#225BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 4:59am

SweetLips22 said: "Thanks all--I needed a good laugh today.

Now, what's the best seat with unrestricted views of the male dressing rooms for any show?


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#226BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 7:26am

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "

Type in your desired theater. Everyone calm down.


1.  That helps, but not entirely - it doesn't account for set pieces at all.

2.  Stop always telling everyone to calm down.  


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#227BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 10:47am

greensgreens said: "It’s still better than Addams Family and none of the actors have egg all over their faces like Nathan & Bebe."

Sorry but I really disagree with you on this. Without a doubt I thought Addams Family was much better than Beetlejuice. The Addams Family music and lyrics were hands down much more enjoyable than Beetlejuice. I would not listen to Beetlejuice again but I have on occasion listened to the Addams Family. I also enjoyed Nathan & Bebe much more than all of the entire Beetlejuice cast put together.

Very possible that Beetlejuice will have a cult following. Time will tell.  


#228BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 11:10am

DrewJoseph said: "I’m looking for tickets for august when I’ll be in NYC. I’ve never been to the Winter Garden but didn’t want to start a new thread about it.

Anyone know if there are seats/rows I should avoid? I’m all for a good full stage view. So I’m looking at center mezzanine (not a big budget unfortunatly), but was wondering if it feels too far away from the stage. Even sitting in thw second to last row there, would that still give a good view of the show?

Most of the strobe lights are towards the front of the theater so if that's not your thing, definitely go for Rear Orchestra or Mezzanine. The lights are going off pre-show and during intermission too. I was seated Rear Orchestra and I could see everything clearly though I get why Mezzanine may be preferred for this one. 


uncageg Profile Photo
#229BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 11:16am

On Monday evening,, the strobes happened first when the show actually started. Pre-show was just the moving colored spotlights. It was cool. I sat in row O Orchestra and when the strobes hit, they were ai bit intense but fun.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 4/11/19 at 11:16 AM

#230BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/11/19 at 11:19am

uncageg said: "On Monday evening,, the strobes happened first when the show actually started. Pre-show was just the moving colored spotlights. It was cool."

I agree the lights were cool but I could also see them causing issues for some folks if they are sensitive to lighting like that


Lot666 Profile Photo
#231BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 10:34am

SweetLips22 said: "If there is something that pisses me off it's these constant questions about where will I sit, how is the view etc etc. Don't American theatres have seating plans when you buy your ticket unless it's over the phone?

In Australia if at the box office or online, you see the seating plan, choose you seat and buy---that's it. You might get advice at the BO. Be an adult, make your own decision, or MODS, start another heading--Seating Advice and stop clogging up threads.

Have you tried decaf?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Rypm25 Profile Photo
#232BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 10:35am

I went with my husband to see this last night for my birthday. I have to echo much of what’s already been said about this show, but at the end of the night I didn’t hate it. I think having Beetlejuice show up immediately is a mistake. I believe out of a 90 minute movie, Beetlejuice has about 17-18 minutes of screen time. He should have been teased a lot longer to the audience. The first 15-20 minutes of the show I hated. I hated the opening number, Beetlejuice wasn’t funny at all, I didn’t like Alex Brightman... it was going downhill fast for me. After 20 minutes my husband asked me if everything was ok because I hadn’t laughed once. About halfway through the first act I felt it started getting better, but that’s not saying much. I thought the Maitlands were charming, but it’s clearly not their story anymore. Ending the first act with the Day-o number sent the audience out on a high, the best I could muster was it ended stronger than it began. The second act I liked more than the first, but it’s also the act that seems to veer from the movie the most, even hinting at the cartoon with Beetlejuice and Lydia teaming up together for a little while. It’s also messier and more confusing than the first act. Lydia and her dad go to the netherworld? Ok. Beetlejuice hosts a game show? Ok. I didn’t enjoy Alex Brightman’s performance for most of the first act but by the end of the second he had grown on me. I can see why some people would hate his performance however. Sophia Anne Caruso has a great voice but she’s got nothing decent to sing. There isn’t one memorable song in this show. Not one. I had read a lot about Leslie Kritzer who I had never seen in anything before and I was expecting to be blown away. While she did get some laughs I didn’t think she was doing anything amazing up there, but then again, look at the material she has to work with. The audience ate this up. They seemed to love it. I loved the movie growing up and my expectations were high. There was so much you could do with it. Any time the show made a nod to the movie, either through a line, or a costume or a special effect, the audience roared. They wanted to see the movie up on that stage. I did have a lot of laughs, and I was sorely disappointed in the score. At the end of the night I did have a good time but it will be a show I forget about.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#233BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 10:41am

