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feeling uncomfortable as an audience member- Page 2

feeling uncomfortable as an audience member

#25re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 7:23pm

When I saw Chicago, I was in the third row. And for those who are unfamiliar with the show, the cast, instead of going backstage, sits on the stage in chairs off to the side. Anyway, This one guy was STARING at me. It was sort of strange. But he was one of the poster boys for Broadway Bares this it's all good. Just a little uncomfortable.

"Mrrraaaawwww!" ♥

liotte Profile Photo
#26re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 7:25pm

I LOVE sitting in the front row and making eye contact with cast members, especially if I know them. I just love being able to see facial expressions and all the little details from up close.

Creative Lunatic
#27re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:04pm

I am very conscious that since the actors can't see past the first few rows, the sense they get of audience reaction may rest with those of us close to stage. I have this heightened awareness of need to be attentive and engaged. I have actually seen actors after the show hugging people in the first few rows---and saying, "Thank God for you. What a great audience you were."

Barnaby12345 Profile Photo
#28re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:11pm

I saw "Altar Boyz" the other night and one of the cast members was making intense eye contact with me and we had a staring war it was hilarious, but uncomfortable! When they tend to stare, I try to stare back!

OddExoticCreature Profile Photo
#29re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:23pm

I was thinking about this more after reading creative_lunatic's reply...

I realize I'm NOT uncomfortable when I make eye contact with someone when they're singing, only when they're just standing there on stage. Even if they're doing a monologue or acting a scene and eye contact is made it's not bad. When I'm singing (I notice this most in a concert setting) I LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at people's reactions in the audience. That's the best feeling in the world, to see someone smiling and really impressed by voice and/or interpretation of a song. So when I'm the audience member and someone is singing and we make eye contact, I smile and let them know they're awesome. It's just the whole randomly standing on stage staring thing that weirds me out.

Oh and I always feel bad if I start laughing if I'm in the front row, even if it's a comedy scene and I'm SUPPOSED to laugh. I was trying so hard not to laugh during "India, India" I probably was making some ridiculous faces biting my lip and such, and Mandy could hardly contain herself to not start laughing at some points. I hate distracting people lol. So I don't think I could ever see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels from the first row...oh my God no way. I would be peeing my pants on the floor during Ruprecht for sure.

--Like an odd exotic creature on display inside a zoo, hearing children asking questions makes me ask some questions too...--

#30re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:32pm

I won lotto back in August for DRS and sat front row center. I remember being a little bit weirded out when Norbert looked at me. I kind of screamed inside. It's so weird because "THERE HE IS!". And I was laughing so hard throught the entire thing. It looked like I was having a seizure actually. haha.
But, yes, I enjoy making eye contact.

#31re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:34pm

I make eye contact as well, my problem is when you're sitting there watching and you feel someone watching you. That's kinda scary. lol

"Mrrraaaawwww!" ♥

Creative Lunatic
#32re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 8:38pm

The actors in my experience---love when you laugh when they are doing something comedic. Otherwise it can throw them off if they get no reaction. They really feed on it.
I also have discovered that as much as they love support, if they have a prior relationship with you-it can be distracting to have you up front. Too much of your off-stage relationship spills over into the actor/audience dynamic.
My worst experience of being up front was having travelled for hours to see a late performance. I was exhausted and incubating the flu. I ended up not being able to keep my eyes opened.
I think my comatose state must have been very disheartening for the actors and I wish I would have had seats in a less conspicuous place.

jv92 Profile Photo
#33re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 9:22pm

Actually, if you like a show and you sit near the stage and you make eye contact with an actor, it gives the actor great joy. Audience enjoyment keeps actors going, or at least it keeps me going. I don't mind sitting close to the stage.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#34re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:33pm

I got front row seats to DRS, it was a little scary because I narrowly escaped being spat on by John Lithgow. As far as interaction, Norbert definitely looked right at me and gave me a smile while saying "I mean, cmon, she gave me tongue." All I could do was smile and laugh. I don't think it's uncomfortable in that sort of setting, but definitely while giving a dramatic speech or song it can be a little awkward.

#35re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:39pm

You want uncomfortable? Try sitting in the front row at Take Me Out. re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member

BroadwayRandy0711 Profile Photo
#36re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:41pm

I have to totally agree with you. When we saw Wicked, we were third row center and some of the ensemble cast would look at you and stare. I am not sure if they thought that we were cute, or if they just wanted an immediate reaction. It kind of freak us out. However it proved to be a great show sitting that close.
Also for Avenue Q, we sat third row and the cast really got you into it, and then after the show was over with we got a chance to meet the entire show still an awesome experience.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#37re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:45pm

Not really my story, but the people sitting next to me when I saw Altar Boyz. I was on the front row, and during last song on of them came down and put his hands out for a high five. It wasn't to me and my friend, but the tree middle aged people next to us. They gave him the biggest WTF look ever, and so the actor (I can't remember witch one it was) looked at us, and me and friend all burst out laughing.

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#38re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:47pm

I get uncomfortable during curtain calls sometimes. I saw the tour of Music Man in San Diego and everyone was clapping in unison and it just felt..uncomfortable.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

OddExoticCreature Profile Photo
#39re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:50pm

oh BURN! ahahahaahaha...damn I'd be uncomfortable but I'd rather be uncomfortable than make the actor uncomfortable!

