
Who you like 2020 Dems- Page 13

Who you like 2020 Dems

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#300Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/24/20 at 3:35pm

Miles2Go2 said: "Wow. I had my mail held while I was gone last week and it was delivered today and I had three separate mailers from the Bloomberg campaign. Should be interesting to see how all of this money he’s pumping into advertising translates into actual votes."

It certainly didn’t translate to a strong debate performance lol. But for here in NH, phone calls 24/7. Glad it’s over. 

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#301Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/24/20 at 7:53pm

I am confident now that Joe Biden will still be a candidate for next week's "Super Tuesday" here in California and elsewhere.  So, this morning I marked his name for "President" and place my ballot in the mail.  I feel good.....very good....about my decision. 

Non sibi sed patriae

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#302Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 9:42am

"I am confident now that Joe Biden will still be a candidate for next week's "Super Tuesday" here in California and elsewhere.  So, this morning I marked his name for "President" and place my ballot in the mail.  I feel good.....very good....about my decision. "

Another Biden gaffe asking for people to give him their vote for the US Senate yesterday. In addition, he also said he negotiated Paris Climate deal with Chinese leader that was dead for about 20 years when deal was made. Polls show his lead in SC is dwindling, I think he is done by this weekend.

Updated On: 2/25/20 at 09:42 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#303Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 1:18pm

Okay if he's confusing the Presidency for the Senate.... clearly not someone fit to be The President. Just everyone vote blue please I think these primaries are almost useless and just making all of our candidates look worse and continues to allow for more misinformation, discourse amongst the party, opening up corruption, etc. Everyone just commit to voting Blue in November and all these conversations won't matter. Easier said than done, but at this point I think blocking out the debates (heavily biased based on who hosts the debate), ignoring advertisements as they tell us nothing about a candidate (Bloomberg sounds grea in an ad, but sure looked AWFUL on live television), ignoring the 6:30 evening news as they profit off chaos and misinformation and panic. 

And again, committing to vote Blue. I don't believe Russia has infilitrated our physical ballot boxes (although, they may have), but I believe all the misinformation, helping from Russia for certain campaigns, is all to just cause complete chaos and disruption. Don't forget it, but ignore it, and vote Blue. They can't stop a record turn out to defeat Trump. Lets hope our democracy can outweigh all this other BS in our country right now. Id stick to reading the Times or The Post, and from there use and make your own opinions.

If you constantly watch the news, it will drive you crazy and you will believe trump will win, because that is what the media wants. Record ratings and Im sure record profits during the Trump Presidency as every week there is a crisis, do you really think these big news corporations, who often host these debates, DONT want Trump as President? Of course they do, he brings ratings and content to them hourly. 

Of course, now this is ME telling you what or how to think, but this is simply how I am taking this primary. I have officially become a "the media is against us!" type person. Im not saying everyone should, but I think everyone needs to remember that corporate media is heavily, heavily influenced. Remember that when watching any talk show. A lot and lot of BS out there. I mean, call them a cult all you want cause its more true than not, but MSNBC constantly comparing Bernie supporters to Nazi's, and a Bernie victory to a Nazi victory is absolutely horrific journalism and a shame that the majority of the country watches something like that. What awful rhetoric to share and spread. Anyways, just my thoughts on where we are currently.

VOTE. BLUE. If you don't, you are electing Donald Trump. So yes, for some of you, that may mean you have to vote for Bernie Sanders. 

#304Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 1:23pm

I have more chance of winning than Biden does x

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#305Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 3:07pm

Hey Bernie!  You had a heart attack four months ago.  Two stents were implanted.  Why haven't you released your "ventricular ejection fraction" number?  I know you know what it is, and I know that you have that number at hand.  When I had a heart attack (with five stents) 10 years ago, my cardiologist spent considerable time explaining the significance of the number.  It basically measures the flow of blood in your heart.  The higher the number, the better your heart health.  What are you hiding, Bernie?  Why do you refuse to release one simple number that will let the American public know the state of your heart health?  We have the right to know NOW, Bernie.  Are there other health issues you're hiding from us?  Maybe you'll do the right thing and reveal your number at tonight's debate.  I like honesty in a Presidential candidate, and I'm certainly not seeing it from you.   

You show me your number, Bernie, and I'll show you mine (which is excellent, by the by).

Non sibi sed patriae

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#306Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 4:05pm

Biden’s chances will become clearer after Super Tuesday.

As far as the 24 hour news channels, I do agree that watching them non-stop will drive you bat-s**t crazy. But I disagree that they (other than Fox News) want him to win. I did stop watching MSNBC because while I’m a liberal, I found their coverage too slanted (I switched over to them for awhile after CNN hired Rick Santorum as a pundit, but I’m back to CNN now).

