
The difference between Little Shop and Aida

The difference between Little Shop and Aida

M J R Profile Photo
#0The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 7:59pm

In the past three days, I've seen two productions that have both posted their closings: Little Shop and Aida. (I had seen both of them before this also)

I think the attitudes of the two companies are vastly different. It seemed (to me) that the LSOH folks were giving it their ALL! I talked with all of the cast afterwards and all three of the FANTASTIC urchins said "We saw y'all sitting in the fourth row having fun! We decided to just give it all for you!"
Their vocals were 100% SOLID and their energy was boundless. I love all three of those girls. Carla J Hargrove said that as soon as LSHOP closed, she was starting literally across the street in HAIRSPRAY! Yay!


The AIDA cast, however, was truly disappointing to me. We were again on the fourth row, and I've never seen a better example of "going through the motions" in a show in my life! Mickey Dolenz reminded me of Dr. Evil the entire time - he was awful. Adam was Adam and Schele Williams, though she sang the role well, never got into it enough.

The ensemble was the most disappointing I think. The guys were sooooo wrongly feminine in their dancing (and Mareb as well) - made it laughable. The tempos of the songs drug and basically, no one commited to anything for the show. It was clear they had already given up...

Good for Little Shop for giving it their all 'till the end - and AIDA......so long!

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears
Updated On: 8/4/04 at 07:59 PM

SMichaelK Profile Photo
#1re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:09pm

Very dissapointing, maybe its my midwestern work ethic but I'm a firm believer that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I applaud little shop for giving it their all. After all there are thousands if not millions who would love to be on Broadway, belting out their little hearts. I only wish I could have been in New York to see the show before it closed especially in its last week, I heard great things.

You, you are the worst thing to happen to musical theater since Andrew Lloyd Webber... and you I just don't like you.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#2re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:23pm

I've seen both LSOH and Aida and I have to agree that the LS cast is a lot more exciting to watch than the Aida cast. I haven't seen LS recently so I haven't seen Joey but I have seen Jessica. As for Aida I was bored through the whole show because it just seemed like no one cared at all.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#3re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:30pm

"As for Aida I was bored through the whole show because it just seemed like no one cared at all."

Haha! So true, same here though! =)

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#4re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:34pm

I think the Urchins can easily take over for the Dynamites and vice versa.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

M J R Profile Photo
#5re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:40pm

Yeah - it was disappointing - it was time number three for me for both shows - I know sometimes a "bad audience" can affect a cast's energy (been there) - but that's when you need to win them over, not just give up.....

EDIT - went looking for my playbill - it WAS Ta'Rea Campbell we saw...sorry.

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears
Updated On: 8/4/04 at 08:40 PM

M J R Profile Photo
#6re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 8:51pm

I've seen three different Seymour's - and I thought the best of all was Hunter's understudy, Jonathan Rayson. We saw him on his very first time going on, and while he clearly had some nerves in the first couple of minutes, his overall performance was the best acted Seymour of the three.

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

eyecu Profile Photo
#7re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/4/04 at 11:55pm

I saw Aida (for the first time) a few weeks ago and though I did enjoy it, Lisa Brescia as Amneris really made the show for me. She is amazing in the role, and it made up for the rest of the lackluster cast. Okay, so I have to give Deborah props for not being the typical popstar and completely ruining the role, and I'm not a big fan of Adam's voice but he does a fine job in the role, but that's where it ends. Our Zoser and Mereb were atrocious. I could barely sit through "Another Pyramid". It was very disappointing.

Now on the other hand, Little Shop was an amazing production. I saw it with Hunter Foster and though I don't think he was "dorky" enough to fit the role as Seymour he was still amazing. Though I think we all can agree The Urchins really make the show. Amazing actresses, so full of energy with beautiful voices. I would love to see it again but I don't have the time before it closes. Oh well...

Hunter Foster is in The Producers now, right? Anyone see him, how is he?

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#8re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:00am

I saw Deborah Cox, and it seemed that any time she had to sing she would turn and face the audience like she was giving a concert, it got to be really annoying. She was never "in the moment" it was always like: Line, line, line *turn to face the audience* Song.