You know what else is uncomfortable? Being a mime and having to interact with people. You get a lot of "WTF?!" looks, and children throw things at you. Highly disturbing, I don't suggest it. Well no...some places it was fun because people were into it, but those few bad experiences make me wary of the general public haahaha.

--Like an odd exotic creature on display inside a zoo, hearing children asking questions makes me ask some questions too...--

ShuQ Profile Photo
#40re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:50pm

AHH! The most recent Music Man tour was the biggest mess I have ever seen on a national tour stage.

#41re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:53pm

When I saw Chitty, we sat front row. During "Teamwork", it was incredibly uncomfortable for me. I hate kids, and they were literally singing to me. The dogs also made me uncomfortable, because I definately wasn't expecting that.

#42re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:54pm

aaron lohr can really stare down the front row audience in swiws...

i always find myself cracking up when a cast member is singing liek serious stuff right in my face..i cant help it. it happened in jekyll and hyde, a chorus member was singing right to me during fascade and i just lost it. Updated On: 11/29/05 at 11:54 PM

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#43re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:56pm

I'm not sure if I saw the most recent was a couple of years ago.

I get uncomfortable in situations like that. Not sure why though.

I was in a production of Bye Bye Birdie in San Diego, during one song the entire cast had to go in the audience, which was set up in a cabaret/dinner theatre type setting with tables and dance around, and then faint because of Conrad Birdie, and then exit in a blackout. It was a disaster. People getting purse straps wrapped around their ankles, fainting in 90 year old women's laps, knocking over drinks. Ridiculous.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

children&art Profile Photo
#44re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/29/05 at 11:58pm

the most uncomfortable i felt was when i went to see donna murphy in "wonderful town" and sitting right next to me were audra macdonald and her husband. i was weirded out because it was AUDRA, but also because i just finished listening to the "wonderful town" symphony cast with audra as eileen. anyways.

Don't f*ck with me fellas. This ain't my first time at the rodeo.

Anakela Profile Photo
#45re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/30/05 at 12:22am

Not so much "uncomfortable," but the first time I saw Q, and didn't know about The Money Song, I had NO cash on me, and so Gary Coleman stuck his (her?) tongue out at me. So now when I go to Q I make sure that I always have a dollar in my pocket, 'cause I don't like having Gary Coleman stick his tongue out at me. :)

#46re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/30/05 at 12:26am

Now you've got me scared!!!! I have a front row seat for Altar Boyz in a couple of weeks! Am I going to get spit on? At least I know what a high five is.

What does it mean when you crack the performer up?? That's happened to me before and when there is eye contact I freeze and am afraid to look away feeling the actor will take it personally.

If I made eye contact with Michael Ball in Woman in White I'd be on the floor! LOL Just kidding!! I'd remain in my seat!

OddExoticCreature Profile Photo
#47re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/30/05 at 12:58am

what do you mean Rebekah? Are you asking why that actor started laughing when you made eye contact? 'Cause...I think you'd have to ask him/her that to get the answer lol.

That's hilarious you're afraid to look could just smile and then look away, so no hard feelings are implied? Okay I just started laughing so hard because I was thinking about that...and I've probably inadvertantly done the exact opposite and made a really pissy face and looked away...I do that when I'm nervous and I totally don't even realize it. When people meet me, or just random people on the street have to interact with me I feel bad for them because I'm the most aloof, reserved, not-so-nice looking person. I sware I don't mean it! Defense mechanism I suppose. ANYWAY...try smiling, that's always a good thing!

--Like an odd exotic creature on display inside a zoo, hearing children asking questions makes me ask some questions too...--
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 12:58 AM

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#48re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/30/05 at 12:59am

Haven't seen Q..can someone explain the money song?

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

Celestial Entropy Profile Photo
Celestial Entropy
#49re: feeling uncomfortable as an audience member
Posted: 11/30/05 at 3:49am

I am laughing myself to near tears with some of these postings... :)
Ok, mine aren't very funny, but still the situations made me uncomfy:
1. I was sitting in the 2nd row at Rent with my daughter when she decided that singing along would be perfectly fine... loud and very off-key. I was ready to crawl under my seat... I was sure those on stage could hear her. (I didn't have the heart to tell her to shutup... she's my daughter... *laffs*)
2. When one of the Blue Men popped up to the mezzanine level and stared at me, I yelped loudly. Like it wasn't bad enough that the theatre looked like a serial killer's den, leaving me with a spooky feeling... but then one of the serial killing looking blue dudes just HAD to sneak up on me. LoL
3. While at Whoopi's anniversary show last year I sat by a big-name fashion designer... he had a loud donkey sounding laugh that drew attention. At first when he introduced himself, I thought it was cool... then after he started laughing his loud donkey laugh all I could think was "oh... my... gawd... please make him STOP... PLEASE don't let someone think I am with this person!" LoL
4. Finally... this one was irritating: while seeing Broadway SVU the jerk beside me kept shushing everyone around him when they laughed. It made things uncomfy because I was so araid if I laughed again, he would loudly shush me again.

I've come this far with the truth of the heart. Deep down inside I think we're all the same. Try not to judge and never shame... I do believe people are good... they just want hope and respect... to be understood ~Melissa Etheridge
Updated On: 11/30/05 at 03:49 AM
