
Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?- Page 3

Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?

jv92 Profile Photo
#51re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 12:44pm

You didn't see Grey Gardens or Follies, therefore you don't count. And YankeeFan is right, go see some plays.

Look, can we all agree that Wicked is a crappy show? Schwartz and Holtzman had that wonderful novel to work with and they turned it into tripe. Fangirls/boys- Just read the book and tell me if you think it deserved such a lousy musicalization.
And as for the 5th anniversary "concert." It will never happen. There will probably be a cake and a speech onstage, but the day Menzel and Chenoweth return to that show is the day hell freezes over in NYC (Although, that did happen last year when LuPone and Laurents worked together again). Chances are pretty much nil, sorry.

uncageg Profile Photo
#52re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 1:00pm

I enjoyed Wicked when I saw it on Broadway with the original cast. Saw the 1st national tour and was not as impressed. It is a good show but I doubt I will see it again. I do enjoy the music but I can't say it is in my top ten shows. And I agree, AllShowsRock, you should see some plays. Unless you don't like plays. If not, you are missing out on a killer season for plays.

Just give the world Love.

Trap-Door Lover Profile Photo
Trap-Door Lover
#53re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 1:52pm

I honestly thought the musical was an improvement of the book.

blaxx Profile Photo
#54re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 2:17pm

WicKid is the best musical on Broadway ever - i went with my school and everyone liked it and some lady was sayiong that everyine everywhere really likes it so there can't be any better show, well maybe reNt but only when they had Eyedine.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

uncageg Profile Photo
#55re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 3:03pm

I don't think the show is an improvement over the book. A lot was cut out and I didn't care for the ending. But the show is fine.

Just give the world Love.

#56re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 4:36pm

well I see the post after mine went in exactly the opposite way from what I'd hoped lol.

myManCape Profile Photo
#57re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:27pm

Wait! Idina is really coming back to Wicked? Wow.

"Have they come yet?"

Elphabuff2 Profile Photo
#58re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:40pm

It's hard to take WICKED fans, myself among them, seriously for several reasons, spelling and punctuation at the top of the list. Let's proof read. I can barely follow what many other fans say.

Idina should rightfully move on. I think the cake ceremony will be it, as someone else said. Let a sleeping time dragon lie.

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#59re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 7:44pm

Because musicalmaster703 is the master of posting all things false about musicals.

Name 2 times i have got somthing wrong?

lakezurich Profile Photo
#60re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 8:23pm

Okay, I will point out the obvious wrong claim. You said in your previous post:

"ok, now in all seriousness she probably will come back like Adam and Anthony (in rent) Because her contract says she needs to do Wicked 1 more time before she can do any other plays."

And Idina has already been in another show. Granted it was an Off-Broadway show, but that still counts.

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical

philly03 Profile Photo
#61re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 9:48pm

Something that Allmusicalsrock said: "A: Make more money then anyother show in HISTORY of Broadway " about Wicked.

That's false? I do believe "The Phantom of the Opera" has made well over 3.5 BILLION worldwide, and I'm just guessing but I bet the majority of that money is from the Broadway and London productions.

And Idina better nto come back! She should be ina CHESS revival at that time!!!

#62re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/21/08 at 11:38pm

haha that's true. she is already moving on. I love the woman and think was incredible when I saw her, but Wicked? now? again? I think she is moving up the ladder and not looking back (just right yet).

jv92 Profile Photo
#63re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/22/08 at 12:11am

"ok, now in all seriousness she probably will come back like Adam and Anthony (in rent) Because her contract says she needs to do Wicked 1 more time before she can do any other plays."

Where on EARTH does it say that? Ms. Menzel is a smart gal. I don't think she'd ever sign such a ridiculous contract. And she's done other shows, by the way. And despite the fact that I find its author pretentious, it was a hell of a lot better than Wicked.

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#64re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/22/08 at 8:30am

oh sorry, i reread where it said that. and she can't be in RENT again because she signed a contract to be in wicked 1 more time before she could be in rent. Sorry.

p.s. you could only name that one time i screwed up, you diddn't name 2

#65re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/22/08 at 8:44am

1. "ok, now in all seriousness she probably will come back like Adam and Anthony (in rent) Because her contract says she needs to do Wicked 1 more time before she can do any other plays."

2. oh sorry, i reread where it said that. and she can't be in RENT again because she signed a contract to be in wicked 1 more time before she could be in rent. Sorry.

3. re: Opening Night Tickets
Posted On: 1/30/08 at 07:12 PM

1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Unless you pay like $5000

4. A Chorus Line Closing? And High School Musical Coming. AND SHREK!!!!
Posted On: 1/22/08 at 03:37 PM

I heard a rumer. True?



musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
laura is broadway Profile Photo
laura is broadway
#67re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/22/08 at 12:46pm

hahahhaha this whole thread is so entertaining....

#68re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 2/22/08 at 1:10pm

hey guys,
okay, after thinking about it, I really need to say this...sorry for my rant. I had a REALLY short fuse that day. I know WICKED isnt gonna appeal to everyone, but what matters is that I like it. So just wanted to say I'm sorry for ranting....yesterday I felt horrible cuz I know that alot of people on here prolly are sick of many WICKED fans cuz even I admit, they can be nuts sometimes. So anyway...sorry lol
And btw, I am def. gonna try to see more "smaller" shows. The reason why i dont see them all that often is cuz I have seen smaller shows, and I am most of the time unsatisifed, thats why bigger shows are my taste, but your right, I do need to open up to more shows.
Anyway, lets just you know, forget about my other tyrad (sp)

#69re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 5:52pm

Well this is pretty entertaining. Speaking of how Allshowsrock should see more plays, I myself really want to see more plays. Recommendations please? (I thought adding this on would be better than starting anew thread)

EDIT: O and Blaxx, while your comments are normally quite entertaining, I think the "Eyedine" thing is getting old, don't you? It doesn't make you seem much better than the fangirls who go around saying "zomg idina was amazingggg in RENT and WICKED!!! I <3 her!"
Updated On: 3/31/08 at 05:52 PM

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#70re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 7:38pm

And you bumped this because.....

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

amalou Profile Photo
#71re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 7:45pm

First off, people pretending to be Wicked fangirls just to be funny or something are far more annoying than real fangirls.

If people don't like shows then why do they insist on clikcing on a thread with the title of said show and waste their time reading/commenting? I mean, of course everyone can do what they want and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but isn't it kind of a waste? I'm not really fond of Spring Awakening or Jersey Boys so I don't bother with them at all. I wouldn't open a thread about a Jersey Boys tour or something just to say "I don't like Jersey Boys. Nah nah" No one cares.

No one is forcing you to read threads about Wicked and whether or not there will be an event for the 5th anniversary, it'd be a lot easier for members to read through the thread if there aren't posts that basically say noting more than "I don't like Wicked. :p" and people arguing with them.

The title of the thread isn't "What do you think about Wicked" so I don't really think opinions on the show itself are really necessary here.

Sorry. End of semi-rant.

"But I can tell you that Raoul, who was so handsome in "The Phantom," is now a drunken wreck."
Updated On: 3/31/08 at 07:45 PM

Looney Profile Photo
#72re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 8:07pm

jv92 ***** wrote: (edited cuz I think my sarcasm radar was off-kilter)
You didn't see Grey Gardens or Follies, therefore you don't count. And YankeeFan is right, go see some plays."

YankeeFan might be right, but ASR counts as much as you do. Hate to break it to you...

"Look, can we all agree that Wicked is a crappy show?"

No, of course we can't, what a silly thing to ask! Probably the only thing we can all agree on is that gross generalizations have no basis in reality, other than, say, murdering people is rilly bad or somesuch.

But hey, sorry *you* didn't enjoy it.

Open a new window every day...
Updated On: 3/31/08 at 08:07 PM

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#73re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 9:09pm

I think the show improved the original novel's story.
I read the book and I found it incredibly boring. I keep reading it hoping it would redeem itself. It never did, at least not for me.

#74re: Idina Menzel To Wicked for the 5th Anniversary?
Posted: 3/31/08 at 9:23pm

bumping it up was an accident (I hadn't read the date - sorry)
