
Books you feel could be made into a musical...- Page 2

Books you feel could be made into a musical...

#25re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 12:01pm

Agree to Tuck Everlasting and Ella Enchanted.

-There is a wonderful children's book by Dianna Wynne Jones called Howl's Moving Castle, and I think it would make a brillaint musical.
-Good Omens
-The Westing Game
-A Separate Peace
-The Poisonwood Bible

Updated On: 2/11/08 at 12:01 PM

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#26re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 12:51pm

I am all about a musical of The Great Gatsby!
And anything Jane Austen would make a nice musical. Pride and Prejudice the most though.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

iluvcioffiiluvtea Profile Photo
#27re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:14pm

I agree with the Pride and Prejudice thing.

R.I.P. Laurann 1987-2005

tazber Profile Photo
#28re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:16pm

Well the most obvious choice is of course Ulysses.

....but the world goes 'round

Pippin Profile Photo
#29re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:17pm

We could have the next "Sweeney Todd" on our hands if someone were to adapt "The Devil in White city"

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

iluvcioffiiluvtea Profile Photo
#30re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:22pm

I'd like to see A Walk to Remember as a musical as well.

R.I.P. Laurann 1987-2005

#31re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:29pm

They tried a Pride and Prejudice musical already under the title First Impressions. It flopped.

I'd love to see something by Edith Wharton or Henry James musicalized. I could see The Turn of the Screw as a dark chamber musical.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#32re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:35pm

SilentShadow, for some reason I think there's a foreign language musical based on Rebecca.

it'd be interesting to see an Amy Tan novel turned into a musical. The Bonesetter's Daughter is a favorite of mine, but I think The Joy Luck Club could be an interesting choice.

some other children's books I'd consider would be Bridge to Terabithia or Number the Stars.

and I definitely agree with jpbran's suggestion of Something Wicked This Way Comes.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

The_Jackal Profile Photo
#33re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 1:45pm

My friend and I were talking once and we decided that they should make The Outsiders into a musical. Maybe with a sort of rock influenced score. I don't know, I think it could be cool.

#34re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 2:40pm

"The Outsiders" would be cool. I loved that book when I read it in 8th grade.

#35re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 2:57pm

I think one of the Maeve Binchy novels. Maybe Tara Road where an American woman and an Irish woman swap houses. Good material for two actresses (ala Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley).

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#36re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 3:01pm

"The Turn of the Screw" is already an opera by Benjamin Britten. I don't think it can be approved upon.

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#37re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 3:17pm

As Most of you know i am working on a hitchhikers guide one!

#38re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 3:20pm

I'd like to see A Walk to Remember as a musical as well.

Even thought it's been (crappily) done, Anne of Green Gables. It could be GREAT if done right.

broadwayrules  Profile Photo
#39re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 4:25pm

I would enjoy The Outsiders as a musical...

nitsua Profile Photo
#40re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 6:46pm

The Devil Wears Prada.

"Writing is like prostitution. First, you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, and finally you do it for money." ~ Moliere

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#41re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 6:53pm

"I think that The Giver could be interesting "

I think it would be good, if they had someone like Stephen Sondheim do the music to bring out the dark undertone.

I'd love to see A Seperate Peace The Musical as well as Ella Enchanted. Also The Princess Diaries would be a cute musical with Kate Weatherhead as Mia. re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#42re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 6:56pm

Don Juan Tenorio by Zorilla.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#43re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:06pm

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

ByTheSea920 Profile Photo
#44re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:36pm

I agree with The Great Gatsby! When I read it last year, I kept thinking to myself "Wow, why has no one made this into a musical yet?" It would work really well, I think!

Also, I can picture The Catcher in the Rye as a good musical, but apparently it's IMPOSSIBLE to get the rights to it, which is why no movies or plays have ever been made of it. Still, after reading it, I wrote down a few song ideas for it.

1984 could be a good dramatic musical, but ONLY if it was done right, in a Les Mis style, maybe. If it was done wrong, it would be at risk for becoming a huge campy joke! But someday I'd love to work on something like that!

And I think the Princess Diaries would be adorable as a musical, especially if it followed the storyline of the book series more than the Disney movies. The books were better, and way funnier.

#45re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:42pm

Circle of Friends...it came out in the 90's with Chris O'Donnell and Minnie Driver...I feel like Adam Guettel could write a beautiful score for that show. Irish sexiness.

Juliash Profile Photo
#46re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:45pm

There needs to be a Great Gatsby musical.......

Also Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman... Updated On: 2/11/08 at 07:45 PM

sally1112 Profile Photo
#47re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:59pm

Has anyone read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower?"
The protagonist does all the narration, but the secondary characters are very rich.
I think if done correctly it could be something new and different that people could still find easy to relate to.

philly03 Profile Photo
#48re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 7:59pm

I'm in COMPLETE agreement with Pippin with "The Devil in the White City." When I read that I'm honestly not too sure why, but I felt like it could be a great Sweeny Todd / JEKYLL & HYDE type musical (whatever similarities you want to take from those two AHAHHA). I really think they could expand and do great things.

I really do not see "Catcher in the Rye." Well, I do and It would be great, but the book is too good to have someone fiddle around with it...and I would think J.D. Salinger wants to keep his book the way it is first of all, and secondly continue having people READ the book rather than claim they read the book after listeing to a musical or watching the movie (THE WOMAN IN WHITE is a great example of this!)

Speaking of Wilkie Collins, I think that "THE MOONSTONE" would also be great, but probably with some cuts & tweaks. But still, I think it'd be pretty good.

#49re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
Posted: 2/11/08 at 8:01pm

My vote is for Great Gatsby too... although there's been so many musicals set in the 1920s, plus there's the opera and 2 movie versions, so I think it would be really hard to do it justice, particularly because the language itself (more than then plot points) is integral to enjoying it.
Poisonwood Bible is a great idea... Michael John LaChiusa goes country!
