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wicked tour in philly

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#75re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:24pm

Saw it last night, it was AMAZING. Loved Kendra and Julia was probably the best Elphaba I've ever seen (Idina, Shoshana, and Brandi Massey). The whole show flowed really well, and the audience was enthusiastic. Sometimes...too enthusiastic. A man sitting in front of me was taking pictures on his camera phone for the whole show, and finally an elderly man next to him says something. DURING the show, he throws insults at the man using the f word, and says we'll talk outside. Well after the show, he used more insults and physically threatened him to the point where ushers had to be brought in. It was CRAZY.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#76re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 12:32pm

softershade, it's ok to be biased. I saw the show for the first time last May (on Broadway) and it literally put me to sleep. The tour is a different story and I enjoyed it both times I have seen it, thanks to the excellent cast.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#77re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 5:41pm

It's so difficult to keep reading all the great Julia reviews. I caught the show in Cincy at a Sunday matinee, but Maria Eberline went on for Julia that day. Cleveland is about six hours from where I live, but I may try to get tix in the hopes that I'll finally see Julia in the role.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#78re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 5:57pm

I'd like to see Maria as Elphaba, how was she?

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#79re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 6:22pm

I actually think Maria is very good. I've seen her in the role twice. She is especially good as the younger Elphaba.

Alli579 Profile Photo
#80re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:30pm

Saw it last night as well, and loved it! I've seen the show several times, but there's nothing like Julia Murney to make it all seem brand new! I've been a fan of hers for a few years now, so I've been looking forward to this! Her acting was unbelievable, and her "No Good Deed" was the best I've ever heard. To whomever mentioned her facial expression right before her final notes in "Defying Gravity", I looked for it, and yes it was awesome! Talk about wicked!

I wasn't impressed with Kendra at all. While I didn't hate her in the role, I just didn't feel that she was right for it at all. Yes, she was funny, and everyone in my family loved her. However, I just feel like she works way too hard for the laughs. Kristin Chenoweth was hysterical in the role, and she didn't have to jump around constantly and breath heavily to be that way. She had a good balance of over-the-top goofiness, and simply delivering the material for laughs. Kendra just got to the point that my family was laughing at lines that weren't meant to be funny. She also spoke instead of singing for much of the score.

The rest of the cast was pretty impressive. Finally, a Fiyero who sings the original harmonies Norbert sang! Sebastian Arcelus was just wonderful in this role! PJ Benjamin did a great job as the Wizard, as did Alma Cuervo as Madam Morrible. Jennifer Waldman was very powerful as Nessa. I'd love to see her in a bigger role in the future. The only supporting character I wasn't impressed with was Logan Lipton as Boq. Overall, this cast is pretty great!

I got to meet Julia after the show, and she was extremely kind and open. Unfortunately I had to run right after that because my ride was leaving, but Sebastian was right behind her! Oh well!

The tour is pretty great! Go see Julia!!!

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#81re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 7:42pm

Julia is REALLY nice at the stage door. It seems like she's actually interested in talking to you, instead of quickly signing your playbill and leaving. Sebastian was really nice too.

mikem Profile Photo
#82re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 10:43pm

Is the stage door crowded? Can you actually talk to the actors, or is it a mob scene? And how long does it take Julia to come out -- I'd imagine washing off the green takes a while.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

darkmist115 Profile Photo
#83re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/30/06 at 10:52pm

the stage door isn't too crowded; it depends on the day, I think. Definitely not as much as NY. You can definitely breathe.

You can also talk to the actors, yeah. Some of them didn't stop for autographs, which is perfectly understandable, but no one asked them to (ie Alma, PJ). If someone had, I'm sure they'd do it.
Sebastian was great; I didn't talk to him too much, but if I'd wanted to talk to him for a bit, he'd have stuck around. Julia took about 20 or 25 ish minutes to come out. I talked with her (and a group of people) for a good 15 minutes or more. She was fantastic, and so amazingly down-to-earth. She had to run in, or she would have stayed longer; she had to sign BSEFA posters.

Have fun!

gustof777 Profile Photo
#84re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 1:53pm

Wow I Just got back from spring break...I was in Philly looking at my future school (UArts) and my first night there...i knew that I would try every night to do the lottery but i live in Wisconsin so not that much big theater...all adding up to my first lotto experience...there were quite a few people 120-155...and so I thought that I had a snowballs chance in hell.

I was the first name picked!!!

