Rent Movie Casting

DiRrTy_ReNtHEAD420 Profile Photo
#50re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:48am

OK here we go again.......

With out a doubt I see Andrea 3000 (from Outkast) as Benny... does anyone else agree with me?

Christina Aguilera (who i am in love with jsut look at the picture to your left ..... oh best night of my life) has to be in it. I see her playing Maureen although I am starting to see her as a MiMi as well and she is Latina.....

Roger should be played by Neil Patrick Harris and thats that.

Mark ahhhhhh i can give too ****s put someone new in there...

Joanne... I see Jennifer Hudson(american Idol 3rd season) Frenchie Davis (at the moment cant tell if the voice is right sorry but she is a nice THICK black female so why not put her in the mix) Queen LAtifa, or Angie Stone (great voice and did broadway allr eady playing Mama Morton in Chicago last year)

And if Christina doesnt get Maureen i say Britney Murphy (but only if you guys are right about her singing)

And is Christina doesnt get Mimi but Mya, Beyonce, adn as much as i hate saying this J-Lo (def. cant do the songs but will bring people to see it and make money)in there.

What you guys think of my picks? Dont be crule LOL nosa u can..

No Other Road.. No Other Way.. No Day But Today! Live Dirty, Play Dirrty, I am DIRRTY!

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#51re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:27am

With out a doubt I see Andrea 3000 (from Outkast) as Benny... does anyone else agree with me?

I could see that.

Christina Aguilera (who i am in love with jsut look at the picture to your left ..... oh best night of my life) has to be in it. I see her playing Maureen although I am starting to see her as a MiMi as well and she is Latina.....

Better Mimi than Maureen. She'd f**kin' rock on Out Tonight. And I don't think Christina has the comic timing for Maureen, if SNL was any indication.

Joanne... I see Jennifer Hudson(american Idol 3rd season) Frenchie Davis (at the moment cant tell if the voice is right sorry but she is a nice THICK black female so why not put her in the mix) Queen LAtifa, or Angie Stone (great voice and did broadway allr eady playing Mama Morton in Chicago last year)

I could see Queen L or Frenchie, but I think Jennifer Hudson's too young.

And if Christina doesnt get Maureen i say Britney Murphy (but only if you guys are right about her singing)

No, no, a million times no. :) Maureen's supposed to be a flake, but she's also supposed to be shrewd. Brittany's got the flake part, that's for sure. But it ends there. (Where have people heard Brittany sing before? "I'll never te-ell..." doesn't count!)

And is Christina doesnt get Mimi but Mya, Beyonce, adn as much as i hate saying this J-Lo (def. cant do the songs but will bring people to see it and make money)in there.

J.Lo's too old and polished. Mya maybe, but I don't think her pipes are good for it. Beyonce's too clean-cut. I'll stick with Christina for now, until something better comes up.

Does anyone know when this movie is supposed to start shooting?

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#52re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 4:11am

JASON MRAZ AS MARK!I saw him perform (I'm not a huge fan, my friend just had an extra ticket) and he has the perfect quirky personality for Mark. It really would work.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#53re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 10:25am

'Roger should be played by Neil Patrick Harris and thats that.'

You are kidding, right? I LOVE NPH but Roger??? No way! He is more of 'a Mark', there is no way he could do Roger.


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

Brodybaby03 Profile Photo
#54re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/19/04 at 10:29am

I like the jason Mraz idea and Neil Patrick Harris

THANKS for Laurie Metcalf oh god i almost peed.

