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WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....- Page 2


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#25re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:28pm

By the way, this is not a review.

#26re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 1:32pm

I promised myself I would stay out of this, but here goes.

Last night was my third outing to the show, which I enjoyed every time. I don't understand all the words, but Hoy me siento still gave me goosebumps.

That said, Laurents is in a lose-lose situation with the Spanish at this point. As I said, I don't mind it--but I have a big bias. I'm an avid listener to classical music, and I don't understand all the deutch and latin that I listen to, just get the gist. That's fine by me, but I also know that I can't impose my personel taste on other listeners. There must be subtitles either above or behind the performers. I didn't mind the subtitles the first time, just found them distracting by their placement (to the sides). By excluding audience members who want to understand what is being said, the production is excluding potential costumers, which is not a good idea in these times. The article from the Washington Post posted by Yero implies that Arthur is doing away with translations for good. I hope he reconsiders--regardless of opinions on the revival, I do think the inclusion of the Spanish is Laurents' most heartfelt change.

I also hope they do something about hair and costumes. I didn't mind the costumes so much the second time. This is because the blue lighting masks just how purple the Shark outfits are from a distance. But last night I was fourth row and the purples and pastels were borderline visually offensive. I get that Laurents might be going for a "timeless" look, the problem is that the language of the book firmly roots the play in the viewers' minds to a certain time period. If he had changed some of the vernacular he might have gotten away with it, but he didn't. It may be too late to recast (I disagree strongly that recasting is order), but it CAN'T be too late for costume and hair. It should be a minor point but it's gotten so much negative press that it's distracting from the production's positive potential, which I feel is otherwise high. It's urban NY, I don't think anyone is expecting extravagent outfits, but stuff that is borderline visually offensive won't work.

ETA: overall last night I felt the audience reaction was very positive, much more so than the second night I went, 12/29. But caution is advised, as I think since it was opening night lots of friends and family were in attedance.
Updated On: 1/8/09 at 01:32 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#27re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:13pm

They can't change the costumes until they get back to NYC; the costume people don't have the ability to overhaul them out of town.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

hubee Profile Photo
#28re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 2:45pm

I don't speak Spanish but you basically get the gist of whats going on within the emotional storyline. Yah, you'll miss a few jokes but I think Laurents is playing up the tragedy of the play and not make it the "fun lovable musical" we all think back to (especially when I think of the movie).

Personally I didn't mind the costumes but I think I'm the only one.

And when I went, the people around me loved it so I was really surprised there's so much negativity going around the boards. (I get some of the small stuff, and I'm glad they got rid of the projections but while I've only seen clips of the old 80's production, I think this one is far better (save for Tony)).

#29re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 3:09pm

We will be posting all the WSS reviews in "THEIR REVIEWS" on DC Theatre Scene - - so bookmart this link, and check back starting tomorrow evening and the reviews will be in one place for you to read. Also, I will post DCTS's Gary McMillan's review on the show here, when it's posted, which should be tomorrow. Joel


PalJoey Profile Photo
#30re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 3:20pm

Frankly, I don't think the reviews are going to criticize the show for the things that posters here have objected to.

And I think the Spanish is going to end up being viewed as a success, despite the things that posters here have been objecting to.

I predict that, despite its flaws, the revival will be a critical success.

#31re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 3:23pm

The biggest problem with the show -- greater than the ones they have with the Spanish or the costumes -- is that the pace is so SSSLLLLLOOOOWWWW. I hope that, at least has been fixed since I saw it two weeks ago.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#32re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 3:54pm

I agree with you Joey, most critics know the story and will be probably be impressed with the language change.
The acting and pacing are another thing though.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#33re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 4:20pm

The pace is the one thing I can't comment on because I haven't seen it, so that might make it feel dull.

I just have this gut feeling that the time is now right for Arthur's "concept," as poorly as it might be carried out, and he might get a pass from the critics because he's so damn old.

It would be like kicking a 16-year-old pit bull, just because he's lame and toothless.

rjjn Profile Photo
#34re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 4:41pm

Unfortunately, the audience the night I was there didn't take the Spanish that well. The little bits placed strategically not to remove understanding from the audience worked really well. However, the audience seemed to drift away mentally from the show when extended conversations were done in Spanish. I think getting rid of the Spanish would be a mistake, but some changes would likely improve audience reaction.

"Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love." -Neil Patrick Harris

#35re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 5:40pm

Did you read some of the comments that followed this "non-review"? They are not pretty. The good thing is there is a healthy discussion here, and hopefully the producers are paying attention to our thread and these comments. There's time to make more changes and I will definitely see it again when it opens in NYC where I live.

My favorite is:
Matt Cavenaugh (Tony) and Cody Green (Riff) are awful. I literally cringed every time they opened their mouths. Karen Olivo (Anita) is stupendous...a joy to watch. Josefina Scaglione (Maria) is also good. I felt like I was watching a high school production because everyone looked to be about 14. The songs in Spanish are absurd and it was annoying to have to read English surtitles. Fantastic dancing. I'm surprised by the director's statements about wanting the production to have "emotion" because I felt none.

Comments from DC on WSSS

Sleeper2 Profile Photo
#36re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 5:56pm

I remember well seeing South Pacific during previews and loving it. Then, I read a ton of bullcrap comments here about how horrendous the show was. The production ended up winning 7 Tony Awards including one for the guy who was sloughed off here for having no chemistry, no electricity, no personality.

Deja vu all over again -- I saw West Side in DC and liked it. Then, I read all the comments here (by some people who actually admitted they had never seen the show!) about how bad Matt is, how bad Cody is, how bad the costumes, the set, the ensemble, the orchestration are...

You people are way too much to believe.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#37re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 6:02pm

Variety is up

Looks like a rave. Updated On: 1/8/09 at 06:02 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#38re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 6:19pm

Baltimore Sun seems very positive

This production could move exactly as it is to the Great White Way tomorrow and be a success. If Laurents and his collaborators can fix a few problems in the second act, there will be no stopping it. West Side Story might well be Broadway's next big hit, and the mesmerizing Karen Olivo, who plays Anita, could be its next big star.

They note problems with the Spanish in the second act, and with some of the chemistry.,0,276177.story

Looks like PalJoey's assumption will be right, about this being a critical success.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#39re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 6:59pm

Washington Times seems mostly positive

It was a stroke of genius on the part of director Arthur Laurents (who wrote the original book and, at 90, is still coming up with fresh ideas) to have much of the dialogue and songs translated into Spanish.

This revision not only gives "West Side Story" newfound naturalness and passion, but it also heightens the emotion of this teenage-gang romance - a modern take on "Romeo and Juliet" -

They have concerns with the Matt and the costumes.

Updated On: 1/8/09 at 06:59 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#40re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:13pm

Why the silence?

#41re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:27pm

Because no one cares

ljay889 Profile Photo
#42re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:33pm

lol, I am sure no one cares. This thread had 2 pages bitching and complaining about the production, and now that it's getting positive reviews, people are unusually quiet.
Updated On: 1/8/09 at 07:33 PM

best12bars Profile Photo
#43re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:42pm

What are they supposed to say? They obviously don't agree with the critics.

Do you want them all to say so again? What would be the point in that?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#44re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:44pm

I'll start.


Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#45re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 7:53pm

Looks like Arthur's got a hit.

best12bars Profile Photo
#46re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:00pm

You totally called this one, PJ. They don't want to kick the 90-year-old pit bull.

And I'm guessing they also are probably mindful of the current economic climate. If they "kill" this show, they'll be staring at another lonely stretch of darkened side street on Broadway.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#47re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:00pm

I don't trust any critic who thought Cody Green was good.

Congrats to them so far.

#48re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:08pm

Let's wait and see what Peter Marks has to say in The Post, Gary McMillan in DC Theatre Scene, Brad Hathaway in Potomac Stages, Trey Graham in the City Paper, Patrick Folliard in the Washigton Blade, and Tom Avila in Metro Weekly. More reviews to come.
Podcasts of NYC, DC and Philly actors and directors Updated On: 1/8/09 at 08:08 PM

April Saul
#49re: WEST SIDE STORY Reviews....?
Posted: 1/8/09 at 8:13pm

Hey I hope Sleeper is right...I have pretty much learned that unless each and every poster despises a show, it might actually be decent or even good. I missed out on a couple of shows because people on the boards were so critical of them, so I'm taking a chance and going to DC on Sunday night to catch this (also worked out that I got a 9th row orchestra ticket for $50 so at least there won't be huge regrets there!). Just hearing the score will probably get me halfway there, anyway, it is so gorgeous...
