
You know you're a B'way geek when...- Page 7

You know you're a B'way geek when...

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#150You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/29/06 at 10:03pm

Your friend actually got mad at you today because you didn't have enough "real music" on your iPod.

Oh, and you actually got really jealous the other day because you have a friend in Equity productions who you feel doesn't appreciate it as much as she should.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

altoid06 Profile Photo
#151You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/29/06 at 11:21pm

You go on a roadtrip with your friends and sing RENT all the way to your destination.

You have about 100 songs titled "Finale" on your ipod.

You buy a belt just because it says "off-broadway show" and only wear it on special occasions... you know, when you wear your I Love NY shirt or one of you show shirts.

You have a closet full of show shirts.

You have framed playbills hanging on your walls in your dorm.

When you hear someone playing Aida down the hall of your dorm, you get excited, walk down the hall (at 12:15 in the morning, while you are in pajamas) and have a two hour discussion about how amazing Broadway is.

When you went to NYC for the first time, you made sure to dance on 42nd street, sing on Broadway, and take photos of every marquee you could possibly see! :)

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." -- Maya Angelou

#152You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/29/06 at 11:24pm

Your friend is leaving and says, "Goodbye, my love" and you start singing, "Journey on..."

There's a lot I am not certain of...

Claire2141 Profile Photo
#153You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/30/06 at 7:46am

You know the names of everyone ever to play Elphaba. You can also put them into chronological order depending on which production they are/were in.

Your friends don't even ask why you're going to London anymore...they know you're going to que up from 7:00 in November to see Wicked...four the 5th time in 3 months.

You pick up an all the differences between Wicked London and Wicked other places. Such as Helen chaging a line in Popular.

You have to alter you iPod before your friends get in the car get in the car to find an album that's not show tunes and if it is one they know (Evita, SoM etc) so they wont whine the whole way into town.

When your friends get excited over autographs from people on telly...your pride of place signature is Idina Menzel who they have no clue who she is.

Freckles1329 Profile Photo
#154You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/30/06 at 8:38am

You know the names of everyone ever to play Elphaba. You can also put them into chronological order depending on which production they are/were in.

Definitely. And the Glindas!
I also agree about the iPod, but I've converted some of my friends to be obsessed with Wicked and Rent. Now I'm working on TWS!

The greatest is when my friend and I (who are obsessed with Wicked) are in class with our other friend who we just converted to a Renthead and the teacher says "loathing." And very quietly, you hear "loathing" to the tune of the song come out of the 3rd friends mouth!

Also, I was in my psych class and my professor asked if anyone knew what delusions of grandeur was. My other friend starts hitting me saying, "delusions of grandeur, delusions of grandeur!" it was fun

"For example, if I should paint my fingernails green - and it just so happens I do paint them green. Well, if anyone should ask me why, I say: 'I think it's pretty!'"

#155You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 12/8/06 at 4:59pm

You know you're a Broadway geek when Les Miserables functions as your "angry music". Whenever I'm pissed I put on Do You Hear the People Sing or At the End of the Day. Kind of pathetic, really...

#156You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 12/9/06 at 3:49pm

when your parents tell you you have problems over obsessions with actors and broadway shows. and CONSTANTLY singing theh recording, and having your dad get you a new voice teacher and the new one was on broadway..
(my voice teacher was the understudy for the obc of West Side Story for Maria =]ahh i was so excited when i found out)

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#157You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 12/13/06 at 11:17pm

Because in Italian class today when we were talking about Idioms, the teacher says: "Here we say 'break a leg' because, you never say goodluck on the night of a show
((starts singing the song via Producers)) Now, does anyone happen to know what they say in Italy? Usually in Opera houses like, at La Scala for example..."
and you almost burst out "In Boca lupo!" and she just looks at me and goes "Wow, Yeah how'd you know that?


Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#158You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 12/13/06 at 11:23pm

As you read the Republic in class, you start singing the score to Godspell :)

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

ahmelie Profile Photo
#159You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 9:58pm

I decided to revive this thread because I love it.

any time you get pissed off you loudly exclaim "Jesus Christ Superstar!"

Anytime you're backstage at a rehearsal you and your best friend "write" musicals and/or play Diva hide and seek.

You yell at your mother because she said that the only time she's ever enjoyed a musical was when she saw "Phantom of the Opera"
...that last one really pissed me off.

Theatre is a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done. -John Patrick Shanley

#160You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 10:09pm

You get your weather reports from Playbill.com

dramaqueen2 Profile Photo
#161You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 10:15pm

you see an 18-wheeler ROADWAY truck go by and think that for one fleeting second it said BROADWAY.
the worse part is that happens to mmore often than i can say.

hear my song; it was made for the time when you don't know where to go, listen to the song that i sing, you'll be fine..

CERULEAN19 Profile Photo
#162You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 10:31pm

You know you are a broadway geek when in a psychology lecture - you find yourself thinking up good ideas for message board posts instead of retrograde amnesia.

courtnyj Profile Photo
#163You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 10:42pm

you're siiting in class, bored as hell but you perk up when the "bell tower" at your school starts playing a showtune.

One of the reasons I love Brooklyn College.

The_Jackal2 Profile Photo
#164You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:01pm

Ok not technically Broadway, but you have a friend named Jamie and everytime he walks away you feel the need to begin singing "Jamie is over and Jamie is gone. Jamie's decided it's time to move on..."

Actually, one time he was totally in his own little world so I, of coursed, asked him if he was in "Jamie-Land" and he said he was. Then I realized he was eating a bag of Doritos! I was freaking out and he was like "Uh...yeah?" Haha.

Traci Profile Photo
#165You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:01pm

You get excited when you realize your college offers a course entitled, 'Broadway Musicals' and wonder why you didn't know that three semesters ago when you first started.

~Avatar: Alan ming~

~Official Member of GFU~
~Member of C...FU, whose official color is cat blue, which is quite different than royal blue!~
~Because no one puts Mary in their signature~

~"OMG I Peed!" -Anthony Rapp (His reaction to the 'Everybody Has AIDS' song from Team America

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#166You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:17pm

In order to get under your skin your friends say to you "broadway's dead" or they make fun of your favorite shows...

and you travel to NYC by yourself...and you're a young blonde female...just because you NEED to see shows....


and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#167You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:18pm

You get your weather reports from Playbill.com

Haha. I totally do that, and I don't even live in NYC.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

Mrs.LinkLarkin2 Profile Photo
#168You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:28pm

This was a good one...
"-- You can think of a showtune that is applicable for any situation or occasion."
Or if someone accidently says a line or lyric you have to finish up the rest of the scene/song.

-You wait for your roommate to go to class so you can blast showtunes and do the blocking along with it.

-You look foward to going on "Broadway Car Rides" where you and your friends sing your hearts out!

-You feel physical longing when you're away from NYC for a month.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#169You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:46pm

I do the iPod thing too.

-When someone asks you if you like Phantom, and you procede to lecture the person for twenty minutes about how Sondheim is so much better than ALW.

-When you skip school to see the Rent movie the first possible showing at your theatre.

-When you buy a print of "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" because Sunday was based off of it.

_ALmost all the books you take out of you library are Broadway books.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#170You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/14/07 at 11:55pm

You Know you're a musical geek when...

When following Theatre History class, you check out the complete works of Plautus because of his place in the development of the art form.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

achancetofly Profile Photo
#171You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/15/07 at 12:01am

Here's one from today...

When you're in a class on medieval women, and when your professor says something like "and the women would be responsible for taking the animals to market.."

and all you can hear in your head is "Listen well, son, Milky White must be taken to market" "But Mother, no! He's the best cow!"

And another one, we were talking about barbers in Victorian times...yeah that led pretty easily to thoughts about Sweeney.

"Cages or wings, which do you prefer?"-- Tick, Tick...BOOM!

RadiGal2 Profile Photo
#172You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/15/07 at 12:14am

When you hear Denzel Washington when playing Malcolm X say "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock-- Plymouth Rock landed on us!"

And you immediately hear Patti LuPone singing:

"'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,
Plymouth Rock would land on them."

I did feel guilty about it though...and I am a big Malcolm X fan-- I read his biography when I was 15 and every 2 years since then, and most of his writing I don't think he actually said that...but, I can't swear to it.

"I'm a one-eyed Mormon Democrat from conservative Arizona, and you can't have a higher handicap than that." ~The ever-great and fabulous Morris K. Udall.
Updated On: 2/15/07 at 12:14 AM

#173You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/15/07 at 12:17am

- In college you take millions of pictures because Avenue Q told you to.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Mrs.LinkLarkin2 Profile Photo
#174You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 2/15/07 at 12:50am

When your listening to Spring Awakening as you type these words.
