
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!

THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/15/10 at 11:23pm

Does anyone have a script with the shoutouts for this show?? I felt so lost tonight not knowing any of them! Was I supposed to yell "Slut!" whenever they said "Rose"? I got that you were supposed to shout out "That's what's happening!" whenever anyone yelled at someone else (The woman next to me was kind enough to let me in on that one) and "I'll have your baby!" to Denzel at one point but there were so many others I missed. I did text a lot during the show (or at least pretended to so I didn't feel left out) but even still I felt like I was just faking it the whole time.


taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#2THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/15/10 at 11:29pm

*Sigh* That bad?

#2THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/15/10 at 11:31pm

Perhaps my favorite message board post ever. Thank you for that.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#3THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/15/10 at 11:52pm

Yikes, that bad? The house staff needs to try and get this under control.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#4THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 12:05am

Oh honey, there was ONE usher up in the balcony and after a while he just gave up. lol

actionjaxson91 Profile Photo
#5THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 12:41am


Ugh. Why do people think this is ok?
Updated On: 4/16/10 at 12:41 AM

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#6THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 12:51am


Ugh. Why do people think this is ok?

Wow. Illegal filming plus screaming and talking back to the actors. That person should never be allowed to enter a theatre again.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#7THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 12:51am

Then don't go to the show.
Clearly, you've been warned.


ps-is your disgust with the talking in the audience... or the fact that you've posted an illegal bootleg? Personally I'm not sure how anyone can think either is ok... but... we're clearly different people with different standards.

Jesus saves. I spend.
Updated On: 4/16/10 at 12:51 AM

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#8THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 12:59am

Wow, it's totally based in truth, but this thread (and the YouTube clip from "Scary Movie" attached) is wildly racist.

That said, I shudder at the memories of the last "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" revival, where I chose to watch the whole 2nd act from the standing-room area because I got tired of turning around and giving the "Seriously?? You're at the theatre!" stare so many times.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#9THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:00am

"wildly racist"

Thank you.


Jesus saves. I spend.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#10THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:01am

Then don't go to the show.
Clearly, you've been warned.

So you're advocating such behavior? Or do you just think it should be accepted, and people should turn a blind eye to it?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:01am

Ok, let's nip this in the bud right this second. NOTHING I've said here is racist. Not one damn thing, so you need to check yourself before making those kinds of accusations. That clip from the movie is funny. Find me a clip as funny with a white person, chinese person, indian person etc. talking in a theater and I'll replace it.

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#12THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:07am

Correct. Your statement/post in and of itself wasn't racist, it was pretty funny. Adding the YouTube clip paired with what you were saying is what makes it racist.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#13THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:09am

Let me add to the collective 'HUH?" of accusing Jordan's post of being racist.

Sorry about your experience at Fences.

MusicalLover6 Profile Photo
#14THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:10am

Those must be some new lines to Rocky Horror Audience Participation. Truly, they clash with the film so well.

JP2 Profile Photo
#15THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:11am

That Color Purple vid is vomit inducing.

Am 'bout ta choke a bish, y'all.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#16THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:11am

No. I'm not advocating the behavior. And if I was in the audience, and it was as described I would probably be equally upset... except that, if it's the majority of audience... or the majority of the audience accepts it... then there isn't much I can do about it. I find drinking at your seat annoying... but they allowed it at the opening night performance of Taming of the Shrew at Chicago Shakespeare Theater last night. What was I to do? Jump around and shout? C'mon. The audience decides how they want to behave... or the theater does... or both. There isn't much you can do about it

Jesus saves. I spend.

MusicalLover6 Profile Photo
#17THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:13am

KJisgroovy, your point is well made.

But, damn, that video is the most funniest thing I've ever seen. I almost expected someone to jump on stage and coach her through that final bit.
Updated On: 4/16/10 at 01:13 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#18THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 1:14am

Oh, give me a break. That doesn't even warrant a response on my part. However -
If you thought what I said was funny, according to you, that makes you a racist. Get over yourself. I was simply posting something funny. When I post a video of Alabama lynchings with a heading saying "This is what should be done to people who talk at FENCES" then you can call me a racist. When I post one of the funniest scenes from a movie ever as a joke in a thread with a title that OBVIOUSLY is making light of the whole situation, you know damn good and well I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone. It's overly NEEDLESSLY sensitive crap like this that gets me more upset than people screaming next to me at the theater.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#19THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 4:03am

Not racist. Not even a little bit.Just because it happens to INVOLVE a certain race doesn't make it racist.

