
Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing- Page 2

Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing

#25re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 9:03am

Very very well said, limelight and winston.

...I was just thinking about the commercial and wondering when it'll be aired, and thinking probably not for awhile because this video just came out.

...It came up on my TV that instant. It was so bizarre and I completely freaked out.

Kevinoes Profile Photo
#26re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:20pm

Anthony was right. This show was a touching stone for many. At 13, I heard this show for the first time and it changed my life. At the time, it showed what theatre could be and that music theatre could reinvent itself. Seeing the show for the first time in Hamilton, ON in September 2002 (when Caissie Leby had just started playing Maureen in the non-equity tour) was one of the most memorable moments I've ever had in the theatre. A packed house of people who didn't really know the show and we were all blown out of the theatre.

Now at this point, I have seen many other things and RENT has fallen from my ideal of what the "perfect Broadway show" is. But that's what time does. It changes people and their opinions and how they see things. So while I can now say at 20 that RENT is not the best show ever written, it is still dear to my heart and will always be.

I'll be seeing the non-equity tour when it stops by here in Toronto in March. It will likely be my last time seeing this production and I will, of course, review and share the experience.

Here's to a great 12 years.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:33pm

I definitely think that's a sentiment that resonates. Even though rationally, it's easy to understand that obviously, it would close someday, Rent has always seemed... sort of invincible to me. Rent has always been there. For almost as long as I can remember, even before I was deemed "old enough" by my parents to see it for myself, it was always. there. I used to make an effort to return to Rent... maybe once a year or so. But the experiences of going to Rent 10 and seeing Adam and Anthony's return made me feel less compelled to go back, just because I felt like nothing could ever even touch those experiences with a ten-foot proverbial pole. But even though I don't often have moments of, "Oh, I know what I want to do tonight, I want to go see RENT," it has always been a comfort to know that if I want it, it's there for me. And of course this is elevated now that I do have a personal connection with the show, but it is very difficult to imagine being in this city and going to the theater and just... not having it there.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 12:33 PM

#28re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:36pm

That video just broke my heart. I doubt Anthony still reads anything here, since his posting stopped soon after the movie's release, but nevertheless, I'm sending some virtual love his way.

#29re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:37pm

Someone should let Anthony know that it is NOT closing on June 1st. I talked to Harley Jay last weekend at the show and he said if it keeps selling like it's been the past couple of days then it will extend.

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:39pm

Don't you think that he, of all people, is likely in the loop? Come on now. Honestly, I understand the likelihood that it's going to extend, but being that that's a commercial, it's committed to what is currently the OFFICIAL word.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 12:39 PM

#31re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 12:43pm

Also, even if they do extend - his words still apply. Whats a few more weeks in the long run?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

#32re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 1:13pm

A few more weeks is several hundred, or even thousands of dollars, for the people who spent obscene amounts of money on tickets for June 1st.

insertclevernamehere Profile Photo
#33re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 1:14pm

I really hope it doesn't extend. I think that the best thing to do it let it go out with a bang, on the night they said it would close, the night that is already sold out.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#34re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 1:15pm

That's not what it's about. If producers can make more money, they will. They're not going to not extend just to be nice to the people who bought tickets for 6.1.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#35re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 1:30pm

I, for one, hope they don't extend. Partly because I want it to go out on a high note, and mostly because if it extends, I'll be away for the summer and won't be able to even ATTEMPT to see the last show.

#36re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 1:51pm

A few more weeks is several hundred, or even thousands of dollars, for the people who spent obscene amounts of money on tickets for June 1st.

I understand that. But someone responded to Anthony's video by saying that the show "isn't closing on June 1." What I'm saying is that what he speaks about in the video applies regardless of the actual closing date - whether it be June 1 or September 1.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 01:51 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#37re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 2:01pm

Why would, if an extension comes BECAUSE IT'S DOING WELL, a few more weeks stop it from going out on the high note it would seemingly go out on if it closes on June 1? That doesn't make any sense. And because it's totally illogical, it shows how obvious it is that your hope of wanting it to close June 1 has nothing to do with what's best for the show; it's because if it extends, YOU won't be able to go. I understand having selfish concerns about something you love and feel passionate about, but at least don't try to make it look like that's not the issue.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 02:01 PM

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#38re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 2:57pm

I think the fact that a HUGE block of tickets wasn't sold to the public is a pretty good indication that June 1st is really the end.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#39re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 3:11pm

And if they decide to extend, those orchestra tickets that were withheld will then be released as with any other regular performance. All that indicates is that AS OF NOW, that is the final performance. It can always change. No matter what the chances are that it'll stay that date, as long as it IS, seats need to be held. That makes way more sense than selling them and then going "oh, wait, we're gonna close that day. We take them back."

