
Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?

Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?

#1Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 4:39pm

Updated On: 4/11/13 at 04:39 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:02pm

You can just write comments in the already existing Smash threads. If its a great comment, people that don't like him/it will be ruffled; if its against him/it those that do like it will be ruffled. YOu can't win.

Asking questions about what you should or shouldn't post, certainly aren't going to be win you any friends.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

nsguy45 Profile Photo
#2Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:10pm

Feel free to ruffle away . . .

I, for one, have found his addition to the cast disappointing, to say the least.

#3Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:23pm

Such a pretty house. It's a shame nobody lives there.

#4Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:32pm

Thank you, Joe. I'm going to be adding that to my lexicon, as I have encountered houses like that so many times throughout my career, and don't see that ending anytime soon.

#5Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:34pm

Thanks for your straight forward response. My reluctance to post was born of the observation that civility does not loom large on this board. I noticed that several posters were being pummeled for adding posts about Smash. As to the issue at hand...I've not previously seen Jeremy Jordan in anything, but being aware of the praise he's received, I was surprised to see how talentless he is in this role.

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#6Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:35pm

Is your comment just that you want to make it known that they exist? I think everyone is well aware in that case.

If you want to discuss his lack of talent on the show then it has already been stated by others in one of many other threads. I don't think we need to start making new threads every time someone talentless is seen in something.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah
Updated On: 4/11/13 at 05:35 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:36pm

Are you Mike P? http://www.talkinbroadway.com/allthatchat/d.php?id=2132156

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#8Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:39pm

What dramamama said: You can write comments in the existing Smash threads.

What possible reason is there to start a new thread to ask if you can start a new thread when one already exists? I don't get it.

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#9Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 5:40pm

Now that it's been cleared up would you like to go ahead and make that new thread...

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

#10Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 6:44pm

To the original poster: You'll learn that on this board, you simply can not win so don't try. Post what you want to post, where you want to post it, whenever you want to post it. If I didn't want to look at it, I simply avoid the tread.

Also, I couldn't agree more!!! He's horrible!!!!!!!!!! It makes me wonder how many blow jobs he's given to land where he is. Not bad to look at, but yowza! Highly, highly overrated.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#11Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 6:49pm

yay, ordinary jukebox is so right, OP. Don't let anyone tell you what to do, and count me in as a Jeremy non-fan~


#12Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 8:02pm

I find his character on Smash annoying. Hmmm? I find almost everything about Smash annoying. Oh, I loved him in Newsies and Bonnie and Clyde though.

#13Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 8:03pm

I saw JJ in B&C. I thought that his performance there was overwrought and distracting. I think that Jeremy has a lot of talent as an actor but that he needs to stop "acting", if you know what I mean, if he is to meet his potential. On SMASH, he gets a mulligan from me. His character is so bad that it's unwatchable, but a lot of that is because of how in-artfully the character is conceived and written and directed. Combine the overwrought Jimmy with the constipated Karen and you've got "a bloody mess", as Derek would say.

#14Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/11/13 at 9:43pm

Thought he was ok in Joyful Noise. Whatever that means coming from someone who saw Joyful Noise.

Sam, totally agree about him & Karen in Smash.

suestorm Profile Photo
#15Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:07am

BRIBENNET this isnt nazi germany, you can post wherever you want.

I loved JJ in B and C, and Newsies, hes kind of annnoying in Smash but i will agree with SAMIAM on why that is.

Im just really happy he grew in his sideburns, cuz that was an odd and unfortutate look for a hottie before that.

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

Patronus Profile Photo
#16Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:16am

I don't especially love him in Smash, but I give him a bit of a pass when I think about how much a talented stage actor has to tone it down when they are working the majority of their scenes with a woman who makes Terri Schiavo seem like Katharine Hepburn.

#17Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:21am

JoeKv99: "Such a pretty house. It's a shame nobody lives there."

OMG - hilarious!!!!

#18Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:07am

Thinking more about JJ in Bonnie & Clyde, I realize that my comment about him in this show is somewhat unfair. It is his chemistry with Laura Osnes (along with Laura's performance in and of itself, and the music too) that carried the show. It was electric when Jeremy and Laura had scenes together. Overall, I loved this show.

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#19Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 12:32pm

I agree with Sam in that the chemistry between Laura and JJ was fantastic. I really enjoyed B&C and was sad to see it close so early. I think part of the problem with JJ's character on Smash is that he isn't well developed or written..many of his lines are cringe worthy. But I think JJ is very talented and I loved his performances of Broadway Here I Come and I Heard Your Voice in a Dream.

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

goldenboy Profile Photo
#20Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/13/13 at 12:03am

Jeremy Jordon is an incredibly talented Broadway Performer. Performing live, he can't be beat. He was amazing in Bonnie and Clyde and charming in Newsies.

The problem is that he is not a tv and movie actor...yet. That may change with time but right now he is too big for the screen and I don't think the camera loves him as much as a Broadway Audience. The same kind of goes for Megan Hilty who blows me away every time I see her on stage (Wicked, Gentleman Prefer Blondes) but seems a little too big for tv. She has improved on TV but she is eons better on stage.

#21Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/13/13 at 9:46am

Huh, I think Hilty made the transition from stage to screen effortlessly. To each his/her own, I guess.

Maybe Jorden and Tviet (or however you spell his name) would benefit greatly from Acting for the Camera classes.

#22Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/13/13 at 10:21am

My sense was that Jeremy could tone it down some even on stage. Most of his performance in B&C was at the same high intensity. (Exception: his beautiful rendition of the song "Bonnie".) It would improve his performances to vary more his level of intensity, IMHO. He's got a great voice and tremendous ability, but I think his acting can use refinement.

jpbran Profile Photo
#23Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/13/13 at 4:15pm

"I'm just really happy he grew in his sideburns, cuz that was an odd and unfortutate look for a hottie before that."


#24Would I ruffle feathers if I posted comment about Jeremy Jordan and Smash?
Posted: 4/13/13 at 4:46pm

There is only one thing that needs to be said about Jeremy Jordan on SMASH:
He (Jimmy) was stealing from patrons of the nonprofit theater that's producing his show.

Yeah, I'll repeat that.
He was stealing from patrons of the nonprofit theater that's producing his show.

I could stop at "stealing," and wouldn't that be reason enough to write off ANY character? But going through the pockets of the people who fund the theater that's giving you a break -- you who 10 minutes ago was bartending and 20 minutes ago was apparently a drug addict/dealer.

I like the way SMASH seems to equate this with, say, sleeping with a castmate -- like, it's something you may be embarrassed to be caught doing or may have to explain to another, but hey we all have our weaknesses! The character of Jimmy has been such an a-hole from his first moment on screen, but again: He was trying to steal $8,000 from the theater's patrons. Talk about someone who should be run out of town and have to spend 15 years working his way back. (As Jesse Martin's character did...you know, that's what happens to completely unknown new college graduates when they lose a job to Mike Nichols.)
