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wicked tour in philly

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#50re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 4:19pm

Funnily enough, when I saw it Wednesday and Thursday, there was a lot of entrance applause for both ladies. On Saturday, there wasn't any for either.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#51re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 6:33pm

I was there Saturday night as well. It was my sixth time seeing the show, second time seeing the tour (I had first seen the tour with Stephanie J. Block and Kendra Kassebaum in Washington DC on January 8th).

First of all, the Academy of Music is a gorgeous theater. We had fourth row orchestra seats on the left side and these were amazing seats! We had an amazing time and I still believe that the Wicked tour is better than the show in NYC.

Logan Lipton as Boq: He was fine, but didn't really stand out in this small role. Rob Sapp is still the best Boq I have ever seen.

Jennifer Waldman as Nessarose: Excellent. I knew that I liked her characterization of Nessa throughout Act 1, but during "WWotE," she blew me away. Excellent singing and acting throughout!

PJ Benjamin as The Wizard: He was fine. I didn't really love or hate him. There is not much you can do with this horrible role, and he didn't really add much to it.

Alma Cuervo as Madame Morrible: Probably the best Morrible I've seen (yes, that includes Carole Shelley). Alma's characterization was completely different. She was so over the top and it worked! She also sang every note of music (*gasp* Morrible sings???) the way it is written, which I loved. And she has a fabulous voice.

Sebastian Arcelus as Fiyero: He is probably the best Fiyero I've seen. "Dancing Through Life" was fantastic and the ensemble for the tour has so much energy! Sebastian's duet with Julia, "As Long As You're Mine," was also great. The two of them had excellent chemistry.

Annaleigh Ashford as Glinda: Yes, Kendra was out for the evening show but was in for the matinee (go figure) and I was disappointed but at least I got to see her in DC. Annaleigh has potential, but I don't think she has done this role enough times to do well in it. She had an excellent singing voice, but her acting was just ok. In places where I remember Kendra getting TONS of laughter, there was none for Ashford. The fact that Kendra wasn't in also slowed down Act 1, I thought. That being said, if this was someone's first time seeing the show, Ashford would have been fine. I was just comparing her to Cheno, Megan and Kendra, all of whom were excellent in the role.

Julia Murney as Elphaba: The reason I decided to see the Wicked tour again in the first place. She exceeded my expectations. "The Wizard and I" was the best I have ever heard that song. It gave me chills. Also, her acting was brilliant. Even when she was on stage and the main focus was not on her, she was still reacting to everything going on around her and her facial expressions are perfect. "Defying Gravity" brought the house down and "No Good Deed" was incredible. Julia's presence in the theater was worth the price of admission alone.

At the stage door, I chatted a bit with Sebastian Arcelus. I told him that I had seen him in DC and that he is excellent in the role. I also chatted with Julia (who is such a doll by the way) and she said her solo album is coming out on Tuesday May 9th. I will definitely buy it! Overall, a great night at the theater and well worth the trip out to Philly for a second look at the Wicked tour.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#52re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 6:43pm

You know, I really like PJ Benjamin as the Wizard. Actually, he's probably my favorite. There's something about him that I really like.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#53re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 7:10pm

IMO, the best Wizard is David Garrison.

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#54re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 7:25pm

I'm glad everyone is enjoying the Wicked cast here in Philly. I had a chance to talk to a few of them and they are lovin' Philly as well.

The Adademy is NOT the ideal stage for musicals. It was much more suited for the orchestra and ballet, imo. Yes, it's hard to see facial expressions from the nosebleed section and I wish they would just block off some of that section during musicals. Of course as long as they sell, they won't!

Regarding Kendra getting the laughs..she certaintly does! And not the sugar coated, cutey pie laughs, but a "valley girl/smart ass with a heart" that grows on you kind of attention. She delivers her role with spunk. I got the biggest kick out of her.
One of her better lines was near the end when she states Mdme. Morrible's fate of incarceration and adds.... PRISON! boldy and sarcastically as ever. Her awkward relationship into friendship with Julia is as real as it gets for acting. And the same goes for Julia. It's every bit as good if not better than the origianl two on Bd'w. Such a joy to see these two together.

Hey you repeat lotto winners, give some fresh blood a chanve to snag those seats! LOL!. Enjoy!

Oh ! I hope you enjoy my BWW review/interview. It was a lot of fun. Thanks.
Wicked Review:

Julia Murney Interview:

PB Ent/Pati b BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"
Updated On: 3/26/06 at 07:25 PM

#55re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 7:37pm

Has anyone found any reviews from Philly yet? I only found one online, and apparently, the reviewer saw two understudies on that evening (Friday). I hope there are some with the full cast!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#56re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 8:18pm

wow. i know that Julia was out on Friday night, but Kendra was too?? so Kendra missed Friday night AND Saturday night. for the people in Philly who probably don't know who Julia and Kendra are, I guess it wouldn't matter, but if you are going specifically to see them, it would be a very disappointing evening.

girlfriend: could you post the link of the review you are referring to?

#57re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 8:23pm

No, Kendra was on, but Sebastian was out. Despite being horribly underwritten, I do consider Fiyero a lead, hence why I said two understudies, should have been more specific!

Here is the link to the one I found, though it really doesn't say much about the cast, just the show in general:

gustof777 Profile Photo
#58re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 8:34pm

I'm going to Philly next week Tues thru Thurs and i'm definitley gonna try my luck w/ the lotto every night...i'm DYING to see Julia and would be willing to sit through Kendra's performance...which I was not a fan of, but maybe she's improved since Chicago...anyways hopeful i'll luck out and get to see it. Either way i'm gonna stagedoor and say hey to julia.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#59re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 9:01pm

ok thanks for the clarification. glad Kendra and Julia weren't out on the same evening.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#60re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 9:05pm

I also forgot to mention that the chistery didn't originally fly when Elphaba cast the spell for the first time. The look on his face was, "why am I not flying!!"

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#61re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 9:49pm

There is a positive review in the Philadelphia Inquirer. It basically gives away the whole plot, though.
Wicked Review

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#62re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 9:54pm

Does anyone know the female ensemble member who (I think) sings the line, "No one cries they won't return?" She caught my eye both nights I saw it from the front row in various scenes, but for some reason, I cannot figure out who she is because none of the headshots on the website really look like her. My biggest hunch is Maria Eberline. In the Shiz scenes, she has bangs and two little braided pig tails.
Updated On: 3/26/06 at 09:54 PM

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#63re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 10:06pm

It's probably her, because that really sounds like Kristy Cates on the obcr, and she had the elpahab understudy track like Maria.

darkmist115 Profile Photo
#64re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 10:25pm

Instead of creating a new thread, I figure I'll just post my review in here. I saw the matinee today.

I honestly wasn't sure what I was expecting today; I knew Julia would kick ass; I've heard such mixed things about Kendra. AND my seats were very obstructed, to the far left of the stage, behind a column.

I was blown away. I really loved it.

Kendra was weak in the beginning, but I'll give her it because she's been out since Thursday, if not earlier. I adored her from Shiz on. She is so quirky and perky and fun. She's not my favorite, but follows Hilty as a close second, for sure. She has a good voice, but some of the notes were not for her. Her acting was great, and her "Popular" was hysterical. I was just upset with one point during the show with her: one, her, "It's tomorrow," wasn't too big of a deal, and I think if it's insanely pronounced, it's funnier. Still great, though. Her transformations were so real.

Julia. Oh dear lord. Julia was fantasmically wonderful. I am biased, because I've been in love with her ever since Chess 2003, but she was really fantastic. The crazy riffs and things she adds to "Defying Gravity" gave me such chills. "The Wizard and I" was fantastic. (She got entrance applause, by the way. A lot. Kendra did not.) Her acting was superb. As someone else said, she made things funny that I previously did not know were meant to be funny. Her "Well, not every one of us can come and go by bubble" got a LOT of laughs and applause. Overall, she did NOT let me down, in the least bit. She was wonderful. "No Good Deed," "I'm Not That Girl.." all amazing. And her and Kendra's "For Good" did make me cry. (Idina and Megan's didn't.)

Sebastian Arcelus as Fiyero - I wasn't expecting much, but he's my favorite so far! (I saw Joey Mac on Broadway.) He had the notes down, acting was great, superb dancing. The transformation of him 'loving' Glinda to loving Elphie was quite believable. "As Long As You're Mine" gave me quite a few chills. He and Julia also looked fantastic together!

Alma Cuervo as Morrible - She was truly evil. She was utterly fantastic. Wow. And Morrible SINGS! WOOOOOOOOT!

PJ Benjamin as the Wizard - I HATE this part, even though it is essential to the show. His songs are dry and boring. *sigh* But PJ was fantastic; a LOT better than Hearn. He made me like the Wizard a LITTLE bit more.

Jennifer Waldman was WONDERFUL as Nessa. I was upset I didn't get to see jenna, but Jennifer did NOT upset. Her acting was great, and her singing was chilling. Really quite wonderful.