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 03:11 PM

emo_geek Profile Photo
#40re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 3:30pm

Could they make that music in the background any louder?

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#41re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 5:19pm

oh my gosh! I can't take it! that was sooooo sad!!! I love you RENT!

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#42re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 5:27pm

Let's face it. If you are a Rent fan, your opinion will be biased in some way. If you have a ticket, you want it to close on June 1. If you don't, you want it to extend. Anyone who sees the show repeated in NY probably wants it to stay open for quite SOME time. Why fight about it.

Most likely, unless there is some major change, the show will close at some point in time. And I agree that Anthony or any fan will probably have the same feelings.

I don't have a ticket for June 1 (if any one if offering one - let me know re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing), but I ALMOST still want it to close on that date.

And I think Anthony's video is beautiful whether it is for commercial purposes or not.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?

Pascal/Menzel/Bundy Profile Photo
#43re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 6:31pm

I loved that video. That's pretty much all that needs to be said.

"It means nothing to come and sit in a theater night after night and immerse yourself in fantasy, only then to walk out the door and be unchanged in reality. This show will live on in our hearts. But where it truly must survive is in our actions, our compassion and our generousity of spirit towards one another." - Adam Pascal on the closing of RENT

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#44re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 6:47pm

I have my ticket for the last show AND I want it to extend. Where does that put me?

So sad. I agree with Anthony (and everyone here who has also echoed this) that RENT has been a sort of touchstone for as long as I've been in New York. Just knowing that it's there through everything, that I can count on it.

I don't want my touchstones to be Phantom and Mamma Mia!

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

emo_geek Profile Photo
#45re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 6:58pm

When Rapp spoke at my school a couple of months ago he said how he hopes Rent could just beat "The Dancing Spoons" (in reference to Beauty and the Beast) for run on Broadway.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

catstagestud Profile Photo
#46re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 7:38pm

That was really sad; yet he put it in perfect words. I almost cried! RENT will be missed; I'm sad that I won't get to see it one more time before it closes.




Kristeliz Profile Photo
#47re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/24/08 at 11:57pm

Wow, I haven't watched the video yet but this has been my personal secret for a while. When I first moved to NYC I used to work in midtown. At one point I was 21 and didn't have a lot of money for anything and I had horrible roommates. I hated going home and used to think about sleeping under my desk. On the way home from work, I would always try to kill time and most days I would somehow manage to walk by the Nederlander. It would always make me smile, just knowing that the show was there. Passing by just somehow made things feel better. I kind of feel like those walks got me through some rough times. And honestly, they still do.

Even now, on days that are just bad I'll take a stroll. Honestly it is one of my favorite things to do in this city. I'm 29 and seeing the mural of the original cast and the marquee just makes things feel normal, feel right. My husband knows if we are in the vicinity we have to walk by The Nederlander, just so I can tell him that's exactly what we are walking by. I'll say "Rent" and he'll just nod or laugh (at/with) me. As if he doesn't know.

The cool part is, knowing that I'm not the only one who did/does this. I think I always dreamed a little about having a child and walking the by the theater and telling him or her what a special place it is. And what a special show. I always thought about the best age for my future kids to see rent, as if it would always be there. Maybe they will be the perfect age for the revival.

I probably will still walk down the street on purpose long after the mural is gone and even if the theater changes. I guess it just makes me sad to lose one more "happy place" in this big city.

I think I'm going to try and pass by as much as possible until the end. At least one more time.

I was so looking forward to Rent 15.
Updated On: 1/24/08 at 11:57 PM

Che2be Profile Photo
#48re: Anthony Rapp on Rent's closing
Posted: 1/25/08 at 12:56am

let's just say i've heard little birds singing... and the name menzel has been thrown around with the word returns... talk amongst yourselves...
