. But there you have it.

The great philosopher Montaigne, who knew a great deal indeed, uttered the famous phrase "Que sais-je?" (What do I know?). On the other hand, a nincompoop who spouts rubbish fancies himself omniscient, a Mr. "Que ne sais-je pas?"

Too bad the IBDB doesn't tell us what shows were sleeper hits. Luckily, there are people who lived through the era who can provide said information, as in all the shows listed above.

I would also love dearly to learn from the omniscient one about the texts, acting and design of plays like Any Wednesday and Never Too Late. After all, what do I know? I only saw them.

Updated On: 5/25/13 at 12:14 AM

#66Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/25/13 at 1:19am

I thought I remembered Megan Hilty having something to do with this- here she is singing First Impressions-

If it is even still in the show, I cannot see Krysta pulling that off at all. Everything about this looks like a fail waiting to happen. I like Krysta but I can't see her as leading lady material. She's more featured IMO.

Kad Profile Photo
#67Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/25/13 at 8:43am

Wow, After Eight is always able to take his condescending, sneering, smug superiority to another level, every time. For that he does deserve credit.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#68Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/25/13 at 9:00am

The PR team puts info "out there" to BE judged. Certainly, they are hoping that more folks will be interested/excited than turned off.

I don't see how one's first opinion is any more/less valid depending on whether they see the potential of the show to be good or bad. If we only let those with positive thoughts post, won't EVERYTHING seem amazing?

What you that chastize don't realize is that MANY of the folks here WILL go see it and with an open mind. They will also come back here and boldly tell us if their first impressions were wrong (if they were). I know I've been pleasantly suprised by many a show I wasn't looking forward to: Tommy and Titanic spring to mind.

Edited as my keyboard is being quite irrational today.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 5/25/13 at 09:00 AM

#69Zachary Levi + Krysta Rodriguez = FIRST DATE leads
Posted: 5/25/13 at 7:00pm

Thanks Matt! Please give them a call and see if you can arrange an internship for me since they'll have absolutely no idea who I am. Really. If you know them, give them a call, please. I'd love to be working on Broadway this summer.
