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this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!- Page 41

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

#1000this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/2/08 at 11:20pm

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

That I be the one to make the 1000th post!!!!!!!


"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#1001this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/2/08 at 11:25pm

Awww hooray! I'm here to report this thread is SUPER DUPER FLY

25th Annual Speller Profile Photo
25th Annual Speller
#1002this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/2/08 at 11:45pm

I wore my [t-shirt] today and everyone loved it. Very many people wanted me to explain it to them. I decided to tell them to look up title of show and have them figure it out on their own.
also some-one asked me what show it was from, I said [title of show] and they said yes, the title of the show. I said that is the title.


"I've had a lot of failed relationships, I don't get involved because I'm not equipped. I believe that the world should revolve around me"

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#1004this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/3/08 at 10:57am

Hey tossers! Back online after being in SF, CA for my best friend's big gay wedding! Robbie, I love your idea and would love to be 'a part of it all'!

The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]

#1005this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/3/08 at 6:38pm

Robbie, what a wonderful idea! I'm going to start working on mine. =]

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#1006this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/4/08 at 2:31pm

YAY!! I'm so happy everyone wants to be involved!
I'm going to the [tos]back tonight... anyone else?

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


TulitaPepsi Profile Photo
#1008this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/4/08 at 5:01pm

Of course I'm there tonight Robbie! Look for pizzaboy.

And Kennith and John, the hot [supertosser] Daddybears will be there too!

"Hurry up and get into your conga clothes - we've got to do something to save this show!"
Updated On: 9/4/08 at 05:01 PM

#1009this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/4/08 at 5:17pm

Stopping by this thread to show my love for [tos]... I love that it already has somewhat of a cult following, I just wish the masses would catch on!

And to Heidi- damn that girl can sing!

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#1011this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/5/08 at 1:37am

I was wondering that myself. I saw the show tonight but I couldn't stay for the talk back because I had to run errands. It was bad planning on my part - I didn't get it done before arriving at the theatre.

I enjoyed this the second time around. It actually is a very good show.

biggest CHENO fan Profile Photo
biggest CHENO fan
#1012this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/5/08 at 8:41am

Recently saw the show and fell IN LOVE WITH IT!!! I have never laughed so hard in my life. I also waited at the stage door and, WOW. The cast was incredibly sweet. Hunter is the most precious gem...EVER. I can't wait to see it again!!!!

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#1013this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/5/08 at 1:52pm

First of all... the show was SO great last night!
I had tickets for the right orchestra and I brought one of my friends that was a [tos]virgin...
We got there early and were just in time for lotto so we thought "What the heck?" and put our names in.
As they pulled out the papers, my friend's name was called and I wasn't paying attention... Hilarious!
So we sold our tickets to these 2 sweet girls who didn't win and got our tickets.


I was right there when they all did their pose at the end of "Die Vampire, Die" and Susan gave me the funniest look.

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

Jeff told me that he was trying to catch my eye during "Part of it All" but I was looking somewhere else? lol But then he got my attention during "9 People's".

I can now say that I have officially sat in the very LAST row and the very FIRST row of the Lyceum... quite a difference.

Anyhoo, so after the show about 100 or so people stayed for the [tos]back... It was quite shocking for the cast when they came out.

Various questions were asked including what differences were made between THIS version and the version submitted to the Festival back in the day... (axed by TulitaPepsi)
They said that basically only 30-40% of the festival script is left in the BWay version... weird huh?

Someone also wanted to know about the comic timing and how long do they wait for a joke to get a laugh... They said it's all a big formula... the PSM knows how long to wait and they've rehearsed over and over again. Even Larry has to be (pardon the pun) in tune with the momentum of the show.

The funniest part of the night was when someone said that he worked at and KNOWS the person that gave that horrible review years ago but that all the people that work there LOVE [tos]. The cast laughed and said they have a much better relationship with now...

The highlight of the night for me was when a woman asked how it felt to be a cult now...
Everyone looked at each other quizzically but understood what she meant. The fancy lady said that she knows people that have seen the show 5 or 6 times to which Jeff pointed at me and me and said "11?" and I responded "12."

Yeah... I'm crazy...

Heidi said that since she plays herself, people come up to her all the time and say, "Hi Heidi!" leaving her a little worried she forgot someone's name. It was funny but the person was just a fan and wanted to tell her how much he loved her.
Jeff said that it's still amazes all of them that people are inspired by the show because the fans inspire them right back.

Ouroboros... mofos... ouroboros...

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!

They truly and wholeheartedly appreciate their fans and so very humble to be on that stage every night doing what they love and were MEANT to do.

Well that's pretty much what I remember... if anyone wants to fill the gaps, please do so! lol

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09

Updated On: 9/5/08 at 01:52 PM

TulitaPepsi Profile Photo
#1014this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/5/08 at 2:56pm

Great summing-up, Robbie!

