
Planning a BWAY (NYC) trip ??? DON'T do these things!- Page 3

Planning a BWAY (NYC) trip ??? DON'T do these things!

Weez Profile Photo
#50re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 2:01pm

Well, I like both mayo and Patti. The thought of deep-fried Twinkies is what's making me want to vomit here. XD

uncageg Profile Photo
#51re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 2:06pm

I will add - Don't take pictures in the subway of the tunnel. My best friend did it on our vacation and we got some really nasty looks. I told him not to but he wanted one to show his parents as they have never seen or been on the subway.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/3/08 at 02:06 PM

shimmeringstar Profile Photo
#52re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 2:10pm

I totally agree with you, BwayBaby18!

I'm moving to NYC on August 3rd and this thread is making me more and more excited!

Here's a tip...

If you're a tourist and you happen to go to Ground Zero...do NOT purchase any brochures or pamphlets from little Asian girls trying to make a profit off of the horrible tragedy that occured on September 11, 2001. Ground Zero is to be shown respect at all times. It just bothers me that there are people out there who try to make money off of a national tragedy.

That is all :)

Happy touristing!

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#53re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 2:15pm

I love this thread.

DON'T scream "I LOVE YOU (insert name here" during a show. The usher will slap you with a stack of playbills. I've seen it happen during Wicked.

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

Amharclann Profile Photo
#54re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 5:13pm

The tallest building in Ireland is only 80m tall....and as much as I hate the way Ireland is portrayed on American TV The buildings do impress the first time you see them....sp apologies my Dad is heading over in two weeks and will undoubtly stop in the street and stare [ even though he was there years ago]

#55re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 5:34pm

Don't walk through Times Square any time around show time, use 8th Ave instead., especially Nov. Dec. Apr. May, or June (class trip times).
This advise holds true for just about any big city destination. I recently got stuck in kiddie grid lock in Washington, DC.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#56re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:05pm

I thought of another one:

If your kids are going to start fighting in the middle of a show, they have no business going to see a show at all.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Summer Trouble
#57re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:10pm

Don't go to White Castle

Harold and Kumar made it look so good...

I threw up all night.

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#58re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:14pm

Mmmmmmmm, White Castle is amazing.

If you are going to take a picture of a friend or family member on the sidewalk posing with something, do not expect people to stop and wait for you, or even go around you for that matter, to take the picture before proceeding onward down the sidewalk.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#59re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:27pm

How about... Even if the balcony of a show is pretty empty, don't put your dirty bare feet, which have been walking around Times Square in flip flops all day, over the seat in front of you. If you insist on doing this... don't do it in the seat right next to where someone is sitting! If you insist on ignoring the first two points, don't start stomping out the beat of the music on the arm rests!

Seriously. Happened to me at LB on Father's Day. I am a very respectful theatre goer, but that sent me into fits of laughter I could barely contain. Her phone also went off three times. Natasha Beddingfield DID sound better than Laura Bell Bundy that day, so that gets a pass.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

nmartin Profile Photo
#60re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:39pm

"I love the new walk/don't walk signs with the count-down, it's like a challenge!"

Hell, you can find those in Savannah, GA.

#61re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 6:44pm

Im in florida right no visiting some family, and their "walk/dont walk" countdown signs are a bit different, they take the fun out of it, because next to the big red hand, it has a timer, letting you know exactly how much time you have. I like the guessing game. And plus it makes for a fun experience watching the tourists play frogger in times square.
Updated On: 7/1/08 at 06:44 PM

SgtDonut Profile Photo
#62re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 7:15pm

I'd like to add: Everything you see on Canal St. is fake. Don't buy it if you think it's the real thing. Especially the Rolexes xP

EDIT: Oh and hell yes to Harold and Kumar! Just watched that today.

The Best Thing Right Now: Hair Revival!
Updated On: 7/1/08 at 07:15 PM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#63re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 7:27pm

But if you embrace the fact that it's all fake, Chinatown can be a BLAST! Oh, and it never looks as real when you get it home as it does in those little back rooms. I think they pump some confusing substance in those rooms. Lord knows they ain't pumping air in.