With MSNBC, while they have some final reporters, I got tired of everything bring a supposed exposé that was going to blow your mind (I’m looking at you Rachel Maddow), but then turned out to be nothing burgers. The news does cover Trump a lot but he is president and he does a lot of stupid s**t plus I do presume he is good for ratings. I think the 30 minute evening news is pretty much like it has been since it’s inception: brief segments that can’t really cover anything in depth. They’ve now just added more info-tainment.

The media is one of the few institutions capable of keeping the President accountable. They certainly could do a better job, but I’m not prepared to join #45 in calling them fake news.

And yes, Sanders needs to release his health records, Bloomberg needs to be more transparent about these non-disclosure agreements and we all need to vote blue in November no matter what.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#307Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 4:27pm

Hey Bernie!  What's this "thing" you have for Fidel Castro?  You do realize, I hope, that he was a (choose your title) Dictator? Autocrat? Tyrant? Thug?  While you were praising Castro's literacy program, did you conveniently forget the thousands of Cubans murdered by Castro's regime?  Are you forgetting the multitude of peoples who were, thankfully, able to escape Cuba for the American shores, and now are a vibrant part of our culture?  You do them all a disservice.  Of all the world leaders (past or present) you could have singled out for recognition, you chose this guy?  What's it all about, Bernie?

You have some explaining to do.  Perhaps you'll be forthright at tonight's debate.  Or not. 

Non sibi sed patriae

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#308Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/25/20 at 8:20pm

Bloomberg is a disaster on a debate stage. A complete disaster.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#309Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/26/20 at 8:43am

Anyone who is going to vote for Bloomberg may as well just go ahead and vote for Trump. Just go ahead, seriously. I thought Bernie handled himself very well last night. He is not radical, considering other countries are able to have all citizens afford their healthcare, its much more radical that companies and people constantly profit off of OUR health while WE pay them. Its absurd. And again, Amazon paid zero federal income tax. So thrilled to be living in a world where Bernie could be our President. Sorry if the rich is so scared to no longer be able to hide behind their money and face the real world. I pray he is our President!!! 

EDIT: Also, Bernie supports what Castro did in regards to Education and the progress that was made in Cuba during that. He didn't call Castro his "friend" or a "Very nice guy" or shy away from it either. Shame on anyone who's daring to compare this to Trump and Putin. Id rather he stay off the topic, but if there were vast improvements to education in the country and some of those tactics can be used to benefit our education system, than what's the problem? 


Updated On: 2/26/20 at 08:43 AM

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#310Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/26/20 at 8:53am

Just like there is an age minimum, 35, to run for president, there really should be an age cap as well. Maybe 65, Biden would be 78 and Sanders 79 before even being sworn in. It's absurd to be voting either of these two in at these ages.

It's even more ridiculous that we can't find better candidates yet again for this election. We are supposed to be one of the best countries in the world and we still, with all the people in this country, can't find any good candidates. It really is looking like it's going to be 2016 all over again with two horrible options for the presidency.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#311Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/26/20 at 9:26am

"Just like there is an age minimum, 35, to run for president, there really should be an age cap as well. Maybe 65, Biden would be 78 and Sanders 79 before even being sworn in. It's absurd to be voting either of these two in at these ages."

I agree that almost 80 is pushing it but then again, let the voters decide. I think for these two candidates their VP pick is even more important than usual. It might even be a legitimate debate question considering their age.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#312Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/26/20 at 9:28am

"Hey Bernie!  You had a heart attack four months ago.  Two stents were implanted.  Why haven't you released your "ventricular ejection fraction" number?  I know you know what it is, and I know that you have that number at hand.  When I had a heart attack (with five stents) 10 years ago, my cardiologist spent considerable time explaining the significance of the number.  It basically measures the flow of blood in your heart.  The higher the number, the better your heart health.  What are you hiding, Bernie?  Why do you refuse to release one simple number that will let the American public know the state of your heart health?  We have the right to know NOW, Bernie.  Are there other health issues you're hiding from us?  Maybe you'll do the right thing and reveal your number at tonight's debate.  I like honesty in a Presidential candidate, and I'm certainly not seeing it from you.   

You show me your number, Bernie, and I'll show you mine (which is excellent, by the by)."

I never knew anything about this number until now, thanks for the information. Yes, Bernie should release the number after all he wants to become POTUS.  Glad your number is excellent.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#313Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/26/20 at 9:42am

Bernie's age is certainly a factor, as a supporter of his, as is his health. However, its LAUGHABLE you call Bernie a liar. Dude is a living broken record and has been consistent on his policies back until the 1970s and the 1980s, lmao. Easily the most transparent candidate we have out there. But as a Bernie supporter I'm in agreement, release the number.

