
GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!- Page 3

GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!

FishermanBob Profile Photo
#50GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 10:59pm

Many people really liking the show because it's clever and funny and very entertaining and it winning the Tony does not mean it's overhyped if you don't share their opinion.

#51GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:00pm

Hey EricMontreal.....the British imports had nothing to do with Britain....Miss Saigon- Vietnam, Phantom- France, Les Miz- France, Cats- Who the **** cares....what I meant was that anything with a British accent makes the critics moist.

#52GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:08pm

"Bravo to a run of over two years to a pretty original new musical."

While I'm with you in applauding them for the accomplishment, I don't think it's a simple question of adaptation/established property vs. new musical. All adaptations aren't devoid of artistic merit and they aren't all successes. Gentleman's Guide is a new musical but I also don't think that they did the best job with advertising and the story and style of music isn't the easiest sell.

#53GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:12pm

We all knew it was coming and I was hoping it would definitely last until January so I'm happy that came true.

Even though it will have beaten by Beautiful and Aladdin, I think it was an admirable run and they did recoup which was lovely.

I still stand by the show and think it was a very fun and enjoyable evening of theatre and just remember how it came in so quietly and then took the top prize. 

I will miss it when it goes.



JBroadway Profile Photo
#54GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:13pm

asmith0307 said: "The shortest turn-arounds that I can think of in recent seasons have all been 2 weeks. But it's also the same director, correct? It wouldn't seem smart to me to put two revivals by the same director, producer, and playwright back to back at the same theatre in the same season unless you were promoting it as a double-bill."


2 weeks sounds more realistic. 8 days would be a madhouse for that cast, crew and creative team. Also, I can't find find anything on Playbill that says its going into the Lyceum. Do you have a link carnzee? 

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#55GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:15pm

No one had much hope for it. Definitely would have closed much sooner without the Tony win.


Congratulations to all involved especially Mays.

Poster Emeritus

#56GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:17pm

I also have heard from many people that Crucible is going into the Kerr. They could be wrong, and, as I have constantly said on this board, nothing is official until the announcement is made. However, it seems likely.

Updated On: 9/8/15 at 11:17 PM

#57GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:44pm

I just wonder, would they hold it for a Spring Awakening transfer?????? If reviews are good. Which o feel they might be. Then why not??? Or is it too small??

#58GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/8/15 at 11:50pm

Broadwaystar2 said: "I just wonder, would they hold it for a Spring Awakening transfer?????? If reviews are good. Which o feel they might be. Then why not??? Or is it too small??



That's a good point, since Falsettos fell through only recently I bet Spring Awakening could have a good chance of moving especially if they are selling well.

BOM  Profile Photo
#59GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 12:08am

Definitely better than Aladdin. Can't say the same for Beautiful. It had a good run for a small show. Like others have stated, I found the music very unmemorable. But Jefferson Mays was worth the price of admission.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#60GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 12:23am

Broadwaystar2 said: "I just wonder, would they hold it for a Spring Awakening transfer?????? If reviews are good. Which o feel they might be. Then why not??? Or is it too small??"


The problem with that would be that Spring Awakening is playing at a Nederlander house and the Walter Kerr is owned by Jujamcyn.

#61GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 12:52am

And after seeing Spring Awakening tonight. The stage might be too small. And some floor elements woukd need to be built in. But I'm not sure the space is adequate. 

#62GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:11am

Jeffrey Karasarides said: "Broadwaystar2 said: "I just wonder, would they hold it for a Spring Awakening transfer?????? If reviews are good. Which o feel they might be. Then why not??? Or is it too small??"

The problem with that would be that Spring Awakening is playing at a Nederlander house and the Walter Kerr is owned by Jujamcyn."

That doesn't always rule out such a transfer. Chicago started at the Rodgers, a Nederlander house, before moving to the Shubert.

I'm not saying that it will even necessarily be doing the kind of business to warrant a transfer/extension, or that the Kerr could accommodate the show, but changing landlords is not something that would stop it dead in its tracks.

haterobics Profile Photo
#63GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:25am

Jeffrey Karasarides said: "I haven't seen it yet... but from what I've seen, it looks way overhyped."


So you don't like people trashing hits, but questioning the worthiness of shows you haven't actually seen is completely fine?! Craziness...

haterobics Profile Photo
#64GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:26am

evic said: "I still defy anyone to hum or sing one of the songs."


I can easily do this to I Decided to Marry You or Poison in My Pocket, but since this a text-based site, you're just going to have to take my word.

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#65GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:27am

Wasn't Chicago basically kicked out of their original theater though? Or am I thinking of something else?

haterobics Profile Photo
#66GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:29am

Broadwaystar2 said: "I just wonder, would they hold it for a Spring Awakening transfer?????? If reviews are good. Which o feel they might be. Then why not??? Or is it too small??"


SA has been adamant about the run not extending, for whatever reason.

lite2shine Profile Photo
#67GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:43am

SA has been adamant about the run not extending, for whatever reason.


Is it possible that they are planning to have a tour production w the current cast minus the" adult" actors? No matter how much rave they get, it still is hard to sell to regular tourists and it may attract more deaf audience around the country if they go on a tour like Big River did.

haterobics Profile Photo
#68GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:45am

lite2shine said: "Is it possible that they are planning to have a tour production w the current cast minus the" adult" actors?"


I just assumed that was conditional on getting the theater, like we have something coming in after you, but you can have it from this date to that date. I leave the heavy speculation to others, though. For me, that is just a firm deadline to see it. Assuming it lasts until then, since the cast seem to be excited with that still happening...



#69GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:46am

perfectlymarvelous said: "Wasn't Chicago basically kicked out of their original theater though? Or am I thinking of something else?"


I don't know if the actual reason for their first move was ever made public knowledge. Their numbers at both the Rodgers and the Shubert that first year they were running were phenomenal. My personal speculation was that the producers of Steel Pier (which replaced Chicago at the Rodgers, and who were co-producers on Chicago) worked out a deal with the Weisslers to use Chicago as a place holder for the Rodgers, as I'm sure it was pretty evident that Big was not going to be occupying the Shubert for much longer.


Anyone who was more involved at the time (I was a high schooler in Cleveland back then, soI didn't really follow any of the business side of things at the time) have any concrete info on that situation?

loliveve Profile Photo
#70GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 1:59am

VintageSnarker said: "...Gentleman's Guide is a new musical but I also don't think that they did the best job with advertising ...."

Are you kidding?! The marketing for this show has been consistently brilliant and funny.

#71GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 7:27am

Tuck is going to the Broadhurst and Psycho might want to go into a smaller theater. Falsettos was eyeing the Walter Kerr but since they are pushing back the opening by one season, rumors are going around that Crucible is coming in.

#72GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 7:27am

The house works extremely well for plays.

newintown Profile Photo
#73GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 7:48am

Congratulations to a terrifically wonderful show with a top-level score and perfectly constructed book. I thought it was easily the best new book musical of its season, and am very happy to have seen it. I still listen to several songs from the recording regularly.


Best wishes to the writers, actors, and everyone else who worked on it on their next assignments.

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#74GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Sets Closing Date!
Posted: 9/9/15 at 10:43am

I was always confused as to why it took this show so long to catch on even among theater fans, but I also know it's worth celebrating that the show will have had a very healthy two-year run by the time it closes. The producers took a huge gamble when they kept the show open through the lean times leading up to last year's Tony Awards, and it definitely paid off.

I absolutely adored everything about the show, and I am also looking forward to seeing the creatives and cast on Broadway again soon.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad
