
An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...- Page 2

An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...

achancetofly Profile Photo
#25re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 2:00pm

I'm actually looking forward to this....it's Andrew Lippa composing, and I love him. He actually talked about it at the Kristin Chenoweth concert on July 9, and it sounds like it's going to be a very reliable, serious project.

I think it's refreshing to FINALLY see a musical based not on a movie, but on a book, and some more original ideas from Disney instead of simply recycling movies into musicals.

Even if it has Disney's name on it. Which really doesn't mean much, especially when you have Lippa and Feiffer.

It may just surprise us.

"Cages or wings, which do you prefer?"-- Tick, Tick...BOOM!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#26re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 2:04pm

"Aida was more of an original musical than this."

How so? The musical was based on a children's book by Leontyne Price, which was based on the Puccini opera. Isn't that actually one degree less original than this? Three degrees, if you count that fact that the opera contained a score and was performed on stage prior to the musical.

If the entire project was produced by the Weisslers or Dodger Theatricals, would there be less animosity towards it? Unfortunately for this board, yes. The snobbery around here is too ridiculous. And how on earth can anyone predict it will be bad at this early stage? Because of the mention of the title of a story it is based on? Because the name Disney is attached? Please! Don't count your biased chickens before they subjectively hatch.

"Anyways this sounds really lame. I understand where there [sic] audience is, but this seems like another 'On the Record' or 'Hoopz.' Crap."

Huh? On the Record? How is this project even remotely similar other than the producer? And the only other element it shares with Hoopz is an original score by a respected musical theatre composer. Where is this assessment of "crap" for an as yet unproduced musical coming from? On what do you base your analysis?

There seems to be a lot of bitchy snarkiness to try and storm up a cloud of superiority a la Mean Girls in this thread. But then, it is summer time, so...

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

dancing_through_life Profile Photo
#27re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 2:06pm

what is the man in the ceiling anyway?

*Do you think you can make me sing. . . I sing for myself, you can get me there but do you really think you can make me sing?*-Judy Garland

dancing_through_life Profile Photo
#28re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 2:07pm

what is the man in the ceiling anyway?

*Do you think you can make me sing. . . I sing for myself, you can get me there but do you really think you can make me sing?*-Judy Garland

Cyndy Profile Photo
#29re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 2:43pm

Here's a little info about the book. To me it sounds like a great idea for a musical.

About The Man in the Ceiling

He's bad at sports and not much better at school, but Jimmy sure can draw terrific cartoons. And his dream, like that of his Uncle Lester, who writes flop Broadway musicals'is to be recognized for what he loves doing most.

1993 Books for Youth Editors' Choices (BL)
1993 Choices: The Year's Best Books (Publishers Weekly)
Children's Books of 1993 (Library of Congress)
1994 Books for the Teen Age (NY Public Library)
100 Books for Reading and Sharing 1993 (NY Public Library)

Here is an article about Feiffer and some of his thoughts on the story.


"If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having." Henry Miller

#30re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 3:19pm

Hello. I am a long time lurker and no-time poster, but the time has come! I'm sorry that some of you are being so cynical about this musical, but I, personally, am thrilled. Andrew Lippa may not be my favorite composer...but "The Man in the Ceiling" is definitely one of my favorite books. It is an amazingly touching, poignant, well-written, clever, interesting, and FUNNY book! I actually have forced several of my friends to read it because I think the message it has is so important. And yes, it may be a "children's book", but Feiffer is so clever and manages to pack in all sorts of adult humor and themes. SO: I was shocked and THRILLED when I saw this morning that they are making this into a musical!! I'm having a little trouble conceptualizing how they are going to do the comic-book sections, but am totally looking forward to getting to see how they stage the Robotica section, and Uncle Lester's newest Floperoo!

I have faith in this! This story has the potential to be absolutely wonderful and touching for all ages, so let's calm down on all of our harsh judgements, especially for those who don't know the story at all and are basing their bashings on....essentially....nothing.

#31re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 3:36pm

I for one and grateful Disney is doing something new. However, this doesn't seem like normal Disney fare. Granted we have yet to see the final project, but I can't imagine how this show can rely on sets or gimmicks like it's other shows. It seems much more about the show/story/music. I'm excited for this. I love Andrew Lippa's work. We'll see. They didn't give an estimated time did they? I guess this will be after Little Mermaid.

Flahooley Profile Photo
#32re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 3:57pm

I hope the show is artistic and financial success. I hope Lippa makes a ton of money and I hope he writes more and more!