Funny. And sad.

But other than than, Mr. Catalono, how was the show?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Piper3500 Profile Photo
#20THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 8:34am

"Ok, let's nip this in the bud right this second. NOTHING I've said here is racist. Not one damn thing, so you need to check yourself before making those kinds of accusations. That clip from the movie is funny. Find me a clip as funny with a white person, chinese person, indian person etc. talking in a theater and I'll replace it. "

people get touchy. why is it racist? i think because they see stereotyping. i see it differently and the her bringing out the chicken made me LMAO. but i am not a racist either. anyway...
the Colour Purple thing pissed me off too. I hardly thing that is a majority of audience thing either.

Jordan most people should know when you post certain wording or things that correlate to your thread subject it is humourous and at the very least relateable. i find it very funny when people automatically assume it's racist. i wonder why they do such a thing? thinking something is racist due to content and not realizing why it is posted is racist in itself.

"it's a dirty little war"

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#21THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 8:55am

Hit a nerve, eh, crazypants?

And I guess it's silly to argue with someone who's being hyperdramatic and uninformed, but you don't have to be saying something as extreme as "talking black people at FENCES should be lynched" to be displaying racism (And I didn't call you racist, for one. I said what you posted was racist).

You mockingly wrote a post comparing the talking-back at FENCES to the ROCKY HORROR experience -- so far, so good -- but then capped it off with that clip from "Scary Movie," a really funny parody of how certain stereotypical sects of the black community behave at the movies... from a movie made by black filmmakers. If the creators of "Scary Movie" had been white, they'd have been ripped apart for that sequence.

Keep in mind, I'm obviously not saying you/any white people posting that clip and/or simply finding it funny is racist act -- but you using it as a capper to your post about (obviously) black people talking back to the production and annoying/disturbing your theatrical experience absolutely has more than a twinge of racism to it.

"Not racist. Not even a little bit," dramamama? Come the f**k on. "Just because it happens to INVOLVE a certain race doesn't make it racist." No, reporting/joking/writing what he did and then posting a clip of an exaggerated parody of negative stereotypical black behavior -- those two things in tandem made it racist.

It's like me posting an online restaurant review/comment about certain people's eating habits during my restaurant visit, and then linking to the clip of Precious stealing fried chicken and running away.

I'm not saying you're a racist person. I'm not saying you want people lynched. I'm saying this specific posting, and then capping it with that video, has twinges of racism, and it kind of astonishes me that you can't even fathom why it came off that way.

But whatever, "doesn't even warrant a response" because you're SOOOO obviously not racist, right, got it.

I'm curious how the show itself was, too, since you omitted that info, but the stubbornness/refusing to acknowledge that your post could even POSSIBLY be deemed offensive is kind of amazing.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#22THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 8:56am

"But other than than, Mr. Catalono, how was the show?"

FANTASTIC. There is some amazing acting happening onstage at the Cort right now and I really do urge everyone who can to go see it.

uncageg Profile Photo
#23THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 8:59am

Let's really nip it in the bud. let's face it, this happenes at shows with predominantly black casts that star performers popular with the black community. Most of the black members in the audience are not theatergoers and are not familiar with theatre etiquette. Most do not listen to the announcement prior to the show or choose to ignore it.

Don't post the video (Which is a bootleg and I think there is a policy on this site that says you shouldn't post them here) to say what you mean, just come out and say it. We all know that this happens. It is annoying and, as a black man, I find it to be embarrasing at times also. While attending "A Raisin in the Sun" I was pleased that the mostly black audience was well behaved as far as talking back. But the kids in the audience, and there were a lot, were taking pictures with their cell phones. I was in the second row and there was a former teacher sitting in front of me stopping the kids in the front row. At intermission we both explained to all of the kids around us why they shouldn't do this and they stopped. The older lady next to me kept going through her purse and it was quite noisy. I turned to her and whispered that there was an announcement regarding candy wrappers and noise. She said was going to file her nails. I told her she is in a theater and that wasn't "proper". She stopped.

Quite honestly, I feel that at these shows the announcement should add that there should be no talking back to the actors onstage and if it happens during act one, they should repeat it at intermission. Interestingly, the day I saw "A Raisin.." they didn't make the announcement until before the beginning of Act 2.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 4/16/10 at 08:59 AM

singtopher Profile Photo
#24THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW Starring Denzel Washington Now Playing!!!!
Posted: 4/16/10 at 9:07am

I'm sure the audience behavior at the Cort ain't nothing compared to what it was like back in Shakespeare's day.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert
