
Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?

Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#1Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 12:50pm

Going today, hopefully. I cannot wait to see Ramin and Sierra after hearing them in LOVE NEVER DIES... I always wondered if we'd ever see them both perform in the original PHANTOM together. (I don't believe they ever did). Very excited!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
ggersten Profile Photo
#2Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:28pm

Been there and back.
Sierra was splendiferous in Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again! That was the highlight of the performance for me.

And, was anyone else wondering if Sarah Brightman was going to be able to hit those notes at the end? I think ALW had his doubts...

Questions: (1) They couldn't drop a chandelier? (2) What kind of scheduling prevented Crawford from participating? He got there. They couldn't through a microphone on him?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#3Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:38pm

I really liked it. I thought all the performances were great. I thought the LED (LCD?) screens were a little corny, but so is Phantom.

I don't know why they couldn't do the chandelier.

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#4Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:42pm

Okay. Let's begin.

1: What was up with the blow-up Chandelier that didn't move? Lamest thing I've ever seen.

2: Those LED screens were absolutely brutal on the cameras. I hope they edit around them for the final cut.

3: What was with the "Love Never Dies"-alluding, cracked-out ending? For those of you who didn't see the broadcast, Christine hesitates exiting the lair (NOT on a boat, but, rather by going up a flight of stairs!) and Raoul has to come practically drag her off with him at the end. I didn't buy it for a second. She KNOWS what she wanted. I didn't like this change.

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

#5Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:45pm

I just got back from the show. It was AMAZING! The stage, music, and actors were all incredible. Sierra has now become one of my favorite musical theater actresses. Her voice was beautiful and I loved her acting. Ramin also gave a BRILLIANT performance. The rest of the cast were also terrific. It was also such a previlege to see this live.


It was great when Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman apppeared at the end of the show.

It's too bad that the chandelier didn't drop, but I'm guessing that one at the Royal Albert Hall was real.

"What kind of scheduling prevented Crawford from participating? He got there. They couldn't through a microphone on him?"

Crawford is playing the title character in the West End production of "The Wizard of Oz." He made an appearance after the bows.

Updated On: 10/3/11 at 05:45 PM

#6Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:52pm

I got back about 50 minutes ago.

I also was disappointed that the chandelier didn't fall and that Michael didn't sing. And for my money, Ramin and Sierra have a tendency to go underpitch in the more dramatic passages. But overall, I really enjoyed this, especially the finale. And for me, Liz Robertson walked away with every scene she was in.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 5:59pm

Liz Robertson and Gareth Snook were totally the highlights for me.

And, of course... ANTHONY WARLOW.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#8Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:06pm

Did they at least perform the whole show? Not cuts?

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#9Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:10pm

@CATS: Yes, it was the entire show with an intermission.

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

#10Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:15pm

yeah it was pretty much the entire show... i didn't notice any cuts... well i did notice they didn't have that scene in the beginning where Andre and Firmin were talking about Meg Giry as a dancer and discussing who Christine Daee was...

I enjoyed it very much... Sierra Boggess was amazing and I loved her Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again... Ramin was just as awesome... and maybe it was me.. by Hadley Fraser reminded me of a young John Hannah (Rachel Weisz' brother in the Mummy movies and from Starz's Spartacus)...

in fact this whole production made me appreciate the show more... i always go back and forth between loving this show...

maybe this production is going to be how future tours are going to be staged?? with the LEDs and all

i was disappointed with the chandelier

Masquerade looked waaaay too busy on stage. There was so much going on and it felt like everyone was just cramped on there... but I did like how there were no mannequins... those things always distracted me because they just don't move when movement is neeed! haha

winston89 Profile Photo
#11Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:18pm


There were some cuts but they were all in the book scenes and not in the songs at all. And, the cuts were VERY hard to catch, unlike let's say either of the Les Miserables concerts. But then maybe it could be that I am not as familiar with the score/book of phantom as I am for Les Miserables.

In any event I really loved the production and the cast. Sure there were minor annoyances such as there being no chandelier crashing to the stage and I was not a fan of all the projectons. But, I'm glad that they did this rather then a concert version of the show. Makes me wish Les Miserables did something like this last year than another concert.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#12Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:24pm

Oh my Lord of the Rings the cast was stunning. The friends I was with LOVED the leads so much that they said they prefer them over Sarah and MIchael. The show never sounded so lush and wonderful. Kudos to all the performers as I thought they all did an amazing job bringing aspects of the show to light I hadn't noticed before. Def a CD buy for all of us that went.

HATE the idea of the LED screens being used on the new tour. For a concert it's fine as there is not a whole lot of set space going on but on tour....really..

The end was nice with all the old times bringing hauled out one more time. Sarah is a bit rough these days. Still pulling the whole sing-with-my-arms-on-strings thing. Andrew looked genuinely overwhelmed at the reception to the show.

The theater here in IL was PACKED to the gills. The only space that was left was about 10 seats in the front row. The audience loved it.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#13Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:45pm

LED looks great at sporting events, but the strobing was just too much on a movie screen.

The show could've benefited from some Vegas-style cuts, but what was done was fine.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

GottaHaveAGimmick Profile Photo
#14Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:50pm

Only about 1/3 full in audience in Ft. Lauderdale. The orchestra (looked to be around 60) was amazing and the singers went all out. I too was surprised by the lame chandelier and the projection screens for backdrops. I guess it was really all about the music. Ramin and Sierra were terrific. Wasn't crazy about Raoul. Glad I went though.

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
#15Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 6:57pm

Fantastic experience today from Phantom and this coming from someone who's not a Phantom or ALW fan.