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#33re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 4:10pm

How could anyone sit through MARY POPPINS four times? I barely got through it, once! It was so somber and bleak. Having said that, I have no issue with BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, and find it an enjoyable piece of theater. I'll withhold judgement of the new Disney show, until after I've seen it.

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#34re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 4:16pm

Link Larkin Wanabe - Actually I've seen hotcakes sell. So it does happen. Not just an expression anymore!

Updated On: 7/13/06 at 04:16 PM

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#35re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 4:30pm

I think we should all be giving major kudos to Disney right now.

Even if you have not liked what they havedone on Broadway so far, at least this isn't just one of their movies. It is something new and, from what I have heard about the book, it could be done very well. I know I will look past the fact that it is "Disney" and give it a chance as a show

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#36re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 4:40pm

I guess now we should be glad they didn't hire Linda Wolverton or David Henry to write the book. We should really be scared of them letting Bob Crowley, or Bob Ross direct.

rclocalz Profile Photo
#37re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 4:57pm

Wonderful first post, SHMOKNU. I'm so use to seeing crappy not-thought-out first postings. I am also really excited about seeing this book come to life. Disney has the right clever people to make it happen.

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adamgreer Profile Photo
#38re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 5:31pm

"How so? The musical was based on a children's book by Leontyne Price, which was based on the Puccini opera. Isn't that actually one degree less original than this? Three degrees, if you count that fact that the opera contained a score and was performed on stage prior to the musical. "

Because the final product of Aida bears very, very little, if any, resemblance to the Puccini opera. I never said Aida was an entirely original musical.

And yes, Disney took a HUGE risk with that show. Elton John's name was not a guarantee. And, early on, the Disney name wasn't even used in their advertising. The show was advertised as being produced by "Hyperion Theatricals."

actornate777 Profile Photo
#39re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 5:37pm

I agree, I'm really happy that Disney is moving in a different direction and that they're putting their faith in a relatively unheard of composer (outside of us crazy people!). I hope this is done well and is successful and will encourage Disney to be a little bit more risky and start producing more original musical theatre. I understand that not everything can be Adam Geuttel and Micael John LaChiusa (although I'd love it if it was...).

I defintiely agree as well with the point that there aren't enough original musicals out there (as in not based on a mainstream film or using another band's songs just to make money). I'm not necessarily knocking musicals like "The Wedding Singer", "Jersey Boys", and "Mamma Mia" because at least they are getting people to New York to see shows but it's kind of dissappointing that musical theatre is being represented by unoriginal music to tell biographical stories or is based on popular movies just to make producers money. My two cents, take it or leave it.

Yay Disney! I want to read The Man in the Ceiling now.

PersonofInterest Profile Photo
#40re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 5:42pm

I think this project sounds really exciting. I am a big fan of Lippa's and trust him to give us something innovative and fresh. I also am a product of Disney. I, like many of us, was first exposed to musicals at ALL in the format of a Disney cartoon, and although I don't agree with their politics, I do think they know a thing or two about entertainment. I think this is exciting, after years of B&TB, Aida, Lion King, Tarzan, it is time they show us what they have been nuilding too. I think they are probably aware of the cynics out there (Lippa certainly is) and they will prove themselves to us with this project.

I just hope they don't cast Jamie Lynn-Sigler or Toni Braxton! Lol!

Fiction Writer Profile Photo
Fiction Writer
#41re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 6:04pm

Or the other Jamie-Lynn.

best12bars Profile Photo
#42re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 8:24pm

SHMOKNU---Welcome! Looking forward to reading your future posts. Nicely done!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#43re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 8:39pm

How can you assume that a plot is uninteresting if you know zip about it?

"Just saying it must be the apocalypse."

Yeah, it must be. I mean, geez...it's gonna provide jobs and bring tourists into the city.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

cturtle Profile Photo
#44re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 10:54pm

i think it's a great idea! i HAVE read the book, and it is delightful ... clever, original, funny. and they'll have to have a kid hunt like they did for billy elliot. some very talented boy/boys out there is/are going to be incredibly lucky!

