Trump to be impeached

#1Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 5:28pm

Trump to be Impeached It was just announced that Pelosi plans to go forward with an impeachment trial against Trump.

Wonder how this will turn out. 

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#2Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 5:53pm

I have a feeling this could backfire and he ends up winning 2020 because of it. What a mess this all is.

Luscious Profile Photo
#3Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 6:24pm

The Dems are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Hopefully, it won't sway votes in his direction. I can't imagine why it would. I know that Clinton's approval rating went up when he was being impeached, but I think that was mostly because he was impeached for lying about getting a blow job, not being traitor to the country and sh!tting all over the Constitution.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#4Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 6:36pm

Trump has put the country in a lose-lose situation.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#5Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 7:19pm

Full disclosure?  Somehow I don't feel they will surrender the tapes 73 all over again.


Pose2 Profile Photo
#6Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/24/19 at 8:20pm

An inquiry regarding impeachment is not a trial. 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#7Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 8:46am

Luscious said: "The was impeached for lying about getting a blow job"

He lied under oath, in a sexual harassment trial, about his inappropriate sexual behavior. This was very clearly worthy of impeachment (and removal). Trump's actions are, and have been, much worse, but please don't downplay how serious Clinton's actions were. 

#8Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 9:24am

Yeah.  Lying about blowjobs from an intern is just as bad as lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#9Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 10:44am

Lying about a blow Job under oath is obviously impeachable, but Jesus don't even bother try comparing to using other countries to impact our elections so our current president can remain President and avoid the rule of law that he knows is coming for him. They are not remotely the same, Trump is a threat to our national security and every one of our lives. Bill Clinton is just a creep. 

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#10Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 10:49am

Roscoe said: "Yeah. Lying about blowjobs from an intern is just as bad as lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

Of course it's not as bad, and I can't imagine where you conjured up the idea that I'd believe such a thing based on what I wrote.

What I'm saying is that Clinton's perjury was a serious matter. If you believe the women who say they were victims of Clinton's actions, then Clinton's choice to deny them justice by lying under oath can't be viewed any other way. Dismissing the whole thing by summarizing it as "lying about blowjobs" implies that you don't take it as seriously as you should.

Luscious Profile Photo
#11Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 12:41pm

kdogg36 said: "Roscoe said: "Yeah. Lying about blowjobs from an intern is just as bad as lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

Of course it's not as bad, and I can't imagine where you conjured up the idea that I'd believe such a thing based on what I wrote.

What I'm saying is that Clinton's perjury was a serious matter. If you believe the women who saythey were victims of Clinton's actions, then Clinton's choice to deny them justice by lying under oath can't be viewed any other way. Dismissing the whole thing by summarizing it as "lying about blowjobs" implies that you don't take it as seriously as you should.

Well, clearly, I don't take it as seriously as YOU do. Sorry, he lied (yes, under oath) about a blow job. And, no, IMO, it didn't rise to the level of being an impeachable offense. It wasn't right, but it didn't jeopardize the country and put our national security at risk.

Updated On: 9/27/19 at 12:41 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#12Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 1:08pm

Impeachment? Never gonna happen. Lots of sound and fury (  & money!)  signifying.....  nothing.

#13Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 2:09pm

sabrelady said: "Impeachment? Never gonna happen. Lots of sound and fury ( & money!) signifying..... nothing."

Disagree. The impeachment will likely happen cause the House has a Democratic majority and no reason to minimize his acts or protect him. A conviction in the Senate which is what would actually trigger removal from office is what's unlikely given the clear mission of Senate R's to run cover for him no matter how heinous his actions. To the people who are Trump diehards, it won't likely make a difference in the election. There's no risk of it revving them up even more cause they're already revved up to a 20 on a 1-10 scale. Watching any of his rallies tells you that. To the swing voters who voted for him the last time cause they felt left behind by the D's, at a time when the economy is slowing, tariffs and the trade war with China are crushing farmers and causing Midwest factories to have layoffs, that combined with an ability to lay out for all to see all the horrible stuff this guy has done to serve himself at the expense of the country might just be enough to swing them back to a D victory. In any event, Trump's become so emboldened by the belief that he can literally do anything and no one can stop him and his willingness to laugh at the law and his oath of office, even Pelosi saw that it just can't be ignored anymore. This had to be done.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#14Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 2:37pm

The thug who currently fouls the Oval Office with his presence might be impeached and, in my opinion, must be impeached.  But if comparisons are to be made, they should be to Nixon, not Clinton. 



