
I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?- Page 4

I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?

robbiej Profile Photo
#75re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:01pm

'2373, I think I'm just channeling my frustration with the lack of perception as far as the actor's and director's jobs in general into this show. I think most people on this board wouldn't know good acting if it smacked them across the face.'

That ranks as one of the most foolish statements EVER on this board. Just how old are you, dear?

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

jordangirl Profile Photo
#76re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 2:04pm

"2373, I think I'm just channeling my frustration with the lack of perception as far as the actor's and director's jobs in general into this show. I think most people on this board wouldn't know good acting if it smacked them across the face."

Not only what robbiej said, but different people find different types of acting "good". It's VERY subjective.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#78re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:14pm

"Subtlety. Subtlety subtlety subtlety."

Indeed! There was nothing subtle about Esparza's performance. Shout. Angst. Shriek. Angst. Shout. Shriek. Angst and shouting does not equal "ah-tistic."

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#79re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:20pm

Woah there, lol, perhaps I should clarify my statement. I don't think I ever said "If you don't like Raúl Esparza, you don't know good acting!" I think (I hoped) the implication was the idea that ALL he did in Company was stand there swish around his glass like a dud is, to me, not the best way to show how perceptive one is. Perhaps that's what the outside looks like, but it's awfully dismissive to say that's ALL the guy did, as if no other work was put into the role, as if there was no inner life, as if he went up there and made arbitrary decisions. Of course, if you think his tensed-up withholding of a good deal of the character's feelings didn't particularly work, that's a whole 'nother story, but to imply that all he did was stand there seems like we're only looking at the outside. To me.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#80re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:24pm

For the record, I know plenty of long-time members of Equity who suck.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

mortgageguy79 Profile Photo
#81re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:27pm

I thought he was great, I respect your opinion though. I thought he was a lock for the award, but I am happy for David. He was great too! :)

Jack: For your information, most people who meet me do not know that I am gay. Will: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay. Dead people know you're gay. Jack: Grace, when you first met me, did you know I was gay? Grace: My dog knew.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#82re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:28pm

Of course, the point is that the REST of the show leading up to the epiphany is subtle. Of course the ending isn't subtle -- that'd be boring. re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#83re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:56pm

I feel that Raul has too much vibrato in his voice. I'll take Larry Kert's rendition of "Being Alive" over Raul's any day.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

gymman Profile Photo
#84re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 5:59pm

Perhaps it might help to think of Esparza as a singing actor, rather than as a singer who acts; whatever people think of his voice ( I love the rawness), his acting in Company is brilliant. I could not take my eyes off him as he reacted to minute details in each scene. He's certainly more of a singer than DHP, who is a fine comic actor, but without Raul's range.

I am sorry to admit that I am old enough to have seen Larry Kert in the role; he was wonderful, but relied more on charm and attrativeness and old-time "Broadwayness" than Raul does (I still can't decide if Esparza is handsome or not).
Updated On: 6/11/07 at 05:59 PM

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#85re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:06pm

I just don't understand how people can say that making the actors play instruments as well TAKES AWAY from the material. It only adds more, especially with the connection between the couples, and the personality of each character.

David Hyde Pierce is nothing but serviceable in CURTAINS (I could easily see any other famous person in that role and have them do a fine job). Once he gets tired of the role, the show will close. That role was made for a star, as the roles in COMPANY were just meant to tell a story.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#86re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:18pm

Gymman, I completely disagree about Raul's acting. His acting on that stage is not brilliant. It's mediocre at best, often forced, and it is often hard to follow his train of thought and decision making. That's what I meant in my statement to Broadwaygirl. He may be on the stage trying to do more than just standing with a glass and pretending to drink, but he choices don't work and no deeper meaning actually comes from it. Thus he ends up doing exactly what he is striving not to do. This is why he didn't deserve it, he didn't even have control over his own character.

#87re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:27pm

Esparza certainly was no subtle in his performance on the awards show. I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel and explode! What hideous technique- voice teachers everywhere were cringing in terror........

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#88re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:53pm

There is nothing subtle about

and I agree Raul's interpretation of Bobby as a sarcastic drunk and back stage personality
cost him the award.

And that TONY performance was hysterical.

#89re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:53pm

Raul tends to play over the top extremely full and well.He was Amazing in Taboo. I did not find this performance in Company Tony-worthy. Because he didn't chew the scenery per usual,does not make it a brilliant performance. In context and concept of the show his Being Alive moment(at least the piano playing) is touching, But his being the observer for the entire performance w/ the blase' attitude showed us little arc to the character, so when he finally let out his primal scream and let the drool and snot flow(ie: over the top theatrics) then Bellowed Being Alive, I found it almost laughable.Typical theatrics elicitting little to no care for his character. It wasn't too little too late, I found it Too MUCH ,too late.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#90re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:57pm

chewing what scenery?