Its most definitely a concern but this is why I take his VP pick more seriously than what his health is. I mean if he was so unhealthy, he wouldn't be campaigning, going to debates (more than Bloomberg has, btw), having rallies, etc. So I want the numbers released too but I mean its not like he's hiding away and only shows up at debates or via advertisements,  if he's out and open and still campaigning hard on the ground like he is, he's likely healthy enough to be President. Maybe its as assumption on my part but the dude is out and the open so I'd like to think he would be showing more physical and obvious concerns if his health was so poor. 

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#314Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/29/20 at 7:16pm

yankeefan7 said: "Another Biden gaffe asking for people to give him their vote for the US Senate yesterday.In addition, he also said he negotiated Paris Climate deal with Chinese leader that was dead for about 20 years when deal was made. Polls show his lead in SC is dwindling, I think he is done by this weekend."


Well..... Joe Biden is still a major contender.  Not only did he have an excellent most-recent debate, but minutes ago he won South Carolina.




Non sibi sed patriae

javero Profile Photo
#315Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/29/20 at 10:22pm

That was quite the comeback, Uncle Joe!

Tom Steyer did the right thing by dropping out.  I'm really fond of Amy Klobuchar, but really wish she'd follow suit and do a deal with Biden's team immediately. It's also not lost on me that Bernie fared worse this time in SC than in 2016 against Hillary.  Super Tuesday's results should be quite interesting. 

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#316Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 2/29/20 at 11:14pm

According to CNN, Buttigieg is currently studying whether he has a path forward. I expect an announcement from him either before or right after Super Tuesday that he is suspending his campaign.

I expect the same soon from Warren and Klobuchar. I’m most bummed about Amy. I knew she had a difficult path forward, but she was my choice on my absentee ballot.

As much as I travel, I sign up for absentee ballots for the entire year. It has a few advantages. It does allow me to study the candidates and issues more thoroughly before voting. It also helps me to make sure I don’t miss other elections I might not be aware of otherwise.

However, it is also a pain to have to follow the envelope-in-an-envelope-inside-an envelope-inside-an-envelope directions and to get each ballot notarized. But more related to the point of this thread, it also can result in you voting for a candidate (Amy) who may not even still be running come Election Day.

I do wonder why with Super Tuesday right around the corner, why candidates wouldn’t go ahead and stick around until then. Is it finances, trying to save face so they don’t ruin future campaign chances, or not wanting to siphon votes away from more viable candidates?

It looks like this is going to be a showdown between Biden and Sanders unless Bloomberg surprises on Tuesday. Should be interesting...

Updated On: 2/29/20 at 11:14 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#317Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 6:15pm

CNN has just announced that Buttigieg is suspending his campaign.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#318Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 6:54pm

Curious who Jordan Roth will be supporting now. Hopefully Warren!

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#319Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 6:59pm

He had absolutely no black support, so this is not at all surprising. 

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#320Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 7:04pm

Warren & Klobuchar will likely drop out after Tuesday unless a miracle happens. It's basically between Biden & Sanders now.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#321Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 7:13pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Curious who Jordan Roth will be supporting now. Hopefully Warren!"

Except Warren is probably dropping out in the next week or four. Unless something miraculous happens on Tuesday, she has no path forward. 

Gorlois Profile Photo
#322Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 7:18pm

Aww, I am just reading here that Pete has dropped out. I wrote elsewhere last night, Pete had my heart but after his showing in South Carolina, my Tuesday vote would go to Biden.

He was unfairly jostled in the primary, people made fun of his appearance or called him a cheater and he was criticized for not “being gay enough” but he had an inspirational message and I hope he has a bright future in the party. I have to be honest: I’m a little more than 10 years younger than him and I never expected an LGBT candidate to get so far.

Thanks for stepping into the arena Mayor Pete and making me rethink the possible!

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#323Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 7:18pm

If it ends up being between Bernie and Biden, what does that say about the Democratic Party? If we go with Bernie, we’ll end up alienating a portion of the party who will probably vote for Trump in the general. If we go with Biden, we will lose a portion of the party who won’t even vote in the general, letting trump win again.

I don’t speak for all college students, but I personally won’t be able to support a Biden general campaign. His platform is tired and just a rehash of Obama and Clinton. If we are going to get anything done, we need to do it drastically. We need to take Billionaires, lobbyists, and corporations out our political process, but Biden will only reinforce the norms. If we elect Biden or Trump come November, we might as well be sealing our death sentences. With them in power, the poor will only get poorer, minorities will continue to be oppressed, and climate change won’t see its fix.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

#324Who you like 2020 Dems
Posted: 3/1/20 at 7:28pm

So it hinges on novelty for you? The greatest trick that Bernie has played, is recasting himself as "new" and not "establishment." #NotUsHim

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