I was soo excited that I almost not a huge WICKED freak and definitley was not looking forward to sitting through kendra's performance again but I LOVE Julia Murney and would go hear that woman read my math homework.
... I could not believe how amazing she is, in the role...i pity broadway because this is one of the greatest elphaba's broadway will ever see. Julia rocked the house from the second she made her entrance, cue for me to go into hysterics. Her Elphaba more than any I have seen (3) was the most believable...she brought such a humanity to the role that in a show that i wasn't too impressed with and looked at as more just entertainment than theater...she really just touched me. Her WAI was just a force to be reckoned with and you could really get a sense of what an outsider she was. INTG had me and many others around me in tears. She keeps it very subtle but yet just at that last moment lets vulnerability show. It probably was because I was so close but to watch her eyes. Not to mention she is stunning in green. Holy crap she looks gorgeous on stage. Her DG was definitley a high point and you could just see the heart break and the determination in her face. I loved how she played the character almost bitchy, but with this sarcastic independence (I don't give a sh*t what you think about me) esque. She puts in lots of little changes that are quirky and if you are familiar with the show they make for great treats. oh yeah and i felt soo bad because during her Defying Gravity the big ass black cape thing was only on one side and the other side didn't stay down...i felt so bad. But like the pro she is she just kept on going nad my mom didn't even notice. Her act two was even more amazing and I don't think that I will ever forget that woman's NGD. I seriously just wanted to stand and you could tell the crowd did too. There was soo much desperation in her voice and yet she really just wailed that pain and anger out of her and it was scary....she just was perfect...theres no other way to put it. oh and in case no one mentioned it...her "i feel wicked" part after ALAYM was F*cking HOT!!! She is just oozing sex appeal and definitley cover the kiddies eyes then cuz that song was HOT! She is also is an ANGEL at the stagedoor and I waited for her to get through with the teensters and everyone and walked up and told her i'd been a fan since wild party and class act and she was soo kind and very down to earth. We talked for a little bit but honest to god i was soo starstruck that I had no idea what to say...but she kept looking at me like she was interested and that was soo sweet. The whole cast seemed nice and though I only really wanted to talk to julia they seemed more than happy to sign anything and pictures.
The rest of the show is pretty good as well. I really liked all the new cast members and think that they are doing great jobs this early on...the morrible is wonderful (she sings) and has a great EVIL voice. I thought that the boq acting wise fit the role perfectly but his voice sounded very strained and tired.

As for Kendra...I wanted to like her. I saw her back in Chicago and thought she was awful and I will say that her acting has improved. I had lots of hope at the begining. But honestly...come on...she's just not very good. I don't understand why out of all the girls that probably auditioned for the tour that this was the BEST they could find. She never held any note as long as it should. She spoke sang quite a bit of the songs making me cringe...but I really just get annoyed at how she plays the entire first act for laughs. I still feel like i'm watching a cartoon character up there rather than a person. Particularly when your in the front seems way too over the top. Act Two I was at least happy to see that she was trying to be serious and show character change but for some reason she came off way too serious. I dont' maybe she was expirimenting...who's to say? BUt again who am i to think this way cuz the audience was eating out of the palm of her hand...just my thoughts.
My only big complaint has nothing to with the show but with the people...we had by far one of THE rudest audiences ever. I was swarmed in a mass of four year olds who talked and chatted the entire first act. They were nothing though compared to the AWFUL two 13 year old girls sitting in the box to the side. They had a real obstructed view and so one, who clearly knew the show, was explaining the ENTIRE show to the unfamiliar one. They sang along they repeated lines....soo ANNOYING!! Where were the F*CKING Parents???!? Even if they were there it wouldn't have mattered...this little five year old was there with his grandparents and honestly never stopped talking and finally the man next to me barked something to the grandpa because the kid was quiet for the rest of the act. The thing that pissed me off was that the grandpa did nothing to hush the kid and even talked with him. They weren't at the lottery so it leads me to wonder why someone would drop a 80 + bucks to listen to their grandson babble....GRRRR!! I think some people went to the Ushers at intermission because their was a lot of commotion going but i wouldn't kno because i switched sides at way in hell i was gonna sit through that again. But otherwise a great night and a great trip in Philly which has amazing theater. Saw the PTC'S production of Intimate Apparel and it was AMAZING!! Go see it if you get the will not regret it.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#85re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 2:41pm

Maybe this is my Kendra-biasedness, but isn't Glinda's character in the first act almost entirely comic-relief? I mean, she doesn't have that many serious things to do, and her character hasn't matured yet, so I'd almost venture to say it's appropriate for Kendra to act the way she does. I think it also helps that she totally commits to it instead of only being funny when the script calls for it.

As for her singing, I'm a huge fan of her "Thank Goodness." I really like the way she belts the end. I also think she does well enough with the opera stuff. But, I love her, so maybe I'm not the one to ask.
Updated On: 3/31/06 at 02:41 PM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#86re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 2:43pm

I'm amazed to see how many people don't like Kendra's performance. I loved it when I saw her in DC in January and definitely missed her when she was out last Saturday night. Hardly any laughter that night.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#87re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 2:55pm

Completely agree, Dottie. I was there that night, too, and you're right.

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#88re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 3:13pm

I loved Kendra too, I thought her performance was almost perfect. Does anyone know how many people have been showing up for lotto this week? Thinking about trying for tomorrow's matinee.

#89re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 7:17pm

I was at the lotto on 3/30, and there seemed to about 50-60 people there. I figured I would try it since I never win anything. I was the next to last name drawn. I was shocked!!!
I already had a ticket way up in the Ampitheater(Sec E,Row B), but ended up with Parquet Circle (Sec I,Row U) which I could not have been happier with. The only shame was that I could find no one to buy my other ticket (I couldn't even give it away!).I wasn't worried about the money (I would have taken the $25 I paid for the lottery ticket) it just felt bad to me that the ticket went to waste.

The show was amazing! The last time I saw Wicked was January 26 on Broadway. I enjoyed it, but was so far away from the stage that it took away from the show for me.Being as close as I was last night let me really take everything in, and I am now hooked.All the actors were spectacular.Alma Cuervo totally blows away Karol Kane in the role of Madame Morrible.She brings a personality to that role that is unique.I also loved P.J Benjamin as the Wizard.Kendra was great as Galinda, but I am still partial to Megan Hilty in that role. Julia Murney is by far the best female lead in any show I have seen yet (Wicked or otherwise) her acting was dead on, and her singing blows you away. Her rendition of Defying Gravity is the best I have heard yet! It was a great show!

Afterwards, the cast was collecting money for BC/EFA and selling cast autographed posters fro $60. I couldn't resist buying one. I also went to the stage door and met Alma, P.J.(who are much moer approachable than the Madame Morribles/Wizards on Broadway), Kendra, Annelaigh Ashford (Who I adore so much from Her role in Feeling Electric at the NYMF), and Julia. They are all so sweet. It was a great night.I hope I have as great a night when I see Wicked on Broadway again(This time in the thrid row)on April 6.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield
Updated On: 3/31/06 at 07:17 PM

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#90re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 9:47pm

I cannot win this damn lottery. My friend, who is on spring break, is the one with the luck.

#91re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 10:41pm

Reading this post is making me very excited to see the tour in Philly. I'll be there on the 8th!

SmeagolxIsxSexy Profile Photo
#92re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/31/06 at 11:12pm

I've gone 3 times for the lottery and have yet to be chosen.

#93re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/1/06 at 1:50am

what a great thread..i am exhausted! i read everything.
ok..i'll admit it..i LOVE Wicked..ok? there...this was the right place to say it. about Julia...she isn't an "ACTRRESSSSSSSSS" and that is why i think she is soo lovable and down to earth and when you meet her, what you see is what you get. she isn't putting anything "on"..she isn't "stage door julia"..(although that would be a great barbie doll!!) she is just a person who happens to be able sing and act..and she just doesn't seem to take any of it tooo seriously. i ADORE HER.
as far as Glindas..i know Broadway is the IDEAL..but i SOOO wish that for those of you who have not seen Megan Hilty as Glinda, she would tour so the whole country could see her. she is ADORABLE. in act one she is a quacky/wacky little thing and then act two..she is this gorgeous woman who has GROWN/ her whole face changes (and she becomes Bea Arthur!!) seriously.. well, i just love her.
YAY to the tour for great reviews!!!
Updated On: 4/1/06 at 01:50 AM

#94re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/1/06 at 11:48am

Has anybody been able to get cancellation tickets at the box office? I'm taking a day trip to Philly next Saturday, and am willing to pay full price, I have horrible luck with lottos!

snowie862 Profile Photo
#95re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:04pm

. Updated On: 5/12/07 at 07:04 PM

#96re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:36pm

ouch, u lost the lotto 9 times? at least you got to see the show though. Which glinda understudy was better? i'm seeing it tues and fri nites

snowie862 Profile Photo
#97re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/4/06 at 12:13pm

they were both good. they all have different interpritations of Galinda.

Anyone here going this week?

#98re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/4/06 at 3:14pm

I'll be going tomorrow (April 5th) and 7:30. I'm beyond excited--this will be my first time seeing Wicked! I really, really hope Julia Murney's in tomorrow... Besides her being all around amazing, I just love that woman's voice! :)

uncageg Profile Photo
#99re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 4/4/06 at 3:46pm

Question.....Does the AOM now have a marquee outside? Just curious.

Just give the world Love.
