
Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?- Page 3

Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?

#50re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:13pm

How about Allison Fischer from Lestat as June?

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#51re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 8:59pm

re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?

Did someone say, "Catherine Zeta Jones?" By the way, I LOVE the idea . . . as well as the CABARET idea.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2
Updated On: 6/13/06 at 08:59 PM

allofmylife Profile Photo
#52re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:10pm

She lives with Michael Douglas. No she's married to him. No she apparently stands up to Michael Douglas.

She is probably as stong as a Welsh Guardsman.

She'll be swell.

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

alterego Profile Photo
#53re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 9:56pm

This whole idea is mad. Who (other than us) is really interested in another film of GYPSY? No matter who the cast is I can't see it creating too much of a stir.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#54re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 10:20pm

This whole idea is mad. Who (other than us) is really interested in another film of GYPSY? No matter who the cast is I can't see it creating too much of a stir.

Could not agree more, plus CZJ was the biggest letdown in Chicago.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

alterego Profile Photo
#55re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 10:24pm

To think they passed over Toni Collette to give CZJ Velma!

elvenprincess971 Profile Photo
#56re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/13/06 at 10:25pm

Just leave Gypsy alone. It's beautiful and it has a legacy that should not be ruined or glamourized by modern Hollywood.

I can just see the "Gypsy Strip Routine" right now. Reminiscent of all the flashing lights of the movie Chicago.

Its just wrong!

Love, Miss Britt

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#57re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 12:22am

I don't see CZJ as Mama Rose at all.
But a bigger problem is Rob Marshall,
He turned CHICAGO into an MTV movie and it worked cause FOSSE created it as basically a revue with a slim plot, and Marshall RAZZZLE DAZZLED it.
But GYPSY is a book and plot show, with real Characters and that was the problem with GEISHA, lot's of style no substance or story telling.
and I agree GYPSY does not need a new Movie right now.
Let's hope this goes as far as Liz Smith's predicition of J Lo in GUYS AND DOLLS the new movie.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#58re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 12:29am

Toni Collette for Rose all the way!

Zeta-Jones is too young.

I would have an easier time buying her as Louise than Rose.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

best12bars Profile Photo
#59re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:40am

Couple more thoughts...

If Mama Rose isn't past her prime when she sings "Rose's Turn," then what's the point of the number? Catherine is hardly past her prime... and hardly would generate a comment like "You woulda made a hell of a stripper in your day." Not something you'd say to a bombshell like Zeta-Jones just now.

Toni Collette was never considered for Velma. Catherine was the first actress approached for "Chicago" and she was asked which role she wanted to play. They let HER chose, and she chose Velma. Toni auditioned for, and screen-tested for Roxie. Bill Condon fought hard for her initially, but the part went to Renee.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#60re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:41am

YES Toni Collete!
u rock Munk

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#61re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 1:47am

Some of the songs are just atrociously old-fashioned even for a show that takes place in the distant past ("May We Entertain You"), but considering what Marshall did with "We Both Reached for the Gun" and "Nowadays," I have little doubt that he could make Gypsy's score work.

I have always thought there was something very Faye Dunaway about Zeta-Jones so I suppose the bad mum could very well be the next best role for her. Of course, it might be better for Rob Marshall's film career to work well with a new cast rather than admit - by reteaming with Zeta-Jones for his third theatrical film - that Chicago is about as good as it will get for him.

#62re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 7:30am

"Catherine was the first actress approached for "Chicago" and she was asked which role she wanted to play."
I'm afraid that's a lie. I know that in the early stages of film preparation Golide Hawn was penciled in to play Velma and Charlize Theron to play Roxie, and the names altered many times throughout the initial stages.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#63re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 9:09am

Toni Collette is actually quite a bit younger than Catherine Zeta Jones.

You have to remember that in the 1930s-1940s, a woman who was 40 years old was considered "old" and definitely past her prime. Historically, Rose should be about 40; perhaps society's vision of old has changed over the years and that is why we get all these 60 year old grandmas playing Blanche DuBois - but in that era, a single woman in her early 30s was considered an old maid.