RIP glebby <3

#45re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/13/06 at 11:54pm

I feel like I am the only person who has actually liked what Disney has done on Broadway. I really did not like Tarzan, but no one can be perfect. However, they are bringing children to the theater and getting them hooked and wanting to come back and see more and more. I know first hand. Thats what happened to me. I saw Beauty and the Beast the year after it opened when I was in 1st grade. I absolutely loved it and made my mom take me to other shows after that. I thought the Lion King was so creative and beautifully done. Aida was completely different than anything they had done before, but I still found the story compelling and the music was very enjoyable. I'm not saying that Disney's shows are perfect or that I will go back to see them dozens of times, but I definetly enjoyed them and would recomend people to see them. Like someone said earlier, many people were first introduced to the concept of musicals from Disney classics such as Snow White or Cinderella or the Little Mermaid.

I think this sounds really interesting and can't wait to see what Disney comes up with. I haven't read the book, but from the description of it, it sounds like something that could really work with Andrew Lippa's style of music, which I love and cannot wait to hear any new songs he writes.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#46re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:00am

"Because the final product of Aida bears very, very little, if any, resemblance to the Puccini opera. I never said Aida was an entirely original musical."

No, but it is in no way more original than this new project, which was your argument. Aida was an adaptation of an adaptation. It makes no sense.

"And yes, Disney took a HUGE risk with that show. Elton John's name was not a guarantee. And, early on, the Disney name wasn't even used in their advertising. The show was advertised as being produced by 'Hyperion Theatricals.'"

Please. Aida opened on the heels of The Lion King, which introduced Elton John's first Broadway score, so it wasn't that big of a risk. It used a story recognized by classical music fans and a name that, even those who have never seen opera, have most likely heard of it. And finally, by the time the show opened, when it was most important to the success of the show, everyone knew it was produced by Disney, which had been announced prior to its Atlanta tryout. Not to mention the fact that there was a concept recording to introduce Elton John fans to the score prior to the musical's stage production. Disney knew it was charting new territory producing a musical directly for the stage and it took a safe and tentative route to do so. The biggest risk for Aida was in its rather ambitious set design, which was scrapped out of town when it was discovered it was too expensive and unreliable.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#47re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:07am

ladies please.. nothing could be worse than Tarzan.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#48re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:26am

Three things:
regarding the elton john score in Aida: I for one do not think highly of his musical scores. I love the Lion King, but I'm pretty sure most of the songs I like are the "African" or whatever text songs, probably written with lots of help from a couple of other contributers (I've heard). I do think Aida is okay.
regarding Andrew Lippa: I only know two shows he has been a part of, and I have only heard one (You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown revival) but I love, love, LOVE the music in it, and I am excited for him to compose this music for Disney! (of course, YAGMCB really is not all that great, it just has some fun songs, but most of the scenes are pretty hokey, just my opinion...)
regarding Disney: sometimes it is okay to just be entertaining. everything doesn't have to be "controversial" or "a risk" to be accepted as good theatre. Beauty and the Beast and Lion King are really, REALLY entertaining, whether it is acting, the songs, the sets, the tricks, whatever, it doesn't take away from the fact that they are entertaining. I personally love the music in On the Record, just like I love "A Grand Night For Singing" although there are big differences between these two. I have the soundtrack to Mary Poppins and Tarzan. I do enjoy the soundtrack to Mary Poppins, although I think the US casting for the lead will be better than the London casting, and I am sure this show does some neat things, and maybe people are turned off because of the differences from the original disney movie. I do not particularly care for the Tarzan soundtrack. There are a couple of songs I enjoy, but mostly I gave it one listen and filed it away. I also know that it got / gets very poor reviews, but I am sure that if I went to broadway to see it today, I would be entertained. the theatrics of some of this musical are probably, for lack of a better word, "cool."
I am very excited about this new collaberation. I doubt that any disney musical, regardless of who or what it is, will be a flop. even Tarzan will I'm sure be around a while. So, Disney can really use this power to get NEW material out there.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#49re: An ORIGINAL Disney musical? The world is coming to an end!...
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:51am

"regarding Disney: sometimes it is okay to just be entertaining."

Actually, it should always be okay for a musical to just be entertaining. It's how the art form of musical theatre was created. It was nearly three decades until a serious dramatic musical was born in Show Boat, and even then, the more plot-oriented integrated book shows didn't really command Broadway until the mid-40s. And afterward, musicals as entertainment still held their place on Broadway as more artistically serious and complicated works began to surface and gain recognition. Regardless of the critics and theatre elite, Broadway is still commercial theatre and now that it is a more popular international destination than it was during the Golden Age, it is the tourists that dictate a hit or a flop. And generally speaking, they prefer to be entertained rather than intellectually enlightened. A smart show may sacrifice some intelligence for entertainment and vice-versa, but hopefully will achieve a balance of both.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