Brian07663NJ said: "I also enjoyed Nathan & Bebe much more than all of the entire Beetlejuice cast put together.

Very possible that Beetlejuice will have a cult following. Time will tell.


My point was that Nathan and Bebe were weighed down by material that even they couldn’t save and seemed embarrassed in Addams. It was absolutely no comment on their immense talent, which obviously is unmatched by any performance in BJ. The lone exception being Kritzer, who is legit carrying this show.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#234BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 1:00pm

It seems like to me with 2 songs released, they are desperately trying to get more interest in the show.  I was thinking it could develop a cult following as well but now I'm starting to think not, plus when the dreadful reviews come out, I don't see it making it.

Do you guys think at this point it will run a little while or fold right after the reviews?

Updated On: 4/13/19 at 01:00 PM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#235BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 3:26pm

I got a rush seat for tonight on the sides. Am I gonna miss a ton? Maybe can sweet talk an usher to move.

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#236BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 4:56pm

Saw this last night and I have to admit... I liked it.  I don't understand why all the hate towards it.  Its big, crude, abrasive, and entertaining.  It's everything Beetlejuice should be.  The sets and lighting were awesome. Unfortunately, the sound was awful and I had to strain to understand what they were singing. 

Overall I saw A LOT worse this season... and last season too.  Dare I say I had more fun at Beetlejuice than I did at Tootsie?  Hadestown is still my number one pick this season, but BJ would be my number 3 pick after The Prom. 

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#237BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 7:45pm

Haven't seen it yet, but I enjoyed DoubleD's review

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?
Updated On: 4/12/19 at 07:45 PM

Claire8 Profile Photo
#238BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 8:41pm

I went to the first preview.

Wow, what’s with all the Eddie Perfect hate? I liked the score - it was miles better than Tootsie, Be More Chill or the awful Pretty Woman. I have only seen King Kong in Australia when the songs were written by a mixture of artists so I’m not familiar with his score for that. Perhaps he has a particular Australian sensibility that is lost on international audiences; i’m not sure.

I liked Alex Brightman’s performance for the most part though I did find myself wishing I could hear his songs actually being SUNG rather than all through that gravelly accent.

Leslie Kritzer was the highlight. Sophia Anne-Caruso is very impressive for a 17yo and I can imagine if you were to see an understudy it would be a vastly different experience because her voice is so unique.

The sets were fantastic.

Some flaws with the storyline (and the Otho character was incredibly disappointing given what they could have done with him) but overall I laughed heaps and had a good night at the theatre. Of the 11 broadway shows I saw for the first time last fortnight I placed this 7th.

#239BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 8:57pm

Marway44 said: "It seems like to me with 2 songs released, they are desperately trying to get more interest in the show. I was thinking it could develop a cult following as well but not I'm starting to think not, plus when the dreadful reviews come out, I don't see it making it.

Do you guys think at this point it will run a little while or fold right after the reviews?

I would guess that they have a modest advance for their first block of ticket sales, probably enough that potential bad reviews won't immediately sink them. That being said, without some strong reviews AND strong word of mouth (which is decidedly mixed so far), they won't last past the summer (I'm going to say it's a safe bet that they won't be taking home Best Musical at the Tony Awards, so don't count on that box office boost)

RippedMan Profile Photo
#240BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/12/19 at 11:25pm

Rushed today around 3 and got H23 (left side of the house.) I think right side partial view would be better as I missed the front door of the house, but honestly I thought it was a fine view.