Alix Profile Photo
#55re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 8/20/04 at 10:10pm says Raul Esparza, Audra McDonald, Justin Timberlake, and Denise Quinones. No idea where they got this....crazy stuff.


wickedkiwi Profile Photo
#56re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 4:54pm

i vote for unknowns

anybody remember what the casting was like for the JC superstar film? were the actors originals or unknowns? i think it should work something like jc superstar. if they update the instrumentation of the tracks a bit, and publicize it right, it'll work, and may even become the phenomenon that jc superstar was. and i agree, casting unknowns CAN work, if you package it right, as they did with the harry potter film. another thing, is that unknown work better for the show, because after all the characters themselves are supposed to be unknown...maureen's not a great actress, roger will never bring out a cd, mark will never generate a film that even makes it to a local movie theater. its the reality of the play, which is one of the reasons why people connect to it so much. i say, if u cast a celebrity, cast a reallly good celebrity singer as mark, because mark is the one we see the film/show through, so its ok to know HIM and relate to HIM, because we'll trust him. as for who, i dunno, i like neil patrick harris but i have no idea how casting for films work so...

...for a second, i really liked the idea of shakira as mimi. i can definetely see it happening. i dunno much about her acting but she's got the singing right, and the voice as well. queen latifah is too old for joanne. frenchie davis i've heard has a lot of attitude, and so they prolly wouldnt want to work with her. christina aguilera WOULD make an interesting maureen, but i've never seen her act and i doubt she can, regardless of her singing capabilities. plus, just seeing a recording artist like her on the film will make people think its a bad film, just as everyone thought when that movie with j.lo and ben came out.

by the way, justin timberlake has already declined participation in the film, so the casting list previously posted may not be updated. who would audra mcdonald play???

Tenme por lo que soy, por lo que puedo ser, y si te importo hoy, tenme nena, o vete!

#57re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 5:17pm got that stuff from people who originally read for Spike's version of the film. Raul, Audra and Justin definitely were considered back when his film was starting to get worked on. So it's not totally out there at all.

I wish we could see Spike's vision of the film. From what I've heard, it sounds amazing. Not nearly as watered down as I feel Columbus' version will be.

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#58re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 5:26pm

Where did Brittany Murphy sing?

I really don't like stunt casting, but as long as the person can pull off the part and doesn't kill it, I really don't mind who they cast. I would love to see Jai as Angel though.

You watch- they'll put Joey and Mel as Mark and Mimi. Ick.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

JoMarch Profile Photo
#59re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 5:55pm

Drew Barrymore was the only actor whose voice was dubbed for the movie Everyone Says I Love You. If you heard Julia Roberts sing in that movie you have to wonder how much worse Drew's voice must be to not make it! No way could she play Maureen.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#60re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 6:01pm

JoMarch - I am LOVING your avatar! What's UP with DOOL right now anyway?? (I'm hoping the Doc gets with Roman, personally.)

- end of threajack -

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#61re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/26/04 at 6:57pm

As for the major cast, I think they should all mostly be unknowns. But I think it would be interesting to have big stars in cameos as parents - maybe Barbra Streisand as Mark's mom, Gloria Estefan as Mimi's mom, Whitney Houston as Joanne's mom if she can get her act together, Madonna as Roger's mom.

emonkeygirl Profile Photo
#62re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 2:37pm

Casting for this is going on right now. My roommate is going in for Joanne. & she's definitely not a name. Yet! :)

It's hot and it's monotonous. I want my glasses.

#63re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 4:53pm

Saw Jai Rodriguez yesterday - says he's auditioning for the RENT movie next week......

#64re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:08pm

Mark - Neil Patrick Harris
Roger - Ethan Hawke or Stephen Dorff, only cuz I can' think of anyone else and they are on TV right now,
Mimi- I like Xtina Aguilera, I think she'd be great
Benny- Taye Diggs, hes already a movie star, i think it'd work
Maureen- Idina Menzel, shes already got some movie gigs comin up
Joanne- Queen Latifah
Angel- Jai Rodriguez
Collins- I would use Mark Richard Ford, or hahah maybe Usher or Brian Mcknight

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#65re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:10pm

I think Jesse Martin could still probably pull of Collins.

