
Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman- Page 2

Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman

sabrelady Profile Photo
#25Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 4/15/15 at 6:43pm

"And you're more interested in derailing our country with your support of homophobic bigots, deniers of the AIDS epidemic, and corrupt "master puppeteer" cronies in D.C. "



Well, I'm Canadian, so add a "y" in front of the"our" and yeah pretty much.Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#26Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 4/15/15 at 9:36pm

Sandra and Dave, the Burns and Allen of the Eighties

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#27Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 4/15/15 at 10:37pm

I sure wish he'd have her back but I wonder if she's just too associated with the NBC show. I think she's only been on the CBS version once, I could be wrong.  Sandra has been hilarious on the past two episode of "2 Broke Girls" right there on CBS.  Now's the time, Dave!

That clip is so great.  Back then she was the only one who could touch him physically and the only one who gave him crap.  A friend and I still quote some of the things she said on that show.  "Whatever happened to STACEY Q???".

Isn't it funny to see back when Paul was a one man band?

Amy Sedaris was on tonight and said it was her 34th time.  I wonder if she became his go-to weird chick after Sandy?


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Updated On: 4/16/15 at 10:37 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#28Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 4/16/15 at 7:59pm

"I sure wish he'd have her back but I wonder if she's just too associated with the NBC show. I think she's only been on the CBS version once, I could be wrong.  Sandra has been hilarious on the past two episode of "2 Broke Girls" right there on CBS.  Now's the time, Dave!
That clip is so great.  Back then she was the only one who could touch him physically and the only one who gave him crap.  A friend and I still quote some of the things she said on that show.  "Whatever happened to STACEY Q???".
Isn't it funny to see back when Paul was a one man band?
Amy Sedaris was on tonight and said it was her 34th time.  I wonder if she became his go-to weird chick after Sandy?


Oh I dunno. Always liked when Terry Garr visited. She also called him out on his sh!t too>


#29Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 4/16/15 at 8:33pm

Yeah, that's true, I had forgotten that.  

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Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#30Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/6/15 at 7:56pm

 Cher's back!

Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#31Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/6/15 at 8:20pm


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Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#32Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/6/15 at 8:36pm

The eagle-eyed will of course notice that she's wearing the same jacket as when she famously re-united with Sonny on the show!*

*Linked on Page 1!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 5/6/15 at 08:36 PM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#33Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/6/15 at 10:59pm

Wow, Bravo!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

HorseTears Profile Photo
#34Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/19/15 at 2:01am

We're in the home stretch, people!  Just three more shows to go - including tonight's show.  I've been DVRing Letterman the last couple of weeks and these final shows have been so wonderful.  This might be my favorite thus far.  A dryly funny - and then surprisingly emotional - final stand up set from Norm Macdonald.  A really lovely moment. 


#35Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/19/15 at 11:52pm

What's that phrase?  "I can't even"?

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Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#36Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 12:22am

Bill Murray for the win. 

CapnHook Profile Photo
#37Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 12:32am

What do we think will happen tomorrow? A surprise Jay Leno handshake? A song from Bette Midler? 

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

HorseTears Profile Photo
#38Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 2:06am

When Howard Stern was last on he asked Dave if he was having Jay on his final show and Dave and his producer said no.  They may be keeping it a secret, but I kinda believe them.  His explanation was that Jay had invited Dave to be on one of his final Tonight Shows and apparently Dave declined the invitation because he felt that final week should be about Jay.  He said he imagined that Jay felt the same way about coming on the final Late Show.  

Jane2 Profile Photo
#39Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 1:09pm

Bob Dylan sang a most beautiful song last night, The Night We Called It A Day. And he sang it beautifully, too. xox

Updated On: 5/20/15 at 01:09 PM

Tag Profile Photo
#40Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 2:38pm

I just felt bad for the crew that had to clean up the cake. Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman

#41Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 6:34pm

Bette appears to be in Denver tonight.  Besides, Marc Shaiman's already been on (with Martin Short) and was fabulous.

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HorseTears Profile Photo
#42Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 6:53pm

One of the rare times I hate being on the West Coast.  Gonna be tough to avoid spoilers. I honestly can't think of who will be his final guest(s).  It feels like Dave's had every big name who meant something to him on already.  Maybe Baayork Lee? 

Jane2 Profile Photo
#43Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 7:01pm

I heard someone from the Kardashian family. maybe!Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman


#44Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 8:19pm

AfterEight is appearing over the end credits singing "Is That All There Is?" in a Miss Peggy Lee wig.  I am not at liberty to reveal more.

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Esther2 Profile Photo
#45Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 9:19pm

If anyone is recording this tonight, the show runs 15 minutes long.  So adjust your time.


(Hope you all don't mind that I jumped in here since I'm mostly a lurker, but this is really important!)

#46Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 9:57pm

Oh great.  15 minutes more exhausted in the morning.  I think I'll take a disco nap.

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Jane2 Profile Photo
#47Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 10:14pm

Disco naps! I remember on FIP we would designate one person to set their alarm and wake the rest of us up at around midnight-one am.


NYadgal Profile Photo
#48Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/20/15 at 10:38pm

Thanks to my work, I was VERY fortunate to have been invited to the Letterman show numerous times over the years.

One night in particular stands out in my memory:  David Letterman and I share a birthday (date, not year!).  My CBS contact knew that, and invited me to be in the audience on April 12, 1995, when Drew Barrymore famously climbed onto his desk and lifted her shirt to reveal her breasts.   Following the show I was invited backstage for a birthday greeting, and it was a true pleasure to meet him.

Hard to believe how long ago that was. . . and yet I remember it so clearly.

He will be missed.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#49Farewell and godspeed, David Letterman
Posted: 5/21/15 at 12:12am

So many of us watched that when it happened and then millions more saw it in clips.  And you were there!  That's so great.

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