


Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:40pm

broadwaybound, I completely agree. The reason I started this thread was to try and attract people to go see the show. And that is all.

This will end my posting here.

Joy Behar Profile Photo
Joy Behar
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:40pm

seriously, though...

it's really bad.

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:42pm

Seriously- Sillygirl- I am almost tempted to see the show for you and do a 10/10 Report on Frankenstein with the whole stage dooring pictures (against all my better judgement! ) I truly admire your enthusiams ( without any scarsm on my part) .. I hope this does not deter you from posting... fight for what you believe! re: GO SEE the OFF-BROADWAY 'FRANKENSTEIN'


Updated On: 11/25/07 at 11:42 PM

LimelightMike Profile Photo
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:43pm

I for one am VERY anxious (and excited) to see the show at 37 Arts w/ my sister on the 30th.

Sillygirl, I have a question: If I want to get my playbill signed, and y'know, meet Steve, Christiane, Hunter, and give my "Wazzup!?" to Jim, where would I go after the performance? Just wander aimlessly around the lobby 'til I spot them? Are they cordial to fans? Lemme know. Thanks! re: GO SEE the OFF-BROADWAY 'FRANKENSTEIN'

Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:48pm

jaystarr - I appreciate it, but I'm through with this place. I don't know how you stand it.

LimelightMike - Just hang outside the theater. They all come out the front doors. You'll need to approach them though. (Hunter likes to run away real fast.)

Ciao ya'll.

One last shout: GO SEE FRANKENSTEIN!
Updated On: 11/24/07 at 11:48 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:56pm

What happened to "This will end my posting here."?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/24/07 at 11:59pm

Sillygirl2- Let me share you one thing.. One time I got soo upset with someone here and a good friend (who rarely post at the mainboard -pm'd me this ) for that I was so grateful to him..

you can't let one mean person drive you away.
you also can't let what he says bother you. He doesn't know you, he knows nothing about you, so really why should what he says matter? I mean, who cares?
I also hate having negative feelings toward anyone, but there are a couple of people on here that I can't help but dislike.
it used to really bother me too, but I realized that they're assholes and ignore them now.
Don't take it so personally. Trust me please, ignore him 100%.


EXACTLY. Now looking back. I was just laughing ... Fight for what you believe. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. as long as you dont call people names or insult them personally...if you cant take it.. dont look at the thread anymore.

One person told me that the greatest blow to offensive poster(s) here is to IGNORE them....I DO that now...

I hope I help you vent some of the negative energy you experienced bec. I dont want anyone here ever feel what I felt when I first join here. REMEMBER- everyone is entitled to their own opinion... you dont know the poster (personally) and they dont know you neither....so just take everything here with a grain of salt and just laugh!


Updated On: 11/25/07 at 11:59 PM

Joy Behar Profile Photo
Joy Behar
Posted: 11/25/07 at 12:26am

Amen, jaystarr.

I didn't mean to start a big fight. I'm sorry Sillygirl2. I didn't mean to make you upset. I have no problem with you. I just have a problem with bad theatre.

Little-Lotte Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 12:46am

But what you think is bad and what someone else thinks is bad will NEVER be the same. I see it all the time when shows close how people slowly emerge on this board and post how they wished they had seen it. Others will also finally come out and say that they enjoyed it but by then it's too late.

Myself and Silly Girl are not trying to convert people to see it (that's ultimately up to them) but for people that may have an interest in seeing it but are unsure because critics and people on here say it's bad, well we can give them an alternate perspective. Let's face it, the negative is ALWAYS more interested to read which is why on this board when someone hates something they post about it incessantly. Then attack ANYONE else who may like it for not having any taste in theater.

It's all so pathetic! Who made said person the be all and end all of theater. The same goes for critics. Just because someone got a degree in journalism and is working at a newspaper does not make them a god. I hate how everyone is so damn elitest on this board, when they have no grounds or right to be. Opinions always become facts here unless they aren't shared by the majority, it's just ridiculous!

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 12:48am

Joy Behar- I love your name and I am a big fan of her..


Sillygirl2- I think you did a great job.

You know everyone here is entitled to their own opinion. So some people who does not like FRANKENSTEIN will never change their mind.. no matter what . PERIOD.

But think of this.. they are doing you a GREAT FAVOR- they keep responding and they are bumping your thread...and everyone is PAYING ATTENTION to the thread.

While everyone is having a discussion whether the show is GOOD or BAD and why?
There are people out there who has not seen the show - they might relate to your experience...and they might see the show bec. YOU POSTED.

Also there are people out there who were not impressed with the show at all (like they listened to the demo & for whatever reason) and alreday made up their mind that the show is bad. well- that's their perogative and what can you loose? Nothing

For a thread with 57 post and almost a thousand views.. you should FEEL PROUD and HAPPY. Some people even would write a lengthly & intellectual reviews and their thread wont get much view...

YOU SHOULD BE SAD - if no one pays attention to this thread and it just fall into the
2 or 3 page.. but IT DID NOT- so you should be happy - bec. you accomplished something re: GO SEE the OFF-BROADWAY 'FRANKENSTEIN'

and that's what this Message Board is all about ...


Updated On: 11/25/07 at 12:48 AM

Joy Behar Profile Photo
Joy Behar
Posted: 11/25/07 at 12:51am

Ok. I should rephrase. I should have said...

"Personally, I detest bad theatre. Frankenstein is bad theatre. But, some people enjoy bad theatre, and there's nothing wrong with that."

i_heart_roger_bart Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 2:18am

I'm glad to see that peace has been restored to this thread. But I do have to say..

"To go to lengths as to insinuate the fact that people are "con artstis" or "crazy whoever fans" is just simply ridiculous. It truly is sad to see the levels of garbage users have posted on this board..."

That might have been one of THE most truthful things ever put on these boards. There seems to be so much rage and hatred in so many people on these boards. Even if the topic is something they don't mind, they'll analyze and pick apart and find something wrong with your sentence structure or your grammar or your age or your eye color or your dog's name or ANYTHING they can get their hands on.

I agree with jaystarr. I had a similar experience and as a result I rarely come here. I can't stand the drama on these boards. So I check the boards for my favorite running shows and my favorite Broadway actors and then I steer clear. And for folks to seem to try so hard to be classy people, all they really seem to do is make themselves seem childish and immature.

Okay. That was my two cents. Had to get that off my chest. =)

And I'll definitely give Frankenstein a chance if it extends its run past Jan 6th. Otherwise I won't be in town. =(

Take care all.

We were fated to be mated. We're Bialystock & Bloom!

Posted: 11/25/07 at 2:55am

Ummm aren't we all hear because we are theater fans? So wouldn't it be worthwhile to atleast see a production, good or bad? I think you can get something out of any piece of theater and I completely agree with many others on the thread... this is ALL opinion! Do not tell people not to go because they might love it.

And I think someone made a comment about how all this does is ruin the show's BWW reputation. I think that is semi important. MANY people read this thread and I think some shows closing have to do with the fact people on this board are HORRIBLE to some shows and never give them a chance and therefore dissuade other fans from seeing it. Give the show a chance! I had a good night seeing it and wouldn't even mind seeing it again.

Posted: 11/25/07 at 3:00am

jaystarr <--I like you. That's all I have to say about that.

And like what was said before none of us are coming here to try and convert people. If you think it's a terrible show. That's fine. That doesn't make it bad theatre just because you like it. And it doesn't make it good theatre either. Like I said. I detest shows like Spring Awakening and Legally Blond. I think they're absolutely terrible and mind numbing in a bad way. Loads of people love them.

As far as the minimalist set goes. I personally like that better. I think huge sets take away from the story and the junk people should be paying attention to at a theatre. Take Jacques Brel is alive and well and living in Paris. Brilliant show (in my opinion). Barely any set. I thought it was perfect. Some shows don't need a set really. And as far as Steve's costume. Yeah maybe they should have made him more "monsterish" because they keep talking about the horror of how he looks and people are scared of him blahblah but he still just looks like an average guy...with no shirt. But at the same time. He really hasn't been dead for too long so I don't know how gross he should really look.

But I do like the show. And I can't remember who said it earlier about the Father having too big of a part and his songs are boring. I have to say I think he's the most developed character honestly. His songs brought tears to my eyes in fact.

I believe the cast is crazy talented and if you hate the show so much I hope you at least appreciate the talent on that stage. (Again..if you think they suck as well that's your choice) But I always refer back to Lestat. I loved the show. The show was terrible I'll even say that out right. It was a poorly written show. But I still loved it and I loved the cast. I always told people the actors in Lestat could making reading the phone book for 3 hours seem interesting. I appreciate the work people put into things even if they don't come out as expected.

It just frustrates me that people don't go see shows because someone told them it was horrible or the critics didn't like it. You have your own brain and your own thoughts. Go take your student ID buy a ticket for 25 bucks and at least experience something new. And then formulate an opinion for yourself. If you hate it, you hate it and you say oh well it was just 25 bucks at least I gave it a try. If you love it, great go back again or tell your friends.

And if you hate it don't sit here on a message board that really wont effect your real life (unless you're crazy) and screaming about OH THAT SHOW BLOWS! Just to make people angry and stir up crap.

I loved the show. I loved the cast and I intend on seeing it again. Maybe that makes me an idiot who should be stabbed to death while I sleep. Whatever. Then so be it. But unless you've seen the show don't tell me about how bad it is. And if you HAVE seen it and didn't like it. Don't just scream in my face about how terrible it is. Tell me WHY you didn't like it. And in an adult fashion if that's possible because I'm not going to listen to you just say "IT SUCKS! HAHAHA"

Oh and if you make an account on a message board after reading a thread trying to support a show...JUST to say DO NOT GO SEE THIS SHOW you're just being pointless and immature and that makes me sad.

And on that I'm going to go listen to my Frankenstein concept CD and go to sleep.
Updated On: 11/25/07 at 03:00 AM

Posted: 11/25/07 at 7:33am

Horrible show.

Save your money.

See something worthwhile.

Skip the shilling.

Don't see Frankenstein.

Webb2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 8:03am

Good show.

Spend your money.

It is worthwhile.

Skip the negative shilling.

See Frankenstein.

Corine2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 11:55am

I didn't care for the music. It was very loud. I could not stand the costumes. The sets. I can't think of one positive thing to say about this show. Worse, I am friendly with the people involved and I hated it.

I am happy some of you liked it. My friend turned to me during intermission and begged to leave and she never leaves anything. It tied "Don Juan In Hell" as being one of the worst things I have ever had the pleasure of sitting through.

I am not into Wildhorn but his music was fabulous in comparison. To me it was a dud and I was cringing for every minute I sat there. Sorry.

If you are looking for a fabulous thing to see Off Broadway I adore Forbidden Broadway Rude Awakening. It is a very entertaining 90 minutes and 400 percent better than any Broadway or Off Broadway show. Just my opinion. (I have seen it 71 times)

Updated On: 11/25/07 at 11:55 AM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 12:27pm

I didn't care for the music. It was very loud. I could not stand the costumes. The sets. I can't think of one positive thing to say about this show. Worse, I am friendly with the people involved and I hated it.

I am happy some of you liked it. My friend turned to me during intermission and begged to leave and she never leaves anything. It tied "Don Juan In Hell" as being one of the worst things I have ever had the pleasure of sitting through.

I am not into Wildhorn but his music was fabulous in comparison. To me it was a dud and I was cringing for every minute I sat there. Sorry.

If you are looking for a fabulous thing to see Off Broadway I adore Forbidden Broadway Rude Awakening. It is a very entertaining 90 minutes and 400 percent better than any Broadway or Off Broadway show. Just my opinion. (I have seen it 71 times)

Corine, why is there not a review of Frankenstein on the Corner?
Or did I miss it?

People, go see the freaking show for yourself. If you can not make an informed decision based on the reviews, posts and advertising, JUST GO! The worst thing that will happen is you are out the price of admission, the best thing is, you might actually LIKE it!

Updated On: 11/25/07 at 12:27 PM

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 1:07pm

"I've seen incredible sets Off-Broadway. Die Mommie Die, The Receptionist, Blackbird, Crazy Mary, just off the top of my head."

amd don't forget In the Heights, probably one of the best sets I have EVER seen on OR off broadway... they really got it down to a tee.

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

Posted: 11/25/07 at 1:26pm

Why are sets so important? I'm actually just curious. I think shows with little to no sets are just as good if not better sometimes because you can focus on the other things since you're not staring at some giant dragon flying around over stage or something like that.

"If you are looking for a fabulous thing to see Off Broadway I adore Forbidden Broadway Rude Awakening. It is a very entertaining 90 minutes and 400 percent better than any Broadway or Off Broadway show. Just my opinion. (I have seen it 71 times)"

I saw Forbidden Broadway SVU. Funniest show I've ever seen by far. I've never laughed so hard. I've been dying to go back to see Rude Awakening.

Posted: 11/25/07 at 1:28pm

I'm fine if you choose a minimalistic approach, but not when sets just look cheap.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 1:36pm

I think shows with little to no sets are just as good if not better sometimes because you can focus on the other things since you're not staring at some giant dragon flying around over stage or something like that.

Or a giant hand coming out of a sofa...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Corine2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/25/07 at 7:41pm

I write reviews when I have at least something positive to say. I don't believe in hurting theater. I am an interviewer and write reviews when I am moved. I don't see any point in reviewing a horrendous show. Corinescorner is about helping theater not hurting it.

I did hate Frankenstein. But, there is no need to write that on my site. I write about great theater.

Young Frankenstein was reviewed because I had a great time.

#73Can you sing the word "Frankenstein" with a straight face?
Posted: 11/25/07 at 7:54pm

this show is bad. very bad. joy behar you amuse me.

i'm curious people who like the show, what are some of your other favorite shows?

in my experience people were fleeing from 37 Arts. it's interesting when you see a bad show, in a way a new form of theater emerges...you start forming relationships with your fellow audience members("are we really witnessing this?" a random lady in front of me asks, "ahhh, come on..." a guy behind me grunts, "ha ha ha, JESUS CHRIST! a woman guffaws).

i've been an actor in bad shows, and thus I am not speaking of their talents. actors cannot fix a bad show. what worries me is when people think something is good when it is crap. who puts money into this? i have seen many good shows die because of lack of funds, and it makes me sad.

I would say don't spend your money on this show...take a chance and see JUMP at the Union Square theater. The performers barely speak a work of english yet they communicate more with their audience than Frankenstein ever could.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#74Can you sing the word 'Frankenstein' with a straight face?
Posted: 11/25/07 at 8:00pm

Loved Frankenstein no matter what the naysayers are espousing. Worth your time & money. We look forward to the cast album.

Poster Emeritus