Non sibi sed patriae

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#15Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 4:48pm

Impeachment doesn't necessarily mean removal from office. And if he WERE to be removed, I think that will practically solidify a PENCE re-election - and he is a very similar ilk to Trump - he just knows how to 'play the part'.   


You dress up a pig, it's still a pig.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#16Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 5:11pm

dramamama611 said: "Impeachment doesn't necessarily mean removal from office. And if he WERE to be removed, I think that will practically solidify a PENCE re-election - and he is a very similar ilk to Trump - he just knows how to 'play the part'.
You dress up a pig, it's still a pig.


No, Pence has zero chance to be elected, even if Trump is removed. Pence is a part of GOP establishment swamp, and this is what Trump's base voted AGAINST. They voted for an outsider, that's why Trump got elected in the first place. 


Pose2 Profile Photo
#17Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 5:49pm

Trump won't be removed (do you know how long that would take?) , and I honestly hope this does not backfire on Dems and he gets reelected. What a nightmare. 

javero Profile Photo
#18Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 5:58pm

It's my understanding that Senate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell is under no obligation to convene the Senate to try Trump if articles of impeachment even make it out of the House.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#19Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/25/19 at 6:29pm

I'm anxious to hear from the whistle blower.


#20Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 3:21am

Anyone notice, during his rambling word-salad mess during the press conference from the U.N. today, that Trump didn't sound like his usual ebulliently-lying self? Just a lying self.  He sounded tired and almost defeated but just...kept...talking...saying...a bunch of gobbeldy-gook words. 

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#21Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 3:31am

I don't even listen to Trump anymore on the news. I turn to the weather or Hallmark channel when ever he comes on or is the topic for that matter. His words mean nothing. He might as well be reciting nursery rhymes.  

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#22Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 1:28pm

Trump is now threatening the whistleblower to be killed. I am not joking. Call your reps for the 25th amendment, this is beyond dangerous. He's comparing the whitstleblower to a spy and in the old days we "handled things differently". Dude is scared af and will do ANYTHING to protect himself. Seriously, call your reps now!!!! 

javero Profile Photo
#23Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 2:36pm

NYT reporting that the whistle blower is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to the White House.  This is about to get really messy!!!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#24Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 5:00pm

javero said: "NYT reporting that the whistle blower is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to the White House. This is about to get really messy!!!"

I don't understand why NYT is trying to identify the whistleblower and not focusing on reporting on actual accusations and if they're accurate. I thought we took care of not blowing the cover of whistleblowers, for a reason.

Meanwhile, the person who said Pence would have a good chance to get re-elected: No he won't. He is "polished" (who isn't compared to Trump), but he's deeply unpopular. None of his crap has been reported the way it should be because he's been a side character until now. He almost definitely wouldn't have been re-elected as Indiana Governor, he was that down in popularity there. There's corruption charges being investigated against his office as well for his patronage of Trump's properties. There's probably more stuff which will come out if he starts getting press' attention. Moreover, Trump is like a lead actor trying to sabotage his understudy. He's already saying stuff like "oh why don't you ask Pence about his conversations with Ukraine, huh?".

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

javero Profile Photo
#25Trump to be impeached
Posted: 9/26/19 at 7:09pm

Pence, Pompeo, AG Barr...they're all conflicted out.  Trump has thrown them under the bus in his typical fashion and basically said, "if I go down, all you mutha... are going down with me".  I'm heartened by the revelation that at least 12 people were on the Ukrainegate call.  Out of that lot, at least 2 are going to betray Trump when faced with a subpoena. 

I also agree with former Senator Claire McCaskill's suggestion earlier today that the House will deliver articles of impeachment by Thanksgiving.  Trump has finally outsmarted himself.  I really wish the Dems could get some actionable dirt on McConnell's wife Elaine and force him to do a damn deal along the lines of "your wife's freedom & reputation in exchange for a Senate trial of Trump".  That's how the GOP would play it were the shoe on the other foot.  Otherwise, the voters alone get to decide Trump's fate which is not reassuring.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