So, first, I’ve never seen the movie. Don’t know the plot. Don’t know the characters. But all in all, I thought the show was rather successful. It’s funny, touching, and entertaining.

I thought Timber’s direction was pretty darn solid. Sophie C. is a powerhouse, and Krizter, to me, stole the show. When Beetlejuice says “Except her, she’s done things.” And Kritzer gives a little nod, I was in stitches. Just hilarious. And she nails her 2 big numbers.

Overall I thought the music was pretty good for a movie to stage kind of musical. It’s not Sondheim, but the tone fits the show. It’s pop/rock, it’s doesn’t need to rhyme or be brilliant.

My only problems were Otho - who I just thought was awful. Like that’s all they did with the character? Every other character was so specific and brilliantly portrayed and this seemed vague and lackluster.
And Brightman. I don’t think it was him so much as the character. Does he need that horrid gravely voice? And if he does do we need to hear him sing so much? It’s in such a low, awful key that’s it makes all his numbers a little lackluster.

#241BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 1:35am

i find it odd that everyone on here how anyone saying how bad it is then goes on to say how much the audience ate it up.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#242BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 7:25am

That goes along with a mandatory standing ovation. Its also nothing new.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

uncageg Profile Photo
#243BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 9:33am

LightsOut90 said: "i find it odd that everyone on here how anyone saying how bad it is then goes on to say how much the audience ate it up."

Not odd at all. They are commenting on their personal thoughts and how the people around them responded to the show.

I don't stand for every show until i just can't see the stage at curtain call and at times I am getting my things together. I did stand for this because i really enjoyed it. The night i saw it the standing ovation was not immediate. 

Just give the world Love.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#244BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 10:58am

I agree with AEA... probably modest ticket sales will keep it going at least through the summer. That’s tourist season and the brand name will sell as it is very recognizable. I am hoping that the show is still being tweaked during previews to make it the best it can be. In reading this thread I was disappointed to hear they cut some of Leslie’s funny one liners. Why do that? If it worked and got a good audience reaction, then leave it. I hope by opening night it’s in its best form and gets some good notices. Regardless of the reviews, I am looking forward to seeing this in June.

I think I see another Groundhog Day, which I loved but it just didn’t take off.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#245BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 11:28am

Last night, the felt like an event. The audience ate it up and extended applause for the big numbers. Lots of hooting and whistling. And it was basically sold-out. I thought it was fun, but it’s not reinventing the wheel or anything. But I could see this being a modest hit.

#246BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 5:11pm

RippedMan said: "Last night, the felt like an event. The audience ate it up and extended applause for the big numbers. Lots of hooting and whistling. And it was basically sold-out. I thought it was fun, but it’s not reinventing the wheel or anything. But I could see this being a modest hit. "

I was there last night, as well, and I definitely agree. The people around me were having a blast and I enjoyed myself as well. I also agree with whoever said they saw worse this season, this was pretty much smack dab in the middle, but towards the  like it" side

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#247BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 5:26pm

We're seeing this mid-week. But im pretty tired of seeing middle of the road shows this season. Sigh.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#248BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 6:18pm

I saw the show this week and I’m pretty shocked that so many people seem to hate it so much. While the show isn’t without its problems, I had a really great time. The set design is one of the most inventive I’ve seen in a long time and while the music wasn’t Sondheim, I didn’t find it to be awful. Add to that performances that were uniformly very strong and it just made for a very enjoyable couple of hours.

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#249BEETLEJUICE Previews
Posted: 4/13/19 at 8:38pm

I enjoyed the 2 songs they released so far, they're cute and catchy 

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?
Updated On: 4/13/19 at 08:38 PM
