
Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?

Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?

#0Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 8:48am

'Cause I do. I plan to see Chita Rivera: The Dancer's Life next Wednesday matinee while my mother and brother see Spelling Bee. What about you?

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

Kgshrauder Profile Photo
#1re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 8:55am

Well I want to get up to NY sometime over the break, but I think the only sensible way for a student paying their way through college, is taking a bus and doing the TKTS thing, so we'll see what happens. If I do get to NY I would love to see Women in White, or DRS again. Actually there are so many shows that I wouldn't mind seeing.

It was 6 hours, I don't even like to have sex and eat bacon for 6 hours.
Freddy Benson- Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

#2re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 9:08am

I'm seeing the final performance of Sweet Charity. I can't wait!

GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#3re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 11:03am

I'll be seeing Avenue Q and Seascape(hopefully)on the 23rd and hopefully Sweeney Todd early January and Doubt on January 8th.

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson
Updated On: 12/19/05 at 11:03 AM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#4re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 11:05am

As many as I can afford. I don't think I can sit through Charity again though.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 11:08am

My mom and I are seeing Rent. Shall be a momentous occasion, as I've been trying to get her to see it for years.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#6re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 11:15am

I want do do the Rent lotto, Spelling Bee lotto, and I somehow want to go about getting tickets to Barefoot in the Park, but I'm not sure how exactly.

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

#7re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 11:16am

Finally, I'll be seeing Light in the Piazza on Thursday. I'll probably go down to the city some time in January and take my chances with lottos or TKTS.

ALWrules Profile Photo
#8re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 12:42pm

I'm going with my father and sister to see
Mamma Mia
Phantom of the Opera
Lion King
Woman in White

Keep your morals, I don't have time. Keep your lovers, I'm changing mine! -The Likes of Us

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#9re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 1:12pm

i'll be seeing Piazza, Spamalot and a show at the MET

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

Taryn Profile Photo
#10re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 1:37pm

I'm seeing The Light in the Piazza on December 30 (graduation present from the mother of one of my oldest friends) and Spamalot on January 12 (extra ticket present from my boyfriend and his family). My parents actually just recently moved to New Jersey about thirty minutes outside the city, so I'm now thrilled to have these chances. ^_^

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#11re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 1:40pm

Well if you're referring to winter recess as the week between Christmas and New year's nothing, though I am seeing the Wicked tour in DC. But my winter recess lasts through the entire month of January...I'd imagine I'd see...about 8 shows...maybe 10. Already have tickets to 3 DRSes, second row on the 8th, Lithgow's last on the 15th, and front row mezz on the 31st, though my break is over by then. Planning to take one of my best friends and my sister to Avenue Q, my mom and Aunt to Jewtopia and Chita, see Color Purple and Jersey Boys for first time, maybe try Hairspray lotto...maybe try to see Will Chase in Rent. Something like that.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

Tirso de Molina
#12re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 2:09pm

I've got a full slate when I'm in NYC this coming long holiday weekend:

Thursday: Touch of the Poet
Friday matinee: Seascape
Friday night: Chita
Sat. matinee: An American Tragedy (new opera at the Met)
Sat. evening: Light in the Piazza (i've seen it before, but hardly anything shows Xmas Eve except Jewtopia, and I did that LAST Xmas Eve)
Monday matinee: Color Purple
Monday evening: Sweeney Todd (please get better, Patti!)

"Sweet summer evenings, hot wine and bread / Sharing your supper, sharing your bed / Simple joys have a simple voice: It says why not go ahead?"

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#13re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 2:12pm

nothing definate planned yet, but I know I'll see Rent a few times, trying to see Sweet Charity, and I'm determined to see Chita. I might even throw a Chitty in there...depends on how much $ I get for Christmas! lol


#14re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 3:09pm

I might drop some hints or flat out beg b/c I rarely get to go to NY and even rarer still see a show... but perhaps I can guise it to be a trip to visit NYU which my mother and I have been planning to do...

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

renthead112305 Profile Photo
#15re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 3:13pm

I hope to be seeing RENT, and Wicked, if my mom is as bad as a liar as i think she is....

"Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature."

#16re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 3:14pm

I'm seeing Jersey Boys this wednesday (its not during winter break but its 2 days before) and on the 30th, i'm seeing DRS

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#17re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 3:22pm

i'm hoping to see chitty sometime next week. I really want to see this before it closes.

#18re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 3:23pm

My best friend and I are going to see Sweet Charity and The Phantom of the Opera. First time for both shows for her; third time for both shows for me.

SirLiir Profile Photo
#19re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 4:06pm

Let's see...

Rent during Christmas Week
DRS this friday, on Jan 8th (thanks John lol) and Jan 15th
Wicked Jan 7th night

I also plan to catch either DRS or Wicked after the new cast memebers take over to see how they do.

LorelaiGilmore Profile Photo
#20re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 4:15pm

i might, i'm going down on the 28th, and i want to take my friend to see a show, and we aren't going to buy tickets in advance, because if there is a strike, we aren't going to go. so, does anyone know of any shows that might not be too crowded, that we might be able to buy tickets at the box office for

oy with the poodles already!

#21re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 5:12pm

I know it isn't broadway, but I'm going to catch NEWSical a time or two more... Johnny T is adorable!!!

#22re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 5:49pm

I'm planning on going down on the 28th for a doubleheader. may try Q and DRS lotteries. If that doesn't work, maybe Sweet Charity or Woman in White. idk whether I'll see Sweeney. Depends.

zippyjen Profile Photo
#23re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 5:59pm

i am seeing bee on the 7th i believe. And i plan on going to the final performance of chitty. Maybe see rent as well. WOuld love to see will chase. Hopefully more since my break lasts through the 18th.

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#24re: Anyone have plans to see a B'way show over winter recess?
Posted: 12/19/05 at 6:05pm

Definitely seeing RENT with my mom on the 14th, trying to see DRS, Altar Boyz, and Dog Sees God as well.

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms
