
The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)- Page 2

The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)

#25re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 12:20pm

Where can I find the 'Ash Girl' Monolouge? It sounds interesting.

ForTheLoveOfLea Profile Photo
#26re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 12:42pm

Does anyone know of any monologues that are done in southern dialect? I might try out for "To Kill a Mockingbird" and they said I would need to perform in southern dialect.

Thou giveth fever.

Taryn Profile Photo
#27re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:47pm

Maybe M'Lynn's monologue about Shelby's coma from Steel Magnolias.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#28re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 4:12pm


"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.
Updated On: 12/17/04 at 04:12 PM

showmethetony Profile Photo
#29re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 4:43pm

I agree with StickToPriest. If you know the person playing for the audition is really good, and you are auditioning for a sondheim show, then give it a try. Otherwise, try to avoid it.

when you grow up surrounded by willful ignorance you have to believe mercy has its own country and that it's round and borderless ~Animal, Ani Difranco

Blonde Profile Photo
#30re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/19/04 at 6:10pm

does anyone here know of some good female character songs that are fairly obscure?

shalom kitty

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#31re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/21/04 at 6:46pm

Does anyone know a way to buy sheet music for a single song (that's not icredibly well known), w/o buying it for the entire show? In particular, I'm looking for "Everybody's Girl" or "Where in the World is My Prince" and I don't rreally want to buy sheet music for "Steel Pier" and/ or "Miss Spectacular".

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#32re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/22/04 at 2:09am

GREAT list...thanks a bunch!

"Acting is a masochistic form of exhibitionism. It is not quite the occupation of an adult." -Sir Laurence Olivier

#33re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/22/04 at 2:21am

Some female songs I find myself recommending a lot:

Time Heals Everything (Mack & Mabel)
Wherever He Ain't (Mack & Mabel)
Feelings (The Apple Tree)
Always A Bridesmaid (I Love You, You're Perfect...)
On the Other Side of the Tracks (Little Me)
Unusual Way (Nine)
The Spark of Creation (Children of Eden)
Stranger to the Rain (Children of Eden)
Simple (Nine)
Is It Really Me? (110 in the Shade)
Just Once (The Fantastiks)
Will He Like Me? (She Loves Me)

I'll post more if I can think of them.

tapbaby2356 Profile Photo
#34re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 8/22/04 at 2:32am

this thread is unbelieveably helpful! oh my gosh! you have no idea! i've got some major auds coming up and this is giving me SOOO many ideas! so great!

Elphie Pingleton Profile Photo
Elphie Pingleton
#35re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/1/04 at 8:39am

I think "always a bridesmaid..." (I love you you're perfect... ) is a great song and it has comedy but if you're going to do it make sure you have an accent or ot i once saw a girl who switched from an accent to not then to a different one it was awful.

//Just to get my Name in LIGHTS//

lildogs Profile Photo
#36re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:00am

lea, i would advise against Steel Magnolias....talk about overdone..

for southern, look at Last Night of Ballyhoo, How I Learned To Drive, or the many plays of Horton Foote (he wrote the screenplay for To Kill A Mockingbird and won as Oscar for it)

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#37re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 7:50pm

just bumping this because there have been a lot of new threads asking for songs

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#38re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 8:55pm

Do you think it would be okay for me to sing a male song (im a girl) for an audition, if i put it into my octave? Or would they not like that?

ForTheLoveOfLea Profile Photo
#39re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:28pm

Thanks lildogs, I wasn't intending on using Steel Magnolias. I don't want to do anything from a well known movie. Thank you very much for your suggestions!

Mattio, I was thinking of using "Simple" for my Treble Choir audition. You just confirmed it. re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)

Thou giveth fever.

Jus B
#40re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:30pm

I know many would discourage the girls from using Wicked and Millie to audition with, but what about the boys? Do you think songs like "What do I need With Love" or "Dacing Through Life" are going to be overused also? Updated On: 9/2/04 at 09:30 PM

MyNameInLights Profile Photo
#41re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 9:32pm

I want to re-ask lovepinkgloves' question about girls singing boy songs. I was thinking about singing Not While I'm Around for Beauty and the Beast, but I don't know if it would be a good idea. Can anyone answer this?

"The stage is where I live and come alive and act out all the things that go on in my life. It's not just what I do for a living, it's my shrink and my love affair. No one in my life has ever or ever will kiss me on the mouth like this lover called my relationship with my performance."

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#42re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:37pm

I have always been told that when auditioning for a show, if you are a girl, never sing a song that a man sings in a show. However, I don't know the consensus for college/company auditions.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

cutiepie0882 Profile Photo
#43re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/2/04 at 11:09pm

What about Hairspray? Are there any good audition songs in that? and in Wicked, is Defying Gravity a bad audition song? or is it good? Sorry about all the questions, I'm new to auditioning for musicals.

Thus is how the book of man and woman shall be written endlessly crashing into each other like 2 vengeful bumper cars - I Love You You're Perfect Now Change

observer Profile Photo
#44re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/3/04 at 12:46am

As a novelty, I used a part of General Patton's address to the Troops from June 5, 1944 as a monologue for a community theater production. Probably not an ideal choice for the big roles in the big shows, but damn, I just had a ball delivering all of that eloquent invective. And it worked out.

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#45re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/3/04 at 9:01am

I have seen "Mama I'm a Big Girl Now" used effectively (in solo form, obviously) but I'm sure it will become a popular choice quickly.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

steveshack Profile Photo
#46re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/3/04 at 9:23am

Forgive the personal reference here, but in Los Angeles, when everyone was auditioning for Rent, the music store here was recommending songs from my first musical THE LAST SESSION. It has a completely contemporary sound but the songs are story songs and have plenty of opportunity for acting. In fact, the actors who have written me said that whenever they audition with one of these songs, the auditors let the finish the song because they want to hear how the songs end. It gives you a great chance for more face-time:

SAVE ME A SEAT -- a ballad that is more like a folk aria. It is an acting exercise about someone comtemplating their own memorial service.

SOMEBODY'S FRIEND -- a HARD rocking song about the frustrations of looking for a cure for a disease but never finding it.

CONNECTED -- a gentle story song about needing to be connected to friends and family.

GOING IT ALONE -- this is the "biggie." It's a passionate but tender song that's a love song to caregivers. Watch the auditors start crying as you finish this one.

You can find the vocal selections book at Colony in NY or through Amazon, published by Cherry Lane. Again, I'm only going on what other actors have told me. That when they sing these songs, they get to sing the whole song. The songs are not well known but all of them pack a powerful punch.
The Last Session website

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#47re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/3/04 at 11:03am

Blonde - if you're in NYC - go to the Lincoln Center library for the Performing Arts - you can find almost any piece of music you want there, photocopy it and not have to buy an entire score or vocal selection. It is a truly great resource for the performer - and there is music of all genres and time periods...you won't regret it. As a matter of fact - you might just want to stay a few hours (I used to get so caught up in the process because I'd find so many wonderful things there - back when I was auditioning heavily).

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

nychick9876 Profile Photo
#48re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/12/04 at 2:43pm

i have a college audition and need help with monologues. i need 2 one minute monologues- one comedy and one dramatic. i have my dramatic one from Under Seige by G.L. Horton, but i cant find a comedic one. if anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated. i'm a hs senior right now so something in that age range would help. if you want, pm me or even email your thoughts mmtgirl123@aol.com!thanks

sometimes i think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams- the elephant man

#49re: The Audition Post (Songs and Monologues)
Posted: 9/14/04 at 6:27pm

I've got an audition coming up for a one-act festival really soon. Are there any good monologues in "Wicked?"
What about Hairspray? If not, what would the best (female) song be for this audition?
And should I use ANYTHING from "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"?

We can't all come and go by bubble...