But I don't think Idina, Jesse, or Taye would want to do it, because I've read that most of the OBC wouldn't do it unless everyone was together again.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#66re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:37pm

I gotta say...

the only way I wanna see a Rent movie, the only instance in which I would go see it or rent it, or purchase, or even WANT it done to be honest, is with the entire original cast.

I want to see no other. There are some big names from Film, Television, and Broadway within that original cast - they definitely have the star power to pull people in who aren't such theatre buffs. Plus if marketed correctly, should be a piece of cake to sell that movie to the public.

I just think it's the only way to do it. They're all so talented, they've earned that. Plus I feel like it'd be the only way to keep the original intention, message, and honesty of the piece when it crosses to film is to have those who were in it from the beginning with Mr. Larson himself portraying his message.

That's my two cents.


If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

#67re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:38pm

that was the BIGGEST pile of BS I have heard ina LONG time. The OBC can't and won't do it. get over it and move on.

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#68re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 8:16pm

I agree with broadwayguy2. Posts like kripsy's just aren't interesting at this point. Clearly people who have never been in Broadway productions are being considered for the film, so why add your "two cents" by expressing a hopeless wish that dozens of other people have been expressing since May? I'm more interested in hearing about how some of these auditions are going than in reading more arguments for a film starring the OBC.

To those of you whose roommates auditioned for Joanne and Mark: What did they say about the auditions? What songs were they required to sing? And were they targeted for their ages? Updated On: 9/27/04 at 08:16 PM

wickedkiwi Profile Photo
#69re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 8:22pm

i agree with the fact that the obc cant do it anymore, they're just too old. plus, despite our fears of how the movie would turn out, they need to make it a unique work of art too, make it work for the movies and not just perform the play from the stage. i have the feeling we'll be seeing either something abstract like what they did in the new version of jesus christ superstar or something really artistic cinematography wise, like moulin rouge...i think it'd be interesting to have most of the movie recorded with a handheld camera, make it a little grainy and moving, so its through the eyes of mark, our narrator. i think that'd be the best choice they could do, and would lead to some interesting ideas. however, they couldnt do celebrity casting for it, cause they'd want to look pretty all the time.

do half celebritities like joey and mel b even attract a good enough crowd? i know it works for broadway sometimes, but does it for movies? wouldnt people dismiss it as yet another sleazy teen celebrity movie, vs an oscar winning "work of art", like chicago was? i dunno, not to diss those guys or anything, but i just dont think they're big enough to be cast just because they're celebrities.

by the way, i LOVE the idea of having the moms be (HUGE) celebrity cameos, now THAT would be interesting to see.

ps. hey, is there any way i can find out about auditions for the film? since they're doing open casting and someone's roommate is going for joanne? i'd like to try my luck, even if its just for fun and i'll never get picked!

Tenme por lo que soy, por lo que puedo ser, y si te importo hoy, tenme nena, o vete!

#70re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 8:58pm

well maybe she just felt like expressing her opinion, theres nothing wrong with that

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#71re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 9:19pm

Problem with her opinion is that it's been heard so many times. Perhaps we should just create a poll entitled "Will you dislike the Rent film strictly because it doesn't star the OBC?" and call it a day.

#72re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:14pm

yah, but I"m sure if you tried really hard you could find a problem with everyones opinion thats why its not called a fact

xanado_girl Profile Photo
#73re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:21pm

As far as members of the OBC being used in the film, I could definately see Taye Diggs. He's got a big enough name.
If Ms. Aguilera was cast I would be deeply dissapointed. Although she is a natural Mimi being the crack-ho that she, her acting ability is greatly lacking. She was horrific on SNL.

"Is it your booty? Is that what it is? Is it that booty of yours? I hope it is!"-Zanna, Don't!

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#74re: Rent Movie Casting
Posted: 9/27/04 at 10:24pm

Kana, that's... genius... yeah...

*rolls eyes* People who say "OBC or nothing" should be dismissed to their own board. Updated On: 9/27/04 at 10:24 PM
