
Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex- Page 2

Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#25Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 2:14am

All this vilification of Planned Parenthood and birth control and whatever other right-wing nonsense rears its ugly head this election year just makes me want to take the sedatives that were prescribed for my dog.

The only consolation I get is that at least it's not the gays who are the big villains this year, like we were in 2004.

Updated On: 3/3/12 at 02:14 AM

#26Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 3:27am

"Why do I have to pay for Viagra? "

Viagra is a drug that addresses an actual clinical dysfunction of the human body. No one is saying women should be denied health coverage. No one is saying women should be denied contraception. Like I said before, this is all about WHO pays for it. The sexual activity being addressed is purely recreational; it is not related to a health issue.

"why should I pay for someone to have a baby ?"

Because pregnancy (the primary purpose of sexual intercourse) is an actual MEDICAL condition. Therefore MEDICAL insurance should cover it.

"And then pay for the baby for the next 18 years ?"

You shouldn't have to!

romantico Profile Photo
#27Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 6:22am

Like I predicted, Mikey can not/will not the answer the one question I ask. Does he agree with Limbaugh calling this girl a slut and asking her to post videos of her having sex online for his own "pleasure"? So, can we all assume Mikey thinks Rush was right for attacking this girl?

Why would anyone care or take seriously a defender of Rush Limbaugh.Mikey is yet another woman hater who wants special rules for him and then another set of rules for the 'gals' who know their place in this man's world.

Gee Mikey, it is no wonder you can't find a woman! Mikey and Rush just don't understand. They are to ignorant to know what birth control is and what it does.Rush think its like Viagra.He think anytime a woman wants sex she just takes the pill and that's it. Rush and Mikey don't understand that women take this pill everyday,even on the days they do not have sex. Read Mikey's post and watch this segment from Rachel' show. She explains better than I can but it is proof both these morons don't get it...........and Mikey is suppose to be a teacher. WOW! Mikey, I hope you don't have any daughters. God help them if you do.


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

madbrian Profile Photo
#28Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 7:29am

"Why should my insurance premiums go up so that.."

EVERYONE is overlooking one important fact: insruance premiums go DOWN when contraception is covered. In addition to avoiding pregnancies, hormonal contraceptives DECREASE THE CHANCE OF SOME CANCERS. So, the argument that morons like Limbaugh are making has no merit.

That said, let's keep this 'issue' alive and well through November. It's a complete loser for the GOP, its fringe is too stupid to realize it, and what's left of its moderate wing is too afraid of the fringe to speak up (see: Snowe, Olympia).

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
Updated On: 3/3/12 at 07:29 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#29Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:36am

Shhh madbrian. People like Mikey don't like facts. He just likes to shout RECREATIONAL SEX!!!

#30Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:38am

"Because pregnancy (the primary purpose of sexual intercourse) is an actual MEDICAL condition. Therefore MEDICAL insurance should cover it."

So if pregnancy is a medical condition, then contraception should be considered a preventative medicine and be covered by insurance. Sort of like covering colonoscopies to avoid colon cancer. Just following your logic here.

"And then pay for the baby for the next 18 years ?"

You shouldn't have to!"

But I will be paying for his/her medical insurance for the next 26 years. It's your kid - you pay for it.

Updated On: 3/3/12 at 08:38 AM

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#31Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 9:29am

Viagra is a drug that addresses an actual clinical dysfunction of the human body. No one is saying women should be denied health coverage. No one is saying women should be denied contraception. Like I said before, this is all about WHO pays for it. The sexual activity being addressed is purely recreational; it is not related to a health issue.

Aren't a lot of people saying that women should be denied health covered by pulling funding from women's health clinics that serve low-income women who cannot otherwise afford care?

As for Viagra addressing an actual clinical dysfunction of the body: so does hormonal birth control. Some women take hormonal birth control because if they didn't they would have a period that lasts for weeks at a time. Some women take hormonal birth control because without it they have cramps for days and weeks that leave them unable to function. Some women (like Sandra Fluke's friend) take hormonal birth control because they have painful cysts that also make it difficult to function and, if left unchecked, could really wreak havoc on their reproductive system. Hormonal birth control helps millions of women function normally by keeping the discomfort and pain of hormonal swings at bay. And as ErikJ already pointed out, it's not as if the amount of HBC a woman takes has anything to do without how much sex she has and how many people she has sex with.

I don't know why I'm arguing with you about this.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

#32Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 9:43am

Who paid for all those thousands of prescriptions that Limbaugh himself was abusing, during his Junkie Period?

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog: http://www.roscoewrites.blogspot.com/

#33Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 11:29am

"So if pregnancy is a medical condition, then contraception should be considered a preventative medicine and be covered by insurance."

I want to eat healthier foods in order to avoid gaining weight, diabetes, clogged arteries and all the other health issues associated with unhealthy diets. Shouldn't health food be covered by my insurance? I am buying all this healthy food in order to PREVENT other serious medical conditions. And I NEED food to survive. No one NEEDS contraception in order to survive.

Just following your logic here.

Updated On: 3/3/12 at 11:29 AM

StockardFan Profile Photo
#34Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 11:31am

But, givesmevoice.............. who cares if women are in pain for weeks at a time? We're just women. (sarcasm)


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#35Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 12:08pm

I hope you have permission to be away from the stove, Stockard.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Kad Profile Photo
#36Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 12:21pm

I am so stupid for thinking issues like this were resolved decades ago.

Stupid stupid stupid.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

SNAFU Profile Photo
#37Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 12:37pm

Are those SHOES on your feet?

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#38Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 12:45pm

"I want to eat healthier foods in order to avoid gaining weight, diabetes, clogged arteries and all the other health issues associated with unhealthy diets. Shouldn't health food be covered by my insurance? I am buying all this healthy food in order to PREVENT other serious medical conditions. And I NEED food to survive. No one NEEDS contraception in order to survive."

So we should only pay for medical conditions that could kill you ? Then we should not pay for physical therapy or knee and hip replacement or sprains and broken bones. You can survive with those. Why should I pay to replace someone's knee ?

#39Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 12:48pm

"The only consolation I get is that at least it's not the gays who are the big villains this year, like we were in 2004."

Yes, we knew that Republicans are against gay sex. Now we know that they are against straight sex as well.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#40Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 1:11pm

"So we should only pay for medical conditions that could kill you?"

Yep. And you better not have acquired it via anything recreational. If the GOP health committee finds out you messed up that elbow playing tennis, or that shoulder playing golf . . .

romantico Profile Photo
#41Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 1:57pm

We can safely assume Mikey is a little Dittohead. Agrees with Limbaugh one hundred percent. Mikey, if you have a daughter I pray for her. I really do.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#42Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 2:31pm

If he he has a daughter I can guarantee you she'll need a punch card from the abortion clinic with all the procedures a rebellious little skank like that is going to rack up.

romantico Profile Photo
#43Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 5:25pm



'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#44Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 7:30pm

"Viagra is a drug that addresses an actual clinical dysfunction of the human body."

It's called a limp dick. It's not life threatening, painful or in any other way a bother. It’s God’s way of telling you that you shouldn’t be pro-creating anyway.

I’ve always thought, “If Viagra is being used by as many men as they claim use it, I have to ask, ‘Why aren’t you guys attracted to your wives any more?’”

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

romantico Profile Photo
#45Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:31pm

Things must be getting pretty bad. This must have really hurt him. Of course, we all know he does not mean one word of this.This really should not change a thing.


Basically, he is sorry all you feminazi's and liberals were offended and feels bad you have no sense of humor.He is sorry all of you had to go after his sponsors and complain and make such a big deal over him calling women sluts.SO yeah,a fake apology. he did for one reason and one reason only. Pressure. His sponsors were dropping like flies.He will say what he has to in order to save that fat ass of his.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 3/3/12 at 08:31 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#46Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:37pm

That is the most insincere apology I've ever read.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#47Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:43pm

He's a punk-ass bitch and that was a punk-ass bitch apology.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#48Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:49pm

^ One of the many times I've wanted there to be a like button on this board.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad
Updated On: 3/3/12 at 08:49 PM

Taryn Profile Photo
#49Limbaugh: Women who want birth control should just stop having so much sex
Posted: 3/3/12 at 8:49pm

Bill Maher is hardly better than Limbaugh. He's the same brand of smug, self-adoring entertainer, he's just on the flip side of the political spectrum. Saying that he can throw around gendered insults of female politicians (whose politics, trust me, I also wildly disagree with) because he "doesn't have sponsors" is pretty disgusting. Neither side does themselves a service by supporting these kinds of commentators who serve the lowest common denominator and then hide behind the veil of "entertainment" and "comedy."
