help naming a musical

phantom_tenor Profile Photo
#0help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 8:22am

I'm halfway through writing a musical (book, music and lyrics) loosely based on Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", but am totally stuck for naming it.
I've set it in 19th century Vienna. The music is, on the whole, very bubbly, lots of waltz and polka style songs, a little like Strauss, i suppose.

please help me come up with a name

also, does anyone know if there's been a musical version of Much Ado before, besides the berlioz opera?

#1re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 9:53am

How about a phrase from the play itself or a play on words from the show:

"Joyful Weeping"
"Cupid's Challenge"
"Another man's foolishness"
"wise in everything but loving him"


TxTwoStep Profile Photo
#2re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:34am

i've always been fascinated by the "court masque" structure of this play. How about "Masque Ado"? or maybe "Danse Masque"/"Valse Masque"? perhaps those are too esoteric.

Will: They don't give out awards for helping people be gay... unless you count the Tonys. "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..."

Elphaba Profile Photo
#3re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:36am

a simple "Waltz" would work

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#4re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 11:32am

This sounds fascinating.
I've always loved Much Ado About Nothing.

But alas, I have no good titles.
Although I am Austrian, all I can come up with are mountains, Glockenspiels, and the Danube, none of which are probably helpful to you in the least...

Good luck!

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

hannahshule Profile Photo
#5re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 11:41am

This sounds really cool, I like Mikewood's suggestions.

~And let us try, before we die, to make some sense of life~

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#6re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:25pm

Yes, "Cupid's Challenge." I like it!

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

ShuQ Profile Photo
#7re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:28pm

Why don't you look at some of your lyrics and try to pick (loosely) from those.

#8re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:34pm

Personally I wouldn't title it until it's finished. That way you can look at the piece as a whole and see what that looks like and title it that way. But if you really need a title, look at the theme of the show. Titles are very important! They can also change so don't stress too much over it.

TxTwoStep Profile Photo
#9re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 1:37pm

true, will the show have a "title song"?

Will: They don't give out awards for helping people be gay... unless you count the Tonys. "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..."

FranziaRebel Profile Photo
#10re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 2:46pm

Much Ado has been done as an opera by a couple of composers. Usually it goes by the name Beatrice and Benedict. I think Mozart has a version and at least one other composer.

Many of Shakespeare's plays have sub titles. I don't know if Much Ado does or not.

#11re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 3:02pm

Whatever you do, don't call it "Nothing! The Musical!"

musical medea Profile Photo
musical medea
#12re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 4:28pm

how about something simple like "much ado" or "bea and ben" hmm or "dogberry"

IMsooHyprToday Profile Photo
#13re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 4:32pm

Much aDo Re Me...

^ is that retarded? or creative? i cant decide....

cturtle Profile Photo
#14re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 5:52pm

IMHT, i thought that was cute re: help naming a musical

RIP glebby <3

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#15re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:05pm

Look to your song titles first and see if there is one that expresses the spirit of the show. Think about the setting and why you chose it and the events of the show.

Where are the locations of you scenes? Where does the pivotal scene take place? Is it tied into any historical events? Musically, the title could simply jump out at you. Otherwise, try writing one short sentence that summarizes the theme of your version of the show and see if it's there.

Perosonally, I like "The Grand Folly".

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#16re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:08pm

how about "KISS ME, BEATRICE" re: help naming a musical

^ is that retarded? or creative? i cant decide....

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#17re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:08pm

What about "Nothing"

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#18re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:12pm

nothing the musical? if you're gonna go down that road at least pick one of the more appetizing words... ado the musical!

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#19re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:14pm

About The Musical

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#20re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:15pm

about what musical? oh, I get it... ehh...

Thenardier Profile Photo
#21re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:18pm

I am going to go with Elphaba here.

You all have so pretty nice titles, but a simple "Waltz" would suffice.

Maybe "Waltz: A musical adaptation based on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing"

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#22re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:21pm

Ado I Hear A Waltz?

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#23re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/23/05 at 6:24pm


Was that a fat joke?

phantom_tenor Profile Photo
#24re: help naming a musical
Posted: 5/24/05 at 7:48am

Thanks so much guys. I love the idea of having waltz in the title. it had never occured to me. One of the songs is basically just about waltzing.

maybe "1...2...3"
or "A Vienese Waltz"
"How to Waltz"
or maybe even "Polka Dots"
or are these just craptastic?