And don't buy the movies! If you really want bootleg movies and are reading BWW, you probably have the means to download them all yourself for free.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#64re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 8:06pm

"If your kids are going to start fighting in the middle of a show, they have no business going to see a show at all."

I need to add to this one. If your kids can't sit through a show without their NintendoDS, they have no business going to see a show at all.

This happened at Legally Blonde on Friday night. The kids played their NintendoDS and the dad texted. He was two rows in front of me and during intermission the lady in front of me said something to him. He got really mad and started to argue with her about how his kids can't sit still long enough with them. Leave them at home then. Better yet...stay at home yourself.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

mattnyc2 Profile Photo
#65re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 8:43pm

-Don't waste your time in the touristy novelty stores like M&M World, Hershey Store, Toys R Us, etc. They may look pretty on the outside but inside they're selling the same crap you can buy at any mall in America.

-Don't complain to the box office staff or cashier about how expensive everything is. It's New York, it's expensive, get over it.

-Don't squeeze your way onto a subway, holding open the doors and delaying service before squishing into a seat your too big to fit in only to ride for one stop and getting off at 34th st. People need it to get to work; the subways are not the Disneyworld monorails.

-Don't be afraid to stay in a hotel outside of the Times Square area. There's better deals around the city, some even in Brooklyn and Queens.

#66re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 9:20pm

"he was NSINC"

ahahahah that's what i meant...my bad
and now my turn:
it's spelled N*SYNC =D

kel62286 Profile Photo
#67re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 9:41pm

Don't buy your theatre tickets through your hotel.

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#68re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/1/08 at 11:10pm

DO go to the museums. Especially the MET. And if you go to the MET they suggest a donation of $20 but you don't need to pay that. You can give them five bucks and you'll have access to some of the greatest art in the world.

Don't just go see the toristy things. ex. Times Square, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, NBC Studios. Venture out into other parts of the city. Even take a trip to Brookly or other outer buroughs.

New York City is the most overrated torist trap around Christmas time. So crowded you'll be smooshed against so many people that you'll almost get trampled.

agentpattycakes Profile Photo
#69re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 9:00am

Small Voice: I like the Olive Garden. Maybe not the 2 hour long wait one in Times Square - but heck I'd choose an Olive Garden over any other chain restuarant anyday.

violet72 Profile Photo
#70re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 12:47pm

- DO NOT pay $65 for a purse(that is a fake) from a man that is selling it out of a stack...bargin with them...I have gotten them as low as $15 to $20...if you really want to set the price put $20 in your pocket and say this is all I have...and don't be afraid to walk away...cause when you do they will lower their price or let you go...none of those bags are worth over $25...also do not pull your wallet out on the streets...EVER...always carry like $30 in your pocket

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

Posted: 7/2/08 at 1:08pm

Updated On: 5/3/09 at 01:08 PM

#72re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 4:15pm

Pearl River Mart is pretty awesome.

Don't open your wallet in the street and don't buy candy from those kids, as someone mentioned. One of them, not a kid, ended up stealing most of the money in my wallet, so I learned the hard way. And just be careful in general when you're out walking. There are scammers who will try to sell you things that are most likely too good to be true.

Definitely haggle for the fake things. Chances are you'll be able to get a cheaper price.

I don't know how other people feel about this, but I don't see the need to wait on line for more than half an hour to get into a theatre if you already have tickets for the show.

Do not leave the sound on your cell phone on during a show. Saw SitPwG the other day with my mom. I reminded her, but apparently my parents don't listen to half the things I say. Do not kick the chair of the person in front of you.

#73re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
Posted: 7/2/08 at 5:44pm

It seems most of the posters here are of the younger generation. My gripe is with the older folks who conduct a running commentary while the show is on. I was at Liaisons last Saturday and this older couple were constantly talking about what was happening on stage, explaining their theories about the action taking place, commenting about how rotten the characters were and groaning very loudly when the evil doings transpired. This is not a totally uncommon experience, particularly with subscription audiences. So, once seated and the play has started, SHUT UP and keep your thoughts to yourself, at least until you are out of hearing distance of several hundred people who went to see and HEAR the play!!!!


Posted: 7/2/08 at 5:46pm

Updated On: 5/3/09 at 05:46 PM