#91re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 10:59pm

OK, because he didn't chew the radiator-ed column.....

Luvinbroadway Profile Photo
#92re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/11/07 at 11:05pm

DHP all the way. One song does not a TONY winning performance make!
PS: What is up with the Company producers? The show is bleeding to death and they they thought that number would sell tickets? Beyond this board...America will say Raul who? Is it a piano bar? Bad choice! How about Side by Side or the opening or Getting Married...?

#93re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 12:39am

Updated On: 1/14/14 at 12:39 AM

Mark Loves His Scarf Profile Photo
Mark Loves His Scarf
#94re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 12:45am

Definitely not alone. I thought it was a well-deserved Tony awarded to Pierce. Esparza will get another chance.

It took every strength within me not to peek at these boards during the Tony's and when I saw how much resentment there was with Esparza not winning the Tony, I have to admit, I was a bit shocked. I know Esparza has a huge fan base, but there was so much animosity and, sadly, unnecessary insolence thrown at Pierce. Both are outstanding performers, each bringing something unique every time they're on stage. It just wasn't Esparza's time, as upsetting as that may seem to many of you.

Pierce was sincere and looked completely caught off guard when they called his name. And next to Julie White's 'I Have to Thank the Nominees Because They Are Just That Damn Good' comment,"I never imagined I would be on a list like this unless it was for dinner reservations at Angus," Pierce's recognition of the others was equally genuine. Especially that bit about Groff-- the initial blow may have devastated Esparza and Groff, but that had to put at least a curl on their lips.

"I haven't got a pail." "Find your grail, your GRAIL!" "But it's not missing. It's right on the counter where it's supposed to- defying gravity, my giant cup's gone!" "Five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes. How do you measure... measure a year?" "How many times do I have to tell you, it's five hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred and eighty-five point thirty-two minutes. You will never graduate if you keep basing your math on showtunes." "You ruin Broadway for me." "As well I should."

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#95re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 12:52am

I think the most realistic explanation is that there were a million different reasons that each lost him a handful of votes. Could the Taboo thing have cost him some? Sure. His reputation for being a little difficult? Sure. The way he handles his sexuality... issue? Sure. It could go on and on -- feeling the need to make the Spamalot snub up to DHP, whatever. As far as the issue of being out, though, do you mean as far as simply point-blank saying, "I am gay"? Because no, he didn't do that -- and I think there's a lot of resentment toward Raúl about the way he handled his rather sudden coming out process. But I don't really think it's fair to say that he's not out. It's more than just a rumble here and there, something you just know if you know the right people -- talking about your boyfriend and sexual confusion in the New York Times is pretty clearly being out of the closet, to me. It's difficult to tread lightly on this issue, but I wasn't surprised he went with Michele; whether they're still legitimately married or not, I completely expected him to bring her. He's gone on record a million times saying how much he loves her, perhaps if only as his best friend. It'd be presumptuous to assume that it means he's running back to her, and therefore "into" the closet, I think.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/12/07 at 12:52 AM

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#96re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 1:07am

While I agree that, of course, there are many factors that go into who wins/loses an award, particularly in a close race, I honestly don't think that the whole gay/out thing could have had that big an effect (I certainly could have be wrong, maybe I underestimate the voters' sentiment to it).

But I still stand by my reasoning for predicting Pierce's upset, that the #1 reason Pierce won the Tony and Raul did not goes by the name of "Michael Cerveris"

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#97re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 1:10am

Well, that's what I'm saying. I don't think it had a big impact; it didn't lose him the award. But, I would not be surprised if the fallout from the article lost him a handful of votes.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#98re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 1:29am

Oh, I was actually arguing with Moxie more than I was with you, Emcee. But what you said is a valid point -- fallout from the article could have been one of the smaller factors. But I disagree...I guess more with David coming out giving him more votes, and Raul not coming out taking away votes, which isn't the same as the article taking away votes...if that makes sense?

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#99re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 1:35am

Heh, okay. I was sort of like ".... are you agreeing with me or correcting me?" re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?

Either way, the idea is pretty similar, mathematics aside. It's been a long day.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#100re: I did NOT think Raul deserved the tony...am I alone?
Posted: 6/12/07 at 2:09am

I loved him in Taboo, and consider that performance one that is on his plus side rather than minus.