Sierra, who I've seen in the original Las Vegas company of Phantom was, naturally, effortlessly amazing. Her voice is just unreal. I think she's perhaps the best sung Christine and perhaps the only one who could conceivably do that high E (in the title song) live on a reliable basis.

Who's idea was it to let Brightman sing? She looks more stretched now than Danni Minogue and her voice is husky and heavy sounding rather than the light, airy soprano she once was. I'd put $100 on the fact that her 'big notes' in what she sang tonight were lip synched... And for good reason.

The actress who played Carlotta was stunning. Great acting. Good eyes. Effortless coloratura soprano. An overall very nice tessitura.

Ramin I'd never seen or heard before. This was a nice intro to what he's capable of. Part of his performance reminded me of the physicality that Brent Barrett brings to the role. Ramin's voice was superb. His ability to shape sound is amazing. While I don't have much interest in LND, I will likely buy the eventual blu ray of this performance, as his was top drawer.

Good to see Warlow back on stage. He hasn't lost anything in that beautiful voice.

Of course they couldn't drop the chandelier. It's Albert Hall for crying out loud. What they did technically was fine. I wasn't expecting the Vegas version and instead got exactly what I had hoped for: Phantom, well-acted and perfectly sung. The orchestra was absolutely on fire. Well done.

On a tech note, the filming was of good quality and nearly perfect in transitions. I was impressed with the sound mix as well. It appears as if 'live' theatre events have come quite far from the Smokey Joe's Cafe days.


CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#16Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:07pm

Did they film multiple performances? I hear Colm Wilkinson messed up and came in too early or something...

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#17Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:14pm

There were a few performances. AFAIK they only filmed today's/tonight's, and last night Colm did flub.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#18Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:20pm


They have actually filmed all three performances. I was at the matinee today. Apparently and/or Supposedly, they are going to edit the three performances for the DVD (but the matinee had so many tech errors in Act I, it'll probably not be too included in the final cut! The LED lights at stage level went out from the title song through the end of the act).

I really enjoyed this show, BenNichols highlights a lot of what really moved me. And I am SO glad someone has mentioned the incredible Wendy Ferguson. She is the current Carlotta on the West End- she is so spontaneous, really okay with putting her voice in ugly places to express herself, and totally grounded...

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...
Updated On: 10/2/11 at 07:20 PM

zepka102 Profile Photo
#19Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:23pm

LOVED LOVED LOVED it. I was actually really surprised at HOW staged it was. I expected something closer to the Les Miz concert. I was VERY pleased though.

Ramin and Sierra were seriously perfection. After "Music of the Night" I felt like I had to sit back with a cigarette. It felt like those two had sex during the song they were that into it. But that's the way it should be.

Sierra's "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" was gorgeous. I've heard so many versions that seemed like the Christines were rushing through it, which led to a lot of off-key singing, but she REALLY gave a heartfelt performance, and you could see it in her face.

I'm surprised no one mentioned "Wandering Child." They did the version on the OCR, which surprised me. Really, I felt it worked, and Raoul didn't sound as ridiculous bursting in.

The final lair scene was EXTREMELY emotional. I didn't mind how it was done.

I really got a different feel from Carlotta through this. Kiera Duffy was given a lot more close ups than I expected, but the look on her face didn't look as bitchy as you imagine the character, but more vulnerable. It was interesting, but I liked it.

I think the projections worked fine for this. The chandelier didn't bother me since it's the Royal Albert and not their actual performance space. Although it WAS kind of awkward how the first act ended with Sierra just standing there.

Why did the slave dancer get a bow AFTER Meg? I was so confused.

As far as the encores, as Sarah walked out, she seemed to be stumbling all over. Between how she looked and Gillian Lynne, you couldn't help but wonder how much alcohol was being consumed backstage.

I can't wait for this DVD.

::bust a move::

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#20Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:29pm

Ramin I'd never seen or heard before. This was a nice intro to what he's capable of.<<

Ramin Karimloo also played Enjolras in the Les Miz O2 concert last year. He was great there, too! Really hoping he gets the movie role!

Can't wait to see the Phantom concert! I'm not sure it's being shown around here, but I bet it'll be a PBS staple the way the Les Miz concerts have been.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#21Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 7:56pm

I really got a different feel from Carlotta through this. Kiera Duffy was given a lot more close ups than I expected, but the look on her face didn't look as bitchy as you imagine the character, but more vulnerable. It was interesting, but I liked it.

That was actually Wendy Ferguson, as Kiera Duffy has a throat infection of some kind.

And I really liked her Carlotta -- vulnerable, as you said. I'm not sure I should've felt kind of sad during Il Muto, but I did.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 10/2/11 at 07:56 PM

jasonf Profile Photo
#22Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 8:02pm

It was really a great experience - I'm glad I got to see it.

We were wondering about the chandelier, but figured because of the location they just couldn't drop it. I'm surprised, given how iconic it is, they didn't figure out SOME way to drop it.

All involved impressed -- it was about the best cast they could have assembled.

That said, it's been several years since I've seen it -- I'd forgotten just how big some of the plot holes in the book are, but that music really is ALW at his best.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

zepka102 Profile Photo
#23Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 8:15pm

Thanks Lizzy! I missed that announcement! I don't know either performer :-/

I really noticed it during the Don Juan rehearsal. The moment when Giry shoots her down about the composer not being present, she had this look on her face of pure panic that I've never seen any other Carlotta have. And then when the piano starts to play, she just looked fearful and worried.

::bust a move::

#24Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
Posted: 10/2/11 at 8:19pm

I saw it today and thought it was wonderful. I have always liked Ramin and am now a huge fan of Sierra. I thought some of the camera work was stunning! So glad I went!