"Lisa Brescia as Amneris really made the show for me"
I cannot agree with you more. Her performance was the only thing about the show that I really loved. She was completely on target and made up for everyone else being rather dull.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#9re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:20am

You just feel that way because you didn't see CHEYENNE JACKSON! as Radames.

eyecu Profile Photo
#10re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:20am

Yeah, I noticed that, and I agree with you to an extent. I'm usually the first to break down into tears, but I left Aida feeling like something was missing. I don't think she played the character as well as it could have been played. Though at points I really think she got into it, especially during the dance of the robe and the gods love nubia. Deborah is a decent actress, and I think she could get better.

She also has a really nice voice but it didn't sound strong enough for the part. At certain points when she really had to belt it, her voice seemed to fail her. Maybe she was having an off night?

Edit: I also don't think Eric LaJuan Summers deserved the standing ovation he got. Updated On: 8/5/04 at 12:20 AM

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#11re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:28am

Actually, speaking of Cheyenne Jackson- you're right, I didn't see him but I saw him at Bryant Park and I wouldn't object to seeing him in the show.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Millie42 Profile Photo
#12re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:34am

I have responses to a couple posts.

MJR- I saw Jonathan too, and I think he did a wonderful job. He is so adorable and such a sweet guy. He didnt skip a beat and he really loves the role. I only wish I could have seen him a week later as Orin, et al. b/c it is such a COMPLETELY different role. I didnt feel I missed a thing even though I had just missed Hunter in the role.

Eyecu- As for Hunter, he does a great job and is, in my opinion, the best part of the show. I saw it because he was in it and because I wanted to see what all the talk was about. Whereas, I didnt particularly love the show, Hunter is hilarious and quite the dancer! The blanket bit is so wonderful with him! And he is also the most humble, sweet guy. How I do love those Bway men...

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#13re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 12:41am

Oops sorry Eyecu, I didn't see your Hunter question.

I saw Hunter about a week after he started in The Producers and only because I wanted to see him. I'm not a big fan of the show in general, and I honestly didn't like it the first time I saw it (with Steven Weber as Leo) but I really enjoyed Hunter. His bit with the blanket reminded me of his Linus at the Snoopy! concert. He does an excellent job.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

eyecu Profile Photo
#14re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 1:07am

I never seen The Producers, I never really wanted too but now I think I do.

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#15re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 2:05am

Is it just me, or is it that the producers of Aida always pick a nelly queen to play Mereb? Granted, it's not written to be very butch, but every Mereb I've seen acts more like Aida's hairdresser than her confidant. I'm sad to see Aida close, because Bob Crowley worked wonders with it, and Sherie Rene Scott's "My Strongest Suit" is still one of my favorite songs ever. It was actually my drag number...but that's another story.

"Your thread count is amazing!"

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#16re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 2:27am

For God's sake, does Mickey Dolenz realize how much he sucks? Another Pyramid is one of my favorite and he butchers it every time. He either just yells or talks it. Damn him.

mikem Profile Photo
#17re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:26pm

I saw Aida for the first time last Saturday at the matinee. Lisa Brescia was fantastic, but no one else seemed to be trying very hard. You know it's a problem when Amneris is the most sympathetic and engaging character. The energy level in general was incredibly low. Also, there was a LOT of voice cracking (Mereb and Zoser did it big time, and Aida and Radames did it a little), and some of the ensemble members were really out of tune. There was also some horsing around during Fortune Favors the Brave, and a glitch with the moving backdrop during Not Me where those inside the "tent" had to kick it into place. I can see why people love the show, but this was definitely not its finest hour, and I left feeling pretty unsatisfied.

The audience was completely dead, which probably didn't help. There was no entrance applause at all for anyone, and very little audience reaction in general. (Of course until the obligatory standing ovation, which seemed pretty half-hearted.)

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#18re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:32pm

I saw Aida last March and it seemed to be the exact same "energy level" as you described, mikem. It was almost painful in parts, and Amneris received the bulk of the laughs/applause. I really, really wanted to like it but just left feeling so-so about it. Cracky voices especially from Aida (who was played by the understudy - I'm terribly sorry, but I've forgotten her name) and Mickey was just - creepy. There's no other way to describe it. And this was months ago - before it was announced the show was closing.