For me, its actually more compelling if Rose is young enough to still be able to see what "might have been" in her recent past, but just too old to realistically obtain it. Perhaps she could have been a star if she didn't have children when she did, and perhaps that is why she is pushing them with such a vindictive drive.

But at any rate, Rose was in her teens when Louise was born, so 41, CZJ's real age, is probably the exact age Rose should be at the end of the show.

PS - CJZ was indeed Rob Marshall's first choice. Goldie Hawn, Charlize Theron, etc were being considered for Roxie when Nick Hytner was briefly attached to direct. They were not considered for Velma and certainly not by Marshall.

alterego Profile Photo
#64re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 9:29am

If you go back far enough the names Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn and Liza Minelli were all mentioned for a movie of CHICAGO.

I still think that there would be next to no interest in a new musical film of GYPSY.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#65re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 9:53am

There would probably be next to no interest in a movie musical of SWEENEY TODD, beyond Johnny Depp's name - but if they want to make it - hey I'm game.

best12bars Profile Photo
#66re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 9:59am

AngusN---It's not a lie. I got it straight from the horse's mouth, although I won't tell you which "horse."

You're talking about previous incarnations of "Chicago" before the actual "greenlit" creative team was assembled and REAL casting began on the film that was made.

I'm talking about what actually happened. You don't have to believe it if you don't want to... but "them's the facts."

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

PalJoey Profile Photo
#67re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 10:19am

Madame Rose, not Mama Rose, please.

No one in the script calls her "Mama Rose": Louise and June call her "Mama" (or "Momma"), Herbie calls her "Rose," the kids call her "Madame Rose."

Calling her "Mama Rose" is like calling an original-cast album a "soundtrack."

best12bars Profile Photo
#68re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 10:28am

I have the soundtrack to Gypsy with Merman. I love it!

...And actually, it's Pappa Rose.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#69re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 10:30am

Ethel Merman used to refer to the role as "Mama Rose" - I think that's where the monicker started; at any rate I think we're stuck with it, its definitely how most people refer to the role now.

Broadway is life04 Profile Photo
Broadway is life04
#70re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 12:52pm

Dakota Fanning as Baby June!? I think CZJ will be amazing, after all look at her performance in Chicago. You can't underestimate an actress who is extremely famous for what she does...she'll definitely be able to pull it off. There is no doubt in my mind.

#71re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:16pm

best12bars is right about Catherine Z. Jones' being the first actress considered for the role of Velma in the Rob Marhsall-directed Chicago film. When Fosse first brought up the idea back in the 70s, Goldie Hawn and Liza Minnelli were considered to star in the film, they even performed "All That Jazz" together on a TV variety show. However, I believe a little bit before he died, Fosse spoke to Fred Ebb about casting Madonna for the movie, he was quoted as saying he would win her her first Oscar.
Back on topic, Catherine Z. Jones is not too old to play Rose, and I'm sure she will make the most out of it.

GodIHopeIGetIt Profile Photo
#72re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:27pm

As much as I love her, they're putting her in as Rose for a big name...as movie musicals do. I agree that she plays too young, it's not an aspect of numbers, it's just that she seems younger, gives off a young vibe. And yes, that's why she's an actress, but I just don't think she can pull it off.

If they put Dakota Fanning as Baby June, I will vow to never ever see that movie.

broadwayfan12 Profile Photo
#73re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:30pm

i love her but i don't really know that much about Gyspy, i have heard of it a million times but i don't know what it is about, can someone tell me?

Sierra Boggess is made of awesome!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#74re: Catherine Zeta-Jones in new film of Gypsy?
Posted: 6/14/06 at 6:32pm

Oh dear. I suggest you buy a recording of it, every Broadway fan must own a Gypsy cast recording.


I would love to Catherine sing Rose. I think she could handle it. I think her Rose's Turn would be amazing.
