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speak ill of the wicked

#25re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 1:28pm

Except for the part where Marc Kudisch felt up every male cast member.

Anyone else think the closet's getting rather full? Updated On: 6/14/04 at 01:28 PM

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#26re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 1:32pm

now now, minions of the "wicked is makes moose murders look like shakespeare" thread, we must limit our attacks to the show itself. even though those who find their lives defined by women in greenface will attack the messengers rather than the message, we here will stay doggedly on topic and attack just what we find so horrid about "the sin at the gershwin." just happily ignore the bouncing monkeys my lizardoids (oops sorry, wrong url). we'll not let their negativity towards our cause spoil the fun.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective
Updated On: 6/16/04 at 01:32 PM

StateOfJade Profile Photo
#27re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 1:43pm

Wicked's ensemble is the equivalent of jamming a fork in my ear or banging my head against a glass wall. That and it's horribly put together.

"I really liked the show--Wish I saw Boy's Night...Am I allowed as I am not a boy anymore:)"-duffyny1

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#28re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 1:45pm

Would my favorite saying, "My ears are bleeding!!!!!" be an appropriate gauge of their talent?

(Note: I have not actually heard the Wicked ensemble other than on the cast recording, therefore I cannot judge their onstage performance. I merely wanted to say "My ears are bleeding!!!!" in a post.)

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 6/14/04 at 01:45 PM

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#29re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 1:47pm

there we go state! that's the spirit! now keep 'em coming folks. ahhh, son you're in the zone! remember only posts like that can save the puppy that green goblin has threatened to drown unless he sees a thread full of posts that disparage tsatg.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective
Updated On: 6/14/04 at 01:47 PM

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#30re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 2:04pm

if anyone could only convince the other half of the board to put all of the wicked praise into one thread, THEN we would really have something!

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#31re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 2:32pm

ny, we shall lead by example here. eventually they'll realize that by clogging up the entire board with mindless posts it actually means that less people see their posts as most folks avoid puerile threads and focus on the meat of the board (that's called a double entendre for our less literate folks...look it up). but fear not, ny we shall overcome!

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#32re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 2:35pm

it only really started to bother me after the tony awards...

ah well. im tempted to start a "big fat wicked thread", but i doubt they'd do anything but post (on other threads) about how rude that is.

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#33re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 2:47pm

nys, that's why we're here, to allow those who share our despisement of the show and the hoopla that surrounds it to vent our spleens in the hopes of a better tomorrow. but let's keep focussd on the show. if we ignore the minions of glinda we shall marginalize them and eventually take back the board.

on topic: couldn't they have at least had one monkey that flew instead of bounced? i mean please, it just loses something, "bounce, my bouncing monkeys."

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#34re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 3:00pm

ohmygodOhMyGodOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!!!THE SHEET MUSIC IS IN!!!Now thousands of hopefull and sometimes even working actresses will start singing this dreadfull crap at every frigging drop of the (pointed)hat! YIKES, CRIKEY AND HARUMPH! I cannot imagine being a casting person and having to listen to For Good, Popular, and Defying Gravity hundreds of times in a day!

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#35re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 3:06pm

look at the bright side, though, redhot, the mass usage of these songs will simplify the casting director's job markedly.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#36re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 3:46pm

with threads dropping like flies, let's please all take a moment to shamelessly flatter our wise, witty and handsome board gods rob and craig. we are not worthy.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

ItSucks2BAveQ Profile Photo
#37re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 3:57pm

just because you are jelous that Wicked is more sucessful than Avenue Q does not give you the right to bad mouth it. This is a great show and if you were to just give it a chance maybe you could see that. But oh yeah, you probably wont get tickets to it to prove your point because it is sold out un like your crappy puppet fest!

Blonde Profile Photo
#38re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:01pm

good god just let them have this one thread where they can say what they want! If they don't like it i respect their opinion and it's a great idea to keep it all under one post

shalom kitty

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#39re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:01pm

having seen wicked already twice (i didn't get enough pain the first time through), and having given it more than the benefit of the doubt, i can say that the show was abysmal. now i do have some kind words for the set which rocked. those words are: it rocked. the show on the other hand, did not, which is what this thread is all about.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

ckeaton Profile Photo
#40re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:02pm


I can only laugh at that post.


It sums up everything that this thread is a parody of.


Thanks for the exhibit ItSucks2BAveQ.

Hamlet's father.
Updated On: 6/14/04 at 04:02 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#41re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:03pm

Stop hating on Wicked!! No one is bothering Avenue Q fans! (gag!)

#42re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:03pm

Darling, when it comes to me and Mr. mambo, nothing we do can be kept under one post.

And Eugene Lee never fails to make me wet.

#43re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:06pm

Wicked is not perfect, but it is not a bad show. The obsessed Wicked fans are the ones making Wicked lose the amount of fans it had.

CCM '10!

#44re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:07pm

I thought its lack of substance and reliance on spectacle was making it lose the amount of fans it had.

broadwaybondchik Profile Photo
#45re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:07pm

Actually I tried to get tickets to Q and they were sold out also....bite your tongue!

Me tarzan nah nah nah nah....

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#46re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:07pm

although, vish, ya gotta admit that acceptance speech was a bit much. i mean, mentioning another show while not mentioning your fellow collaborators? tsk, tsk. but hey, that's eugene.

on topic: wicked is an abhorrent abomination of all that is good about broadway and must be destroyed at all costs using whatever means necessary. release the krakon.

r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel. warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

ckeaton Profile Photo
#47re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:08pm

How has being opposed to all of this 'Wicked' hyperventilating automagically make you a psychofan of 'Avenue Q'?

I'm a fan of both shows, for the record. (For totally opposite reasons... Wicked for the design, and Q for the writing)


"But oh yeah, you probably wont get tickets to it to prove your point because it is sold out un like your crappy puppet fest! "

G-DAMN this is starting to frustrate me.

I'm changing my screen name to RePEtitIoNRuLz

Hamlet's father.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#48re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:09pm

Bwaytheater...Wicked is not perfect, but it is not a bad show. The obsessed Wicked fans are the ones making Wicked lose the amount of fans it had.
How does that make sense!!?? I bet you can count on one hand how many people saw Ave. Q last nite.

#49re: speak ill of the wicked
Posted: 6/14/04 at 4:10pm


Oh, how I yearn for the day when people stop spelling like a Prince album.
