new movie musicals

#0new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 3:32pm

What show would you like to see made into movies?
my picks would be
(1)Sweeney todd*
(2)Into the woods
(3)Assassins,yes I have a thing for S.S
there are many more,those are just some of my fav.
* means a movie version is in the works

#1re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 3:33pm

I personally feel that City of Angels would make a great movie musical, for seem reason, I think it fits...

La Vie Boheme
#2re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 3:34pm

I def agree with Into the Woods

I could also see Aida and Youre a Good Man Charlie Brown into movies. But that's mostly just because i love those two shows...

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#3re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 3:39pm

I can't believe i left AIDA off my list,i love that show and i have always thought it would be a good movie
I always thought ABC would do it as the wonderful world of DIsney movie likethey did with Annnie and music can and they were planing to do with fiddler

#4re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 3:41pm

city of angels would work marvelously as a movie musical (i actually think better than on stage). seeing as the script was written to resemble short film scenes, i don't think they'd even have to change it much, you know? i would actually really like to see sunset boulevard, which i hear might be happening as lloyd webber supposedly already has glenn close set to reprise, anthony hopkins and hugh jackman. he's just looking for the perfect betty. if only she were older i think emmy would be good. but she's too young for hugh. so we need to find someone now.

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#5re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:16pm

Definitly Aida and I'd like to see how Wicked turns out if they made it into a movie though I dont really know if it could come close to the stage production.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#6re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:18pm


munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#7re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:20pm

Into the Woods
Sweeney Todd
Jane Eyre (will never happen)
Caroline, or Change
The Wild Party (La Chiusia)

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

ReederWI Profile Photo
#8re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:36pm

It'd be interesting to see Urinetown.

#9re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:37pm

Taboo would be... interesting. I think it'd be good, tho.

The Wonderful World of Disney idea actually isn't that bad of an idea for Aida, tho I'd rather see a full-scale movie, anything would be great. Maybe if Adam is good in the Rent movie...

Into the Woods would make a great animated movie. I don't know if a live action movie would draw too much of a crowd. Same for YAGMCB.

I'd love to see a Urinetown movie.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#10re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 4:39pm

Les Miserable all the way

BTW, I heard some buzz about Caroline or Change being some kind of HBO TV movie

#11re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 6:30pm

I had heard a few months back that Zack Braff (Scrubs, Garden State) was directing a film of Pippin. Has anyone heard anything lately?

When it was still on Broadway (The first time), there was talk of an animated version of Into The Woods. Nothing came of it. I think Lion King would make a wonderful animated film. Oh wait....

#12re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 6:54pm

Movie Musical...

If the would do it for PBS or video it for HBO or SHOWTIME. They need to do a video of the new Big River. It is amazing and needs to be shown around the world to all people that just cause one is deaf does not mean one cannot be thrilled by the love that is theater.

LightMyCandle125 Profile Photo
#13re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 6:55pm

joe--that's crazy because i saw pippin at REPRISE! yesterday w/ michael arden, and there was a q and a session after. one guy asked if anyone knew about the movie supposedly in the works, but nobody did. i guess it may happen. yay! long live pippin!

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

BWAYboi_yes Profile Photo
#14re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 7:30pm


that's the only show i can think of. I can't imagine how any of those others would make a movie. Other than that I like some of them, I don't think it would be practical to put them on film. they'd look totally cheesy and stupid. like Into the Woods? How do you make that into a movie? It wouldn't look right... and more importantly, it wouldn't FEEL right. Stage shows turned movie these days in a big thing, and people standing and singing isn't as believable for film as it used to be. You know?

zoran912 Profile Photo
#15re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 7:34pm

I don't think ITW would work well. Sweeney will be amazing. I hear that the producers are courting Kevin Kline. I say cast Victor Garber, but maybe that's just me.

#16re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/6/05 at 8:49pm

into the woods would not be the same animated,i mean come on it's Sondheim,I hope they don't get kevin Kilne,Alfred molina would be better.I LOVE CAROLINE or Change and I have often thought it should bemade in to a movie but the only way it could work would be HBO or mabye Showtime.

#17re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 12:18am

Hi, I'm new here.

