
RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts- Page 4

RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts

singalongsong2 Profile Photo
#75re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/27/08 at 5:51pm

I saw the show today. I really enjoyed it. I thought all of the performances were well done. Adam and Will did a very nice job with their roles and I was very pleased with their portrayal of their characters. I also thought they did an excellent job in "What You Own" and "Goodbye, Love." Justin, as always, was outstanding. I liked the camera angles during "Contact" and how they showed Mark's film during the finale. I also was happy to see some familiar faces during the final bows. My only complaint was that the theater I attended was pretty empty.....maybe 20 people. A couple of those people were rather annoying because they decided to sing "Over The Moon" word-for-word...loudly. Other than that, I am very happy with this film and I hope they release it on DVD asap.

#76re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/27/08 at 8:17pm

Man oh man... just got back from seeing it. I'll say this much... life would surely have been different had the 2005 version been scrapped and this brought to film. WONDERFUL film, I have to say. Absolutely WONDERFUL. This is how RENT should have been brought to the screen (and I'm very much so a fan of the 2005 film).

Quick note: "In The Streets" was absolutely fabulous, and was the stand out for me (along with "Will I?" and "Contact.") The ensemble numbers were so beautifully edited and crafted that it completely made me forget that I was watching a stage show.

I wonder if this might be considered for an Academy Award nomination for editing. What's it's eligibility?

WickedRentEder Profile Photo
#77re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/27/08 at 10:16pm

I saw it today at noon and WOW!!! I was quite anxious to see Renee do "Out Tonight". While not as many 'tricks' as Tamyra did but I thought she did a GREAT job!! The acting was quite amazing and I loved, Loved, LOVED Tracie & Eden!!! How cute is Tracie Thoms?? LOL!!

Will & Adam were excellent as well!!! I still prefer Anthony as Mark but Adam/Will are pretty much tied (if my sister knew I wrote this, she might kill me. HUGE Adam fan she is). Angel & Collins were very good (and cute) but Wilson & Jesse are it for me!!! Angel always makes me cry.

The only 'complaint' I have is that during "Seasons of Love" the audio was out of sync...It was quite exaggerated but luckily it was the only song screwed up. I will be rushing to get that DVD! What an amazing experience and I highly recommend it. For a noon screening, there were about 20-25 people...not too bad!

#78re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/27/08 at 10:22pm

yes they did fix the audio and change some notes...

this is Tracie's blog...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

After seeing the Cinecast again last night...

It's so damned GREAT!!! The changes they made are still in there, though. It's more common in the second half than the first. But, seeing it again and knowing that there were changes, I was able to hear what actually WAS there instead of cringing because things were different. Does that make sense? Most of the changes aren't even noticeable. I don't want to taint your experience or stop people from LOVING it, because it is exhilarating to see! You'd only know they were changed if you REALLY know the music.

What they did in TMOLM (so you know), is change my "You're one lucky..." to some strange lower note, and then it pops up suddenly to the note I actually do sing on "...baby!" It sounds like a glitch in the movie...it just sounds strange for a second, then it goes back to normal until another odd note comes out on "Can't live..." (before "with them or without them") They just changed the harmony and made my note, again, lower than the note I actually sing. Again, over in a second. The rest of it is pretty much right.

So, the moments of wrongness are VERY brief, and are even more brief in the other instances of alteration. They straightened out some really great riffs and variations that people did that sadly no one will be able to hear unless they came to the show or if they change it back for the DVD. And some of the "flat" notes that people have reported hearing have actually been altered TO those "flat" notes. Weird. And the sync is off from time to time...Just little things here and there that seemed HUGE to me the first time I saw it.

Having said that, it is really A-F*CKING-MAZING!!!!! The movie was so much more enjoyable to me the second time knowing what to expect. And I thought it was pretty damned great the first time, I was just shocked by the changes and then angry. But even then I could recognize it was great. But after last night, I think it's ****ing brilliant. My cast mates are so damned talented it's embarrassing. So, no fear! It's WONDERFUL!!!!! ENJOY!!!!

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent

#79re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/27/08 at 11:21pm

I saw it today and I thought it was stunning. The filming and editing were brilliant. I never saw the show on Broadway but have seen it on tour three times and today I saw so many nuances that I never had before.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#80re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 5:16pm

I found Will's eyeliner and nailpolish a bit distracting (I've never seen the man before - Utah gal here)

Have you seen ANY Roger before? From the beginning, Roger's costume has always included eyeliner and black nail polish- movie included.

Remember all the hemming and hawing while they were filming the movie, how they had to edit the lyrics because if you say f*ck more than 3 times, it's automatically rated R. And yet here it is, libretto in-tact with even more ad-libbed swears and still rated PG-13. F*CK you, Columbus.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

lakezurich Profile Photo
#81re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 5:20pm

I loved every minute of it! The picture quality was amazing! The only problem I had was the theatre I saw it in the volume was a little low.

And during the intermission there was this lady sitting behind me who said she was disappointed with the film because the cameras were too close, and that she would have preferred it if they had recorded the show from the last row of the theatre. What an idiot!

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical

Charlie No-One
#82re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 5:28pm

It was fantastic! I hated Rent for a long time because I was sick of people thinking it was the second coming of Christ, but this restored by liking. It is a great performance.

#83re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 6:22pm

I thought it was very good
I wasnt sure if I was gonna like Mimi at first but she was great especially with "out tonight."

ummmmm $20 a ticket... c'mon

But it was worth it. It was a good oppurtunity for all rent fans to see the last show. The theatre was sold out

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#84re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 6:48pm

Remember all the hemming and hawing while they were filming the movie, how they had to edit the lyrics because if you say f*ck more than 3 times, it's automatically rated R. And yet here it is, libretto in-tact with even more ad-libbed swears and still rated PG-13. F*CK you, Columbus.

My ticket says it's unrated.

#85re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 7:46pm

yeah all my tickets say NR.

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent

Broadway212 Profile Photo
#86re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 8:52pm

I thought they did a great job with it. In my opinion it was perfect. The only thing I did not like was the audience clapping.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#87re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 10:24pm

My tickets and the marquee at the movie theater both listed it as PG-13. Actually both theaters in my town listed it as such and they're different chains. Interesting.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Aswatrowinkenbo Profile Photo
#88re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 10:25pm

I saw it today and thought it was so much better than I expected! I have only seen the movie and have been wanting to see it live for so long. This is the closest I may get to ever seeing live and it was a million times better than the movie! I feel like they left out so much in the movie... I loved the high-def presentation too. Definitely will be buying the DVD when it comes out.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#89re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/28/08 at 10:33pm

From the Fandango site...
re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts

#90re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 2:10am

The way I justified the 20 dollars ticket was to pretend I was at the Arclight in Los Angeles where most tickets are 14.

I also snuck into 4 more movies after the showing, so it was like I was paying just 4 bucks a movie.

re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts

#91re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 2:33am

"I also snuck into 4 more movies after the showing, so it was like I was paying just 4 bucks a movie."

I would bet good money that you're about as tan as a glass of milk, buddy.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#92re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 2:39am

What does that even mean???

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#93re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 3:23am

From my ticket:
re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
PG-13 re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#94re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 3:50am

Wonderful. Mine looks exactly the same except it says NR. And of course the theatre name is different at the top. It's got to just be a default rating given by the theatre. Events of this type are hardly ever rated and given the fact that it actually costs the studio additional money to get an official MPAA rating I highly doubt they would have spent the additional cash on four viewings of a Broadway musical. Although, it's great news for future projects to assume the theatres will just give movies an unofficial rating. It's kind of illegal. You'll also notice on a quick search of the MPAA website that they've only rated the Rent film.

#95re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 9:21am

I was looking forward to seeing the final performance on the big screen and my friend and I had been planning to see it for two weeks now. However, we did not get any advance notice from out theater that they were charging $20.00 a ticket.. It was a little frustrating because we are in at the middle of a major gas shortage around here so we drove to the theater only to decide that we were not going to pay the $20.00.. but oh well.. We for sure will watch the DVD when that comes out!

#96re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 12:08pm

Not sure why AMC listed a rating, but it was NOT rated. Perhaps their system was reusing the original RENT film information. A quick look at filmratings.com (the official ratings board website) only turns up ratings for the 2005 film.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#97re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 12:30pm

My guess is that some of the major chains like AMC can't/won't show films that are unrated (because that might suggested they are too naughty for grown people to see!), so they may have arbitrarily slapped a rating on it, much like some live theatres inexplicably slap an MPAA rating on their show.

#98re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 12:36pm

If they had submitted it to the Ratings Board that big naked ass of Eden Esperanto would have gotten it an NC-17.

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Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#99re: RENT: Live from Broadway (Film) - Thoughts
Posted: 9/29/08 at 3:34pm

Just to save anyone from further embarrassment, "bawling" and "balling" are NOT the same thing. In fact, you could do both at the same time, but if you do, I suggest you increase your meds.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