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#19re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:37pm

Aida is my favorite show, you all know this. But, it's been losing its spark. Little Shop hasn't been open for nearly as long, and I feel like maybe that's making it easier for it to go out with a bang. It's had less time to go downhill. Some really horrendous casting decisions have been made, and I really think that's responsible for sending the show downhill. It's always going to be special to me, but it's definitely been in better shape... and I say this *even* with Adam back in the cast. I love him to death, but in this case, he can't carry a show that's dying. The audience isn't into the show either, which really shows that the energy does go both ways. I saw it two weeks ago, and the audience was horribly weak. Getting applause out of them had to have been like pulling teeth. re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida

"Hunter Foster is in The Producers now, right? Anyone see him, how is he?"
Hunter's been one of my favorites for a while. I was genuinely impressed with his performance; he's got a great voice, his timing is wonderful and he can dance surprisingly well! Definitely try to go see him... he's wonderful.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/5/04 at 09:37 PM

#20re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:51pm

Hunter's amazing. What I would give to be a Foster...

I saw Little Shop right before I went to MA for summer (NYU student here) and I got to see the whole original cast. Hunter's departure was just announced. He was incredible, so funny and cute and Doug Sills had me rolling in the aisles. I winced a couple of times with Kerry Butler, but just when she was speaking. Her breathiness was a choice to seperate her from Ellen Greene, but it really didn't work for me. But, yeah, they give it their all. That's what you can do with such a small cast. Unite and be huge. I loved that show. I am taking a weekend off from school to see Anthony Rapp in it when it comes to Boston in May.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#21re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida
Posted: 8/5/04 at 10:28pm

Wow, I find these comments very interesting... because I feel so differently about Aida and its cast.

First of all, I saw LSOH and loved it. I saw the original cast and have yet to see Joey (I will catch it again before it closes) and thought it was a great show. Full of energy etc.

I have seen Aida quite regularly in the last few weeks and really can't agree with some of the comments. In fact, I only saw the show yesterday and thought that the ensemble (excluding any of the leads) gave EVERYTHING. Well, there is one of the ensemble girls who seems a bit bored but the rest?
I love the energy during songs such as Another Pyramid and Strongest Suit and I'm always amazed by the energy of the cast.

And every time I have seen the show in the last few weeks the cast received a great reaction. Every time there was a standing ovation and lots of laughter and lots of 'oooohhhs' during certain scenes.

I am not the biggest Deborah fan either but she receives a great reaction from the audience (well, at least to all the shows I have been to) and she tries, you have to give her that. Her voice is amazing ... yes, the acting skills can be improved (the way she delivers certain lines makes me want to jump into the orchstra pit) but she is trying (like she really is pretending to cry after Written In The Stars). In fact, I have started to quite enjoy her performance.
I agree with M J R's comment about Ta'rea. She has this amazing voice but she really is not even attempting to act (unlike Deborah)... (have you noticed that I love my brackets!!!!! re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida)

Adam is Adam. I am not even going to go into that one. I think he has one of the most amazing voices ever. Yes, some bits he does on stage seem to make me laugh but that's another story. You are either going to love him or hate him. Fact.
But again, every time he is on stage he is not holding back, he always belts out his notes etc. But yes, the show proably has become a routine for him, I don't think that's noticeable on stage. And I am very critical when it comes to 'my people'... although some people might not believe me now re: The difference between Little Shop and Aida

I am still not too sure what to think about Lisa. She has a wonderful voice but she is not 'camp' enough for me. I remember how camp and drama queen-like Sherie and Felicia were. They were hysterical and received so many laughs. Having said that, I love Lisa for being so emotional on stage (I am a sucker when it comes to tears on stage), she always has tears in her eyes when she sings I Know The Truth and in scenes such as My Strongest Suits (Reprise)... She's great like that.

I am not a big fan of the character of Mereb, just find the whole part a bit unnecessary. But again, yesterday Eric was crying on stage while singing How I Know You, so I think these guys are trying.

The only thing I have noticed with Aida recently and which can be annoying (I am not too sure if the 'average theatre goer' picks up on this or just sad little me who looks around too much) are the private jokes going on.
I have seen Deborah breaking up at least three times in the last few weeks because she got the giggles during serious scenes, Eric tends to fool around a lot as well and Adam has this 'beating up' thing going on with one of the dancers during Like Father, Like Son. So instead of looking at Micky in a serious way, he is staring at this dancer and grinning from one ear to the other. So that's the one BIG critiscism I have.

But overall, I think the current Aida cast is very strong and seem very passionate on stage. And I have seen the show a few times recently!!!

QM (sorry for the long post and the brackets!!!!) (I love them)

'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