Frank Wildhorn is making a movie version of JEKYLL & HYDE with Hugh Jackman in talks for the title role.

Nothing has been confirmed yet.

I would love Anthony Warlow to get the part.

- Michael

#18re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 12:50am

A script for Into the Woods (a movie) exists. It was written by the team who wrote Splash, City Slickers, etc (Lowell Ganz &
Babaloo Mandel). They did an all star cast reading (the Sondheim Review reported on this around 1995) with Robin Williams as the baker. Jim henson Productions were to be involved in the effects. Apparantly it was much more based around Act I and was very "joke heavy". Sondheim wrote a couple of new songs (one called "Rainbow" I think) and the film got VERY VERY close to being greenlighted when the studio it was being made for had an exec shakeup and it got lost in the shuffle. You will find copies of the script (which I'm told is far from great) on ebay, etc from time to time


#19re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 12:55am

oo yes definitely AIDA. and adam MUST play ramades.

welcome, wildhorn! have fun, and beware of becoming addicted like we all have...

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#20re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 1:09am

YES! Adam for Aida!! re: new movie musicals

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#21re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 1:23am

Here is my short list for movie musicals with a few thoughts on each.

SECRET GARDEN - Something lavish and stylish (for some reason I think M. Night Shyamalan would be good, a mix of supernatural with some Indian roots). The idea of the Dreamers could be brought back, because it would work much better on screen than on stage. And OH!!, the score reorchestrated for a full orchestra.

PARADE - It would be a good opportunity to revise it dramaturgically, and it could be really well done. This sounds crazy, but I feel like Robin Williams would make a good Leo, if he's kept restrained and gives the remarkable performance that he's proven he's capable of. I think Spielberg could work wonders with this film. Just imagine The Interrogation of Newt Lee on screen, with jump cuts between his testimonty, flashback to the actions he's describing, and Leo being questioned. It's a very cinematic sequence that just came into my mind.

THE BEAUTIFUL GAME - A lot of the lyrics should be revised slightly, and the film should be very gritty and real. The music MUST be reorchestrated, because I think the cheap synthesizers on the recording distract people from realizing that a lot of the score is actually very good. This could be a very powerful film, especially if it were small, independent, cast with a pack of unknown Irish actors (and then the accents wouldn't sound so insufferably phony).

Now an even shorter list:

RAGTIME - Could be spectacular!
SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE - Could be amazing if combined with very artistic cinematography and an unconventional narrative throughline.
FLOYD COLLINS - I heard a rumor sometime that there was mild interest in making a movie out of this, and it could be done very well (or, admittedly, very badly in the wrong hands).
CITY OF ANGELS - I have to agree, I'd love it.

That's my two cents.

phantom_tenor Profile Photo
#22re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 1:55am

i hear you, WildhornFanatic. The David Hassellhoff Jekyll and Hyde was unspeakably awful.

Anthony Warlow would be the GREATEST! He's such a fantastic performer. He can out-act and most certainly sing cirles around hugh jackman.
But i don't think there's a great chance of him doing it, as he's not well known enough outside australia, and he's quoted as saying he wouldn't want to play the part of Jekyll and Hyde, cause he was so horrified at what it became when dramatised, after seeing a production in Germany.

But Anthony SHOULD have played the phantom in the movie. i s'pose he would've upstaged emmy's frightened rabbit acting and breathy singing though.

Anthony, please be in the new J&H movie!

Maxie2003 Profile Photo
#23re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 1:58am

Aida, Wicked, Into The Woods, Hairspray, Jekyll and Hyde...i could go on, but i can't currently think of any others but i'm just happy to have any musical made into a movie that i can watch over and over. As long as they don't make it too hollywood and ruin it.

"Why do we play with fire? Why do we run our fingers through the flame? Why do we leave our hand on the stove, although we know we're in for some pain?"

dancindramadude Profile Photo
#24re: new movie musicals
Posted: 2/7/05 at 2:36am

I have heard they are making movies outta The Producers (w/ NAthan Lane and Matthew Brodrick), Dream Girls, and Hairspray.
I would love to see Urinetown. I would love to see Avenue Q, but i dont think a movie would be able to pull off the puppet concept
