
On the 29th day, day, day "Caroline" went away, away, away and she didn't come back, back, back, and she didn't come back...- Page 3

On the 29th day, day, day "Caroline" went away, away, away and she didn't come back, back, back, and she didn't come back...

#50re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 6:30pm

Okay...now when does it air?

Corine2 Profile Photo
#51re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 7:05pm


Corine2 Profile Photo
#53re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 7:32pm

Don't blame the cops. Blame the reason behind the cops. You know who to vote for this November.

Frickin' ****s want to withold funding from NY and then use it as their political lanching pad? I wish more than almost anything I could give the President a piece of my mind. Updated On: 8/29/04 at 07:32 PM

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#54re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 7:35pm

"Noah you stop it,
calm yourself!CALM!

-Although, to be perfectly honest, I'd be throwing chairs and be pissed off myself. Updated On: 8/29/04 at 07:35 PM

UDJAT Profile Photo
#55re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 7:45pm

Does any one have any change? I left mine at the show last night. Yes, I got the chance to finally see Caroline or Change and I loved it. My God Tonya's voice is beautiful. Everyone there seem to have enjoyed it. I'm like everyone else and can't under stand the closing of this production.

To everyone who hasn't seen this, you truly missed something good.

Good bye Caroline

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#56re: On the 29th day, day, day 'Caroline' went away, away, away and she didn
Posted: 8/29/04 at 8:54pm

"I'm the daughter of a maid.
She stands alone where the harsh winds blow:
Salting the earth so nothing grow
too close: but still her strong blood flow....
Underground through hidden veins,
down from stormclouds when it rains,
down the plains, down the high plateau,
down to the Gulf of Mexico,
Down to Larry and Emmie and Jackie and Joe.
The Children of Caroline Thibodeaux."

GOD that part just tears me up inside! The goosebumps are evidece!

tmz814 Profile Photo
#57Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:01pm

I just got back from the final show of CoC. It was a magical experience. I have never seen more tears at a final show. I was in the front row and am so happy I got to be there to say goodbye to this wonderful show.

When the show started and Tonya came out the audience started clapping and wouldn't stop, and Tonya started crying. Tonya cried through half of the entire first scene in the basement. Everyone was so on. All of the principals got applause as they entered (including washing machine, radio, and dryer) and you could see the appreciation on their faces. The emotion was so powerful and everyone was into their performances. I don't think I've ever seen such anger from Harrison before and he did a cute riff during Roosevelt Patrucious Coleslaw(I know i probably spelled that wrong!!). The kids really had fun during the RPC dance. You could tell that they were making the most of their last performance together.

Tonya got a standing ovation after Lot's Wife and had to stand there trying not to break character because we didn't want to stop clapping. Lots of tears during I HATE THE BUS. Anika also had trouble getting out the final lines in the epilogue because she was starting to cry.

The standing ovation started before anyone even came out for the curtain call. The young boys who play Caroline's sons looked like they were trying to hold in tears the entire show and they finally let go during curtain call. They came out for the first boy and they were bawling through the rest of the curtain call. Lots of tears from everyone. Anika and the guy who plays the dryer (sorry I don't have my playbill w/ me right now) both had cameras with them onstage during curtain call and were taking pictures. They also had the swings, understudies, etc. join them onstage, as well as Tony Kushner, Jeanine Tresori (other spelling mistake i'm sure) and others. It was so emotional seeing how much this show has touched all of the people involved.

I was crying through almost the entire 2nd act and didn't want to leave the theater at the end. I wanted to stay at the stage door after, but had to catch a bus back to NJ (i didn't want to get caught in any of the protests). I only got to see this show 4 times, but I loved it so much and am sad to see it go.

Sorry about the rambling and any spellign mistakes, but I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out before I forgot them.

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#58Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:13pm

Thank you for that account of the final show. I am glad that the show went out on such a high--and with so much love.

#59Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:15pm

That sounds great, TMZ814. Kind of made me feel that I was there, I really wish I was.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#60Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:21pm

That review gave me chills. I really wish i was there too.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#61Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:23pm


tmz814 Profile Photo
#62Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:23pm

You're welcome guys. I wish it was more detailed and stuff, but I was so caught up in the emotion of it all.... maybe tomorrow i'll be able to add a bit more.

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#63Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:37pm

OK now after reading that, I'm seriously going to cry. WHY!!!!!! Maybe if we clap real hard, it'll come back!? Updated On: 8/29/04 at 09:37 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#64Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:16pm

ChiCHi... The possible HBO taping is not coming from someone at the stage door... It was coming from producers and castmembers told to someone (myself and a few others) AT the stage door, so I think its a pretty good bet that it did get done.

Man, so many negative nellies... Lets have positive thoughts and hope that it gets aired.

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#65Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:21pm

It makes me mad when these shows close. We have no control, they just decide to close. I had tixs for this show but not until September. This has happened to me a few times where I had tixs and the show closed. Most of the time I buy the tixs when the show first comes out.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

The Goat
#66Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:39pm

I will second tmz814's review of the last performance of "Caroline." I was in orchestra seat B1, and also was close enough to see the cast fight back the tears, and then let go. Anika Noni Rose's tears at the end of her "my house" song gave it extra poignancy, and when she went over to Caroline/Pinkins and said "Mama, I'm sorry I called you a maid," she was saying it through sobs. Pinkin's "Lot's Wife" was probably the best I've heard her do it--it seemed as if she was putting everything she had into it, and her voice did what she wanted it to. As with tmz814, I was watching much of the second half through a blur of tears, but what really got me was the moment Caroline paused at her front door and looked back as Emmie came in for her last song. Pinkins's last sweeping look out across the audience seemed to say, "This it it. This is the last time I'll do this." Then she closed the door behind her and left the stage. Cue the tissues. "Caroline," I'll miss you.

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#67Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:42pm

Thank you all for your reviews. I'm so sad I only saw it once...it was definately the most moving show I've ever seen.

NuggetMonkeys Profile Photo
#68Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 11:43pm

agh!!! i would have died for a ticket to the last show....
not faaaaaaair!!!!!!
now who took pictures?!?!?!

Vary My Days.

Chip1012 Profile Photo
#69Final Show
Posted: 8/29/04 at 11:53pm

goodbye to the most amazing and beautifully written show I've ever seen. I lit a candle at 3pm today and again at 5:25 (about when it ended). No joke. Thats really sad...that I did that. But it was necessary.
Ok, Ms. Tesori. Please let us have sheet music. Updated On: 8/29/04 at 11:53 PM

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#70Final Show
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:08am

i second that, (even though the sheet music wouldn't have anything for me) it really should be released so these songs have a long afterlife.

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#71Final Show
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:15am

"I did it. I killed her. I did it. She died." Updated On: 8/30/04 at 12:15 AM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#72Final Show
Posted: 8/30/04 at 3:26pm

Dont know if this was posted yet but...http://www.playbill.com/news/article/88139.html

uncageg Profile Photo
#73Final Show
Posted: 8/30/04 at 3:36pm

I am waiting for Broadway.com to post theirs.

Interesting....During the show's run, Caroline... was listed under HBO films on it's website. It has been removed.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/30/04 at 03:36 PM

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#74Final Show
Posted: 8/30/04 at 6:15pm

HBO can not get people's hopes up and send them crashing down! It better air!
