
The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'- Page 19

The Late Joan Rivers: 'Does this urn make my ash look fat?'

Liza's Headband
#450God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 4:42pm

You know, there are a lot of special tricks that can be done with quarters and mustaches....

Liza's Headband
#451God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 4:43pm

................ Wanna see?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#452God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 4:55pm

I'd rather be pushed into an active volcano.

DAME Profile Photo
#453God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 5:26pm

Just to bring it back to Joan... Anyone else think she is her successor?


DAME Profile Photo
#454God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 5:26pm

And thanks for showing me how PJ!!!!!


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#454God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 5:34pm

Can someone explain how Headband is still posting??? This person who SWORE to never be heard from again won't STFU. Did I miss something??

DAME Profile Photo
#455God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 5:42pm

I really enjoyed the above interview. I would love to read your thoughts on it.


DAME Profile Photo
#456God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 5:46pm

Part 2. Part 2 is not as good. But here it is. I hope that is ok.

Updated On: 9/3/14 at 05:46 PM

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
#457God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 7:54pm

I've got those

PalJoey Profile Photo
#458God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/3/14 at 11:12pm

God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?

I think Cher says what we're all thinking:



“Here’s looking at you kid“

Hey Joan,
Hurry & Get Well
I Know You,& you’re the Toughest Chick on our Block

PalJoey Profile Photo
#459God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 8:08am

It looks like we may not have that evening at the Laurie Beechman after all.

dreaming Profile Photo
#460God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 8:46am

I haven't seen anything recently.

I'd thought the report that she wasn't brain dead was a positive thing.

DAME Profile Photo
#461God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 9:04am

I haven't either. At least no new statements have been released.


DAME Profile Photo
#462God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 9:08am

Unfortunately I just read this. Not good.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#463God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 10:25am

According to the Daily News, Joan's got "Oklahoma" playing in the private hospital room where they're keeping her comfortable.

No word as to whether that's the original Broadway cast album or the movie soundtrack.

NY DAILY NEWS: Melissa Rivers facing decision of when to take mother Joan Rivers off life support: source The 46-year-old daughter of the legendary entertainer may make the decision over the weekend t

dreaming Profile Photo
#464God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 10:29am

Well it's too bad. I thought she was going to pull through. But, it's best for her to slip away quietly. Maybe we can all chip in and get the Beech for a memorial?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#465God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:28am

I think you need not worry. I'm sure the good people at the Beechman will be on it should the time come.

My thoughts are with Melissa. In some ways, it's a much easier decision to let someone go than to try to put their body through more than is necessary...or is worth. I never really consider it a tragedy when someone with a long, fruitful life comes to the end of the road. I just say 'Brava.'

dreaming Profile Photo
#466God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:32am

Robbie-I'd say brava except she had no pre-existing conditions going into this. The clinic messed up on a very routine procedure. And what's potentially scary is that Broadway and operatic performers have this done a lot. I mean this could have happened to anyone. I'm not convinced age was a factor here. All indications were that she had no health issues going in. I'm guessing the inspectors will release their findings.

Sure 81 is good (my two grandmothers are older-one is old enough to be her mom), but it feels like something was off.

#467God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:39am

dreaming, I hope you are a lawyer and can lead the lawsuit team.

And speaking of dreaming, all the talk from this thread caused me to have a dream in which I (and many of you) were in that audience at the Laurie Beechman. Joan was pushed onstage in a wheel chair ("Enter Rolling! You always said I was a bitch on wheels! You don't know!"). Her hair was long and white. She had on Dr. Scholls. I was expecting ADA-compliant humor and then I woke up. I noted the time so I could freak out if I logged on here and found out that she had died at that moment and came to haunt me in my sleep.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 9/4/14 at 11:39 AM

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#468God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:47am

"Enter Rolling! You always said I was a bitch on wheels! You don't know!"

HAHAHAHAHA. Best one yet.

It's certainly possible that the clinic was at fault in some way. And I don't agree with Pal Joey that these's anything vaguely anti-Semitic in suggesting that a law suit would be appropriate if the clinic was at fault. But why don't we let that play out in its own way in its own time?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#469God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:54am

Never trust anything that Radar Online writes. But yeah, I don't think things look great.

dreaming Profile Photo
#470God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 11:54am

I'm not a lawyer but I work in the field. I am also very familiar with this procedure (I haven't had it myself, but a grandmother with COPD sure has-and she's still here). If someone is to blame, I just want to see them unable to harm anyone else.

My thoughts and prayers to Melissa. Maybe she can find solace in how much joy her mom brought to others.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#471God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 12:03pm

New York State health official are conducting an investigation into practices at Yorkville Endoscopy.
NY Health Officials Open Investigation Into Joan Rivers Surgery

#472God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 1:00pm

Just read the headline "Joan Rivers Shows Signs of Brain Function"

I guess the operation was a success after all.

Just kidding! Love ya Joan.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#473God to Joan Rivers: Whose face are you wearing?
Posted: 9/4/14 at 1:09pm

How is that funny?
