
Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben

Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben

After Eight
#2Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 10:37am

Brantley needed to review this again?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 10:38am

He's really got a CHardonnay for this show.

Updated On: 5/9/13 at 10:38 AM

Riff2 Profile Photo
#3Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 10:42am

This article made me so happy. I am baffled that so many posters on this board aren't blown away but this fantastic piece of theater.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#4Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 10:42am

Maybe he was worried about:
Ticket Sales (ha!)
Tony Awards and wanted to help push Matilda into glory.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#5Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 10:57am

Thanks for the synopsis! What's the point here? Does he feel it's not getting enough attention? And he put down "Pippin" for being "flashy" and "slaying" audiences in the aisle! This does nothing but further bolster Mr. Baldwin's assessment of Brantley's work. I hope, as the media is supposed to remain unbiased, that we get more "Tony" feature articles about the other shows/actors up for the big prize. Theatre, like other artistic endeavors, serves as a catharsis for human emotions, if you leave feeling something, positive or negative, or even "slayed" as Brantley puts it, the piece, IMO, is successful. However, to this article Mr. Brantley your editor should have said "why bother", it's unnecessary, self indulgent and poorly timed, based on the Baldwin controversy. If this was his attempt at at response, I would have liked him to put forth some effort to prove he does in fact know what he is talking about, rather then regurgitate a review that's been published. Is this a re-do on his part? I just don't get the motive or his overall goal here other then to fill space.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#6Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:04am

The Times has always done op-ed pieces like this. Frank Rich wrote half a dozen articles on the original SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE. Critics are paid to promote what they think deserves to be seen. And obviously, this article was written well beore the "Baldwin Controversy" which frankly, though I enjoyed reading, and agree in part with, will have zero impact on the way the New York Times conducts their business.

Updated On: 5/9/13 at 11:04 AM

dreaming Profile Photo
#7Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:13am

And it doesn't bother anybody? I guess I'm a little tired of the shameless plugging around the Tonys. (Especially by Brantley-who darn well knows he's perceived to have that kind of power.)I guess I think there needs to be some kind of unbiased approach. (Plus, the article, as Phillytheaterguy10 points out-is like a regurgitated review.)
To even the playing field, an analysis of other nominated productions should definitely be done.

#8Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:15am

No question about it: BRANTLEY HAS TO GO!!!!!! Of all the self-serving apologias I've encountered, this one shoots to the head of the list.


Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#9Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:20am

But reporting is never unbiased. Particularly by the Times who annually does a column of who they think SHOULD WIN the Tony Awards.

dreaming Profile Photo
#10Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:23am

That column typically appears after the awards leading to the Tonys have been given out and the votes are in. (If not then just before.) This smacks of self-important promotion. (And shameless plugging.) It would serve him right if the voters retaliated by voting against it.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#11Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:26am

IMHO this may have less to do with MATILDA, and more to do with those who prefer the mentality of championing a perceived underdog. But I imagine there will be some additional op ed pieces about the other shows. The fact that this is coming out first may be misleading.

Updated On: 5/9/13 at 11:26 AM

#12Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:27am

Unfortunately, his quoting Matilda's mother's song in the article is a lesser example of how fine this show is. The lyrics sometimes tend to be satirical without any character nuance. For example, Mrs. Wormwood would NEVER say: “The less you have to sell, the harder you sell it./What you know matters less/Than the volume with which what you don’t know’s expressed.” SHE thinks she's got EVERYTHING. She is not aware enough to realize the irony. That is a lyric from another viewpoint, not the character's. Its a satirical lyric ABOUT the mother, a knowing lyric about society. It should not be coming from the mother's lips.

I do want to reiterate I really do LOVE this show. But, like another Brit import I adore, Billy Elliot, I realize the score is far from brilliant and actually quite problematic at times. And yes, I do know its odd to love a musical so much and find its score mediocre..

Updated On: 5/9/13 at 11:27 AM

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#13Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:37am

^ I'm sure it was written before Baldwin's remarks, however, as I stated, it's a regurgiated review he could have easily slapped together in 5 minutes. I think, more appropriately, it's poorly timed on the Times' part regarding the weeks events- wait a week, it's not like ticket sales or audience response is suggesting Matilda will close any time in the imminent future. it doesn't help the case mounting against him. Sure, it will have nothing to do with the Times' daily operations, but neither will sitting silently, which is why I applaud Baldwin for his statements, even knowing this is career suicide in regard to ever getting a good notice from the Times. Baldwin is usually known for his temper and hasty reactions, the fact he did it eloquently and didn't take the poor me/us stance regarding the circumstances of his show is commendable. If Brantley really is, as Baldwin suggested, taken with a grain of thought by the theatre community ie. Tony voters, marketing teams aside, this may be seen by those people as a fluff piece trying to sway their vote, which could, in the end, do more harm then good for Matilda when it comes time for voters to cast their ballots. Sometimes, it's necessary to keep your thoughts to yourself Mr. Brantley, and let the cards fall where they may. Both shows are excellent pieces of art, the race is tight and exciting and I cannot wait to see how it pans out! I hate when anything totally dominates at an awards show, that's boring viewing, it's exciting we have 2 great contenders in a fight to the finish, that horse race would have made for a more compelling article, and a simple who has the edge in Brantley's opinion after fully evaluating each shows flaws and successes certainly would have helped to prove why his opinion was so highly regarded in the first place, and at the very least reigned him in to do his job that now a prominent actor has called him on the carpet for not doing.

#14Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:48am

Thanks for posting the link. Started to read it with interest because I have had no interest in seeing Matilda. When I realized this was all cotton candy and gushing it turned me off. Ultimately - I still don't care about going to see Matilda. The article didn't persuade me in the slightest - to see the show or change my opinion of the critic.

sondheimfan2 Profile Photo
#15Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:49am

"But at a moment when many Broadway shows seem to consist of jimmied-together mismatched parts, “Matilda” is remarkably of a piece."

It seems as this is a direct jab at KINKY BOOTS.

dreaming Profile Photo
#16Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 11:50am

Yep, it is. And I still think it's a cheap shot.

#17Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:07pm

Just an unbiased journalist trying to make sure his favorite musical wins the Tony. Pathetic, this article should have posted after the Tonys no matter what the outcome.

joe5 Profile Photo
#18Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:08pm

He is just writing about a show . That spoke the most to him this season . Isn't that is job ? Matilda is a superior theatre piece, compared to others this season .

#19Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:11pm

"In a season when Broadway often seemed to be losing its mind and its mojo..."

He writes the worst ledes in the business.

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Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#20Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:12pm

^In your opinion. And no, Bratley's job is to be critical, hence the derivitative "CRITICal" which is what he's been called out for NOT being.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#21Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:14pm

The "in your opinion" was to the poster commenting that Matilda is the superior piece this season.

joe5 Profile Photo
#22Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:23pm

Of course it's my opinion . Thanks !

After Eight
#23Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 12:28pm

"The Times has always done op-ed pieces like this. Frank Rich wrote half a dozen articles on the original SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE. "

That's what I mean by shoving something down our collective throats.

"Critics are paid to promote what they think deserves to be seen."

They should be paid to assess, not promote.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#24Matilda , great article in NYT by Ben
Posted: 5/9/13 at 1:26pm

Bizarre how often he claims Matilda isn't loud in delivering its message. When we saw it, we felt absolutely bludgeoned but its shrieking stomping loudness. Loud in nearly every performance, either kids' or grownups'. Cacophonous in its visual design. Relentless in its choreography. Browbeating in its messaging. And believe me, we're not even talking about its problematic sound design.

Mystifies us what show he actually saw.
