Kevo711 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 3:09pm

favorite-The Light In The Piazza
least favorite-Thoroughly Modern Millie

allamarane Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 4:24pm

Favorite: Oh, that's difficult... I think I'm gonna go with The Light in the Piazza, although Avenue Q is a close second. I'm also a big fan of Urinetown, Where's Charley?, and The Music Man.

Least favorite: Hmmm, I'm not fond of Grease, Urban Cowboy, or The Sweet Smell of Success.

"I know what the sunlight can be"

Posted: 7/26/05 at 4:29pm

"But of course all the Wicked fans had to whine and complain that their opinions are just as important as everyone else's, blah, blah, blah."

anyone else think that was mean?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 4:52pm


Least favorite: (not counting sh!t like GOOD VIBRATIONS:

La Cage aux Folles
The Producers

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 5:56pm

Derek: yes, I did.

Diva and Keggss: I don't have to be here long to see who's sarcastic and snotty and who isn't, because it's pretty much the same people posting most of the time. Wicked is NOT my favorite musical, or my user name would not be TABOOPHAN. And in response to all this "discuss Wicked elsewhere" stuff, there isn't even discussing going on. He asked for peoples' favorite and least favorite, in no way does that imply we should be discussing what certain actors "eat for breakfast" or who should be the next so-and-so. The thread was an obvious attack (whether intentional or not) on the people on the board who discuss Wicked. And once again, it's about the politeness of those involved that I'm btching about. Diva, you're insinuation that I am part of the Wicked "fangirls" group is just one more example of your ignorance and tendency towards provocation. I have made it clear that this fight is not about discussing Wicked everywhere, but the fact that many of the people who don't want to discuss it are completely rude to to those who do. Simply asking not to discuss it would be in much better taste than just posting a message in all caps like "ANYTHING BUT WICKED". And my sense of humor is perfectly in tact, I just can't say much for your delivery.

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

ljay889 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 5:59pm

*Dies* at the fact that someone has Lion King, Wicked, and Phantom as their favorites, and CHICAGO as never again.

That truely boggles my mind.

But again - we are all entitled to our own opinion.

Prisoner 24601 Profile Photo
Prisoner 24601
Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:42pm

Les Miserables
Phantom of the Opera
The Producers

Little Shop of Horrors isn't that great

Wicked isn't bad, but it has such a large following of teenage girls that it is too hard to believe that it's a real musical

-Was that a fart?
-My fault, I fear.

Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:50pm

well it is and its selling out everynight! yay! and no i wasnt being nasty to u 24601 :)

keggss23 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:54pm

Taboo - I see what you are saying, but since you haven't been here very long you obviously don't know how long this problem has been going on. I am not snotty or sarcastic, I am just simply sick to death of the constant mentions of Wicked in threads that specifically state that it is not to be mentioned or in threads that have nothing to do with Wicked. I understand having favorite shows and being enthusiastic, but some of these fans (I will use the word "fan" because it is apparently offensive to call them "Wickedites") have taken it to a whole new level. The title of this thread is very clear and yet here we are talking about Wicked - again. Why as a Wicked fan would you purposely go into a thread that asks that Wicked not be mentioned and complain. I am sick to death of hearing about the show so I don't click on the millions of new Wicked threads that pop up daily. Show us the same courtesy. Wouldn't you be upset if I went into a thread specifically for "Wicked Fans Only" and bashed the show? I wouldn't do that so again I ask, why not show us the same courtesy? I will reiterate this point for the thousandnth time, there are hundreds of Wicked threads to post in if you feel the need to proclaim from the mountain tops that you love Wicked. However, a thread that very clearly states "ANYTHING BUT WICKED" is not the place for it.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

Prisoner 24601 Profile Photo
Prisoner 24601
Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:56pm

I have to add to my dislikes: Forever Plaid. It was kinda funny... but not.

And about Wicked, this is the most true statement, "Someone please tell me- when the hell did gravity become the enemy? How has an essential force of nature, something that makes it possible for life to even exist on this planet, come to deserve the scorn and hatred of every teenage girl with no head voice?"- Broadway Matt

-Was that a fart?
-My fault, I fear.

Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:57pm

but see thats just the thing, someone would go into a "Wicked fans only" and bash it. i mean there are wicked posts as u say all the time and people go in there and make stupid jokes or comments. im not mad, dont get me wrong. i could never take a board like this that seriously, but still...its wrong to segregate a show (any show) on a broadway website....specially when its the biggest show ON broadway

Posted: 7/26/05 at 7:32pm

Hahah is it wrong that I enjoyed Cats? I saw it when I was like 6 though so maybe I just didn't get it back then..who knows.

Annnnnyways now that I got that out in the open:
Favorite(s)- Les Miz and Lion King..I'm a sucker for Disney :)
Least Favorite- Bombay Dreams..don't get me wrong I liked some of the music on soundtrack, but when I actually saw it in person it was a major disappointment. No wonder it didn't last long..

Prisoner 24601 Profile Photo
Prisoner 24601
Posted: 7/26/05 at 7:59pm

i see what ur sayin derek, and i totally agree with you. there are plenty of other things that people obsess about and dont get bashed by others about. people will always have different feelings about shows, but theres no reason to insult those who oppose others' fellings about the show. i just found that quote about "defying gravity" extremely amusing

-Was that a fart?
-My fault, I fear.

sanda Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/05 at 8:06pm

favorite: Les Miz
least favorite: chitty chitty bang bang

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
Posted: 7/27/05 at 9:46am

Kathleen!!! OMg Cats was the first musical I saw (live) when I was like 13 and it was my obsession forever! When people ask me what my first musical was and I say "Cat's" they are always like "Oh, that sucks for you!"...I'm just like...hey I still kinda like it ANYTHING BUT WICKED ahha

So I feel for you!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

ally_kay_on_broadway Profile Photo
Posted: 7/27/05 at 10:46am

fave: EVITA

least fave: FAME and mamma mia >> (i saw the show and loved it and then after being exposed to more and more shows i realized how poor it was)

"talent is wanting something hard enough to work for it" - my drama teacher :)

hot_brdwy_diva Profile Photo
Posted: 7/27/05 at 10:54am

Favorite: Jekyll and Hyde (I've yet to see phantom staged... but if seeing the movie counts then I would go with POTO) I also love Batboy.
Least Favorite: Annie, Mamma Mia and Cats (I like some of the music... but not the show as a whole.)

"You just have to do what your voice tells you to do." -Linda Eder

Posted: 7/27/05 at 10:55am

Favorite: "Ragtime"! Second would be "Gypsy", third would be "Sweeney Todd"

Least Favorite" "Cats", "Rent", "Mamma Mia" basically in that order.

Posted: 7/29/05 at 11:07pm

no offense lj but Phantom is a great show..I can easily see why someone could be bored with Chicago. While the dancing is amazing, i find the music quite lackluster and boring.

deck925 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/05 at 11:48pm

favorite- DRS or Rent
least- i guess Phantom cause it wasn't as good as i expected it would be.

I'm kind of a sweat pant, t-shirt, no make-up type of girl. So once a year, I can get spiffy. Sutton Foster :)