Logan Lipton as Boq - He was cute in the part. Again, I HATE this part; it is entirely too corny. But Logan did a good job.

Overall, VERY pleased I bought this ticket last minute. Had a great time.

Stage doored afterwards; Sebastian is SO sweet and great. Kendra still looked a little sick, so I didn't bother her, just told her what a great job she did. Jennifer was really sweet, too.
Julia was insanely sweet; probably the most down-to-earth person I've ever met at a stage door. Truly wonderful. (this is going to sound SO pathetic, but..) I was stuttering a bit when she came out, I was so excited to meet her. She screamed "Just say it!!" or something of the like, and gave me a huge hug. I handed her my 4 page note to her, and got a picture with her. She also signed my journal, however dorky that may be. She is really wonderful, and I am so glad she is FINALLY getting the attention she deserves.

If you can get the chance to see Ms Murney in the tour, go to it. She will not disappoint.

Thanks for reading:)

AnotherDay46 Profile Photo
#65re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 10:31pm

I saw it today as well. It was GREAT. I saw it for Julia, I must say. She was as wonderful as I expected. The new Morrible was fantastic, as evil as she should be AND she sung the part. She was a fun part to watch. Kendra was indeed weak in the beggining of the show, but she picked it up by What Is This Feeling? So that was pleasing. Sebastian was *great*. I have seen a few Fiyero's and he is probably my favorite - it's between him and Norbert. Overall a wonderful performance, though I did notice that the show itself is a little choppy. Though all in all, a great time. ^_^

caitlincanfly Profile Photo
#66re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 11:20pm

I feel like this question may have been asked and answered already, but how many lotto tickets do they offer on a Tuesday or Thursday night, and about how many people show up?
Thanks in advance!

Defy_Gravity2 Profile Photo
#67re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/26/06 at 11:37pm

I'll be there next Tuesday the 4th and I can't wait to see Julia. I've seen Idina twice and Shoshanna twice but I've been a Julia Murney fan for a long time. It will be interesting to see how she takes on Elphaba. And I know some people were talking about Robert Sapp as the best Boq. Eeeek. Did you guys see Christopher Fitzgerald? He was amazing and he had a strong, clear singing voice. I have yet to hear another Boq match up to him. Plus he's adorable and rode his bike to the theater :)

I had just finished shooting a coffee commercial. And ain't it ironic? I don't drink coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

#68re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/27/06 at 6:10am

as far as the lottery - 20 seats. it has been getting more popular each night - i'd say 50 people would probably show up on a weeknight. About 100 were there on saturday night. Sunday matinee was the best.... only like 30-40.

crp2000 Profile Photo
#69re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/27/06 at 1:19pm

Saw the OBC in NYC several years ago.
Caught the 2pm show in Philly on Saturday - LOVED Julia Murney. Though i enjoyed seeing/hearing Idina in the role, i think Julia did a much better job vocally. Her singing appeared effortless, whereas i often felt i was watching (and hearing) Idina struggle - almost to the point of just screaming.
Julia's bio states that she will be releasing a cd - i can hardly wait. I enjoyed Kendra as well, however not like i did Chenow. Just my two cents.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#70re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/28/06 at 8:12pm

i happened by the stage door today, quite early in the morning since i was walking by on my coffee break. It disheartens me that its come to the point with the "superfans" that theres actually a sign on the door about keeping courteous distance. have people lost that much common decency that they need to be told that? End of rant, does anyone know if kendra still doesn't do wednesday matinees?

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#71re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/28/06 at 8:17pm

Have there been any understudies lately? I'm going wednesday night.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#72re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/28/06 at 9:00pm

Julia and Sebastian were out Friday night. Kendra was out Saturday night.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#73re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/28/06 at 9:05pm

*sigh* Kendra. How I love thee.

softershade Profile Photo
#74re: wicked tour in philly
Posted: 3/29/06 at 8:49am

i caught the sunday matinee with my friends and it was an amazing experience that's for sure. so julia came out and my friend samantha and i went NUTS (we had to) and we were like the only people going "woooo!" but there was clapping. and since julia knew we were going to the matinee that day from that moment on she knew where we were and would occasionally look over in our direction and at one point even smiled so we were like "does she know where we are?!" and sure enough after the show she confirmed that she did haha.
anyway, julia was amazing. i'm bias but seriously, she took it to a whole new level and was just incredible in the role. she found all of these small things to add and make it her own. her acting was dead on. i've seen both idina and shoshana in this role and now julia and she is, in my opinion, the best in the role (once again, i am a tad biased).