Here are a few more tidbits:

There were several cut songs, the only one I remember is "Chopped Beef in a Cup" from a section called Retarded Girl: The Musical. The 'flying' segment had the gang flying over the 92nd Street Y.

Another actress (named "Stacia", I forgot her last name) had Heidi's role at one very early point, with the role was tailored to her personality. She had a song that was cut when Heidi took over.

Someone asked if the script added for any imporov, and Larry responded that whenever that was done, the on-stage energy of the show deflated - the opposite of what one might think.

Susan mentioned she still has her 9 to 5 day job and comes to the theater after.

Heidi said she wasn't sure there would be a Broadway cast album (there is only a bit of re-working in the songs, most notably in "Original Musical"). But she wanted to have an album of [tos]dance re-mixes.

Jeff and Heidi talked about his on-stage fall of a few weeks ago and that he had only just gotten a small cast removed from his ankle.

When someone asked if the on-stage characters were what everybody was like off-stage, Hunter said "I'm really straight", and hugged Susan who was seated next to him. She had a real "WTF" expression at that! "Aww, no, I'm not!" giggled Hunter and noted that he was single: "Maybe I'll find a cute boy in the talkback audience!"

"Hurry up and get into your conga clothes - we've got to do something to save this show!"
Updated On: 9/5/08 at 02:56 PM

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#1015this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/5/08 at 4:40pm

I so wish I could have been there last night...But I want to share something with you guys here. I am on staff at NYU and the kids came back this week. Our daily school newspaper, the Washington Square News, has a Friday theatre wrap up and today, in the first one of the semester, they featured mini-reviews ("'Hair Grows Free While 'Rent' Turns Self In: Bolted town after exams last May? Don't worry, WSN got the scoop on the best theater from the summer). They feature, [tos], Hamlet, Hair, and Rent, with [tos] critiqued first, by student Katie Polin, as follows:

'One of the best Broadway musicals this summer was "[title of show]." Not a print error, the new musical is actually called "[title of show]"--a whimsical decision by actors/creators Jeff Bowen and Hunter Bell just before entering the piece into the New York Music Theatre Festival. Uncovering the realities and struggles inevitable when pioneering a musical for the Great White Way, "[title of show's]" staged simplicity is life imitating art imitating life. Bowen, Bell and actresses Heidi Blickenstaff and Susan Blackwell leave audience members awestruck by this inspirational and relatable story.'


The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]

#1016this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/6/08 at 9:11am

Hey guys!

I'm thinking of seeing the show again after the Flea Market on the 21st, does the cast come out of the stagedoor between shows? I know they have a 7:30 show on Sundays.

You're that little girl with her wings unfurled, flying again. Back in your backyard dancing...I found a way back to then. - [title of show]
Updated On: 9/6/08 at 09:11 AM

[tos]tralia2 Profile Photo
#1017this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/6/08 at 9:47am

Hey folks so the latest ep of my show is up!

I wonder if anyone else has the kind of troubles we have trying to get to Broadway- coz I tell you what we've had some wacky ones, and this one probably tops them all so far!

Enjoy everyone!
It's a mash up of ideas- I think you'll be able to tell we're a lot of the inspiration has come from!

We're now under 100 days until NY! 98 to be exact.

We're very excited.

And once again there are a whole lot of events in NY that I wish I could take part in- the talk back, the flea market...

It's NOT FAIR!!!!


25th Annual Speller Profile Photo
25th Annual Speller
#1019this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/6/08 at 7:20pm

I miss New York.

and [tos]

"I've had a lot of failed relationships, I don't get involved because I'm not equipped. I believe that the world should revolve around me"

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#1020this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/7/08 at 8:07am

Another actress (named "Stacia", I forgot her last name) had Heidi's role at one very early point, with the role was tailored to her personality. She had a song that was cut when Heidi took over.

Stacia Fernandez? Interesting. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#1021this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/7/08 at 9:24pm

Are you gonna eat that pickle...?

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#1022this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/7/08 at 9:30pm

"I totally stopped listening!"

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


Kad Profile Photo
#1023this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/8/08 at 12:14am

Third time seeing it tonight... great audience response!

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#1024this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/8/08 at 7:43am

I finally got the cast album last week and have been playing it non-stop ever, I miss the show so much.

On a side note, watching the morning news today before work and who shows up in a Nationwide Insurance commercial but Heidi! Game show theme, lots of yelling and screaming, especially from me. My partner was not especially amused. He'd gotten his fill of the CD the day before.

#1025this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/8/08 at 7:50pm

Ditto on missing New York and [tos].
I just added a crapload of [tos] flair to my facebook profile.
Oh yeah.

My friend got featured on the blog for her "tony bot" and she flipped out! I was so happy for her!

Kad Profile Photo
#1026this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/9/08 at 1:09pm

Here's an interesting article written by Susan about why she keeps appearing in her play, "Corporate Whore".
Why I Keep My Day Job

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#1028this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
Posted: 9/9/08 at 6:08pm

That was an INCREDIBLE piece by Susan!

I am so inspired by her.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
