
Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!

Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#1Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 12:42pm

Has this already been posted and I missed it?

- Ben, who is SOOO excited!

Kev Profile Photo
#2re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 1:03pm

and Christeena Michelle Riggs is the new Glinda cover; both great casting choices :)

#2re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 1:11pm

It was posted in another thread, but I think it disserves its own thread. YAAAAAAAAAY FOR COLEEN!!!!! I wish she was on Broadway, but oh well at least shes working.re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#3re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 1:54pm

That's awesome. I wish I could see her in the role.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#4re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 2:25pm

It is nice to see her finally get work. I loved her in the Jekyll movie.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

magic8ball Profile Photo
#5re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 4:28pm

Colleen is fabulous. Thank you, Jesus.

"Goodness is rewarded. Hope is guaranteed. Laughter builds strong bones. Right will intercede. Things you've said I often find I need, indeed. I see the world through your eyes. What's black and white is colorized. The knowledge you most dearly prized I'm eager to employ. You said that life has infinite joys."

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#6re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 4:42pm

I love her and realize actors have to work, but she's better than this IMO.

Becky2 Profile Photo
#7re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 8:48pm

*Gasp!* I hadn't heard this, thanks for posting! She is quite fabulous and I'm happy that she's doing this. Now I'm probably going to have to go see the tour in hopes of catching her perform.

Has this been formally announced anywhere? Updated On: 1/1/07 at 08:48 PM

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#8re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 8:53pm

Al Dendte...clam down. In due time Colleen will be Elphaba. I am glad that she is the standby and can't wait to hear her.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#9re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 9:09pm

Am I the only one that finds Coleen's voice (at least in "Jekyll and Hyde") a bit whiney? Although I think she was good as Lucy, I just felt that her belt was underwhelming and her tone a bit nasaly.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#10re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 10:36pm

Her first three weeks are in Providence...hopefully Matlock will be off one night and I can "lottery" the show...as I would love to see Sexton live...I think she's a great actress and i would like to see how she's developed performance-wise since J/H filming.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#11re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 10:37pm

I am sure she will do atleast one performance.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

#12re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/1/07 at 10:46pm

I wonder how long the contracts are, hopefully she'll still be there when Wicked comes back to Boston (Sept-Oct). If I don't see her in the show, I hope to at least meet her at the stage door.

"I have this mental image of Patti barreling down the street and pushing tourists out of her way." -colleen_lee

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#13re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 12:04am

I am guessing 6 months to a year.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

GClef2 Profile Photo
#14re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 12:27am

Her belt, in my opinion, is just not as deep-rooted as other performers, like Carmello and Murney. She has a similar tone to Amy Spanger, and I love her voice. She is very pretty and I think she will pull it off well. At some moments during J & H I was pleasantly surprised

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

#15re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 3:19am

Wow...a reason to go see "Wicked" again...something I haven't had since JLT or Stephanie J Block left.


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#16re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 3:23am




BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#17re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 9:05am

Get with it B3, don't you know this board reveres and practically worships the entire concept of stand-by's and understudies and has practically raised it to it's own artform? How could you not be foaming at the mouth that COLLEEN SEXTON IS ELPHABA'S STAND-BY?! re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#18re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 9:16am

I looooove her! I've been hoping for this for a while, go Coleen!!! re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

ruprecht Profile Photo
#19re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 9:54am

You forgot the ON TOUR part!

ICEcreamAssassin Profile Photo
#20re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 10:34am

colleen is fantastic..yey for employment!
now can someone give mandy gonzalez a job!

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#21re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 11:15am

Having seen Colleen several times as Lucy in Jekyll, I will stand in the tiny corner of people not impressed with her becoming attached to the Elphaba role. Sexton is (was) knock dead gorgous. (She's gone through some rough times, so it remains to be seen what her performing condition will be). Obviously it's impressive enough to land this role.
(BTW, a link to the official announcement would be great, as I'm not convinced this is in stone.)

IMO, she was not as solid in J&H as other seem to feel. She nearly blew out her voice a few times. Plus she's pretty frail, adorable but frail. Not "comanding" in any sense physically. The Elphaba role requires a very strong voice, solid, gutsy character depth and an impressive physical presence that will standout.

IMO, Colleen simply doesn't seem to possess those qualities. But I hope I am wrong. She deserves a good break after so much time and turmoil. I wish both the ladies well. Victoria is a giant gal with lots of talent.

www.pbentertainmentinc.com BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#22re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 11:30am

I still cannot believe that these three amazing girls are standbys: Julie Reiber, Lisa Bresica, and now Coleen Sexton! Let's hope they all get to go on numerous times!

And ICEcreamassasin, Mandy Gonzaelz is starring in the new off-broadway musical "In the Heights" which starts previews early January and opens in Feb, and then hopes to eventually move to Broadway!

#23re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 11:57am

PB...there's no announcement, but she is listed on the cast list on http://www.wickedthemusicaltour.com

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#24re: Coleen Sexton is the new Elphaba Standby on tour!
Posted: 1/2/07 at 12:37pm

That was the point of my first post, it's not exactly a career benchmark for Sexton, or any of the ladies. PB, I'm confused by your rationals regarding the role and who, what type of actress should play it. Menzel is not exactly the most imposing,strong, gutsy figure and neither was Bean, far from it. Only recently have they been hiring older, taller more "looming" figures, so I'm not understanding you.
