Radcliffe in Equus pics..

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#1Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:35pm

Wowza...our Harry has grown up!


"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#2re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:36pm

There are a couple threads on this.

#2re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:37pm

Yeah, I was thinking that same thing! He's looks pretty good, too, not gonna lie.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#3re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:39pm

Those of you who know me personally know that I would never give any man under age 25 (who am I kidding...40) a second look, but damn, this guy is hot! Excellent pics. I wish I could get to London to see this.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#4re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:41pm

I don't see any other threads about the pictures. I see one discussing how appropriate it would be for youngsters, but none praising Daniel's beautiful face. Yes, face. The body is nice, but plenty of men on stage have great bodies. He has such a gorgeous face.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Gelfling Profile Photo
#5re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:41pm

well... he's half naked for sure but hot?

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#6re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:44pm

Aside from the "Best. Poster. Ever." thread, the rest of the picture-related threads seem to have disappeared.

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#7re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:44pm

Hmm, maybe those threads are on the off-topic board. I remember someone posted pictures of him from that blogsite that writes obnoxious pink letters over everything.

Weez Profile Photo
#8re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:45pm

The previous two threads on the subject have vanished, god only knows why.

My goodness but he's grown up nicely! Roll on our 'Equus' trip in February! ^_^

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#9re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:47pm

Strange about the threads...So is he still gonna be in Harry Potter movies? He's getting too old for the rest of them.

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#10re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:48pm

Sorry for the shout, I just become a bit overly excited! I look forward to seeing this disturn=bing play again. I hope it transfers to Broadway.

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#11re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:48pm

People far older than him have been playing high school kids in movies since the dawn of time.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#12re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:48pm

All of the other threads were deleted, and I really don't understand why.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#13re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:52pm

I wouldn't say hot. He's attractive sure a little thin for my liking. Seems like he's already begun the distancing from Harry Potter. Change the image...

gumbo2 Profile Photo
#14re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 2:55pm

Speaking of distancing himself from Harry Potter, has anyone seen him in Extras? He's hilarious.

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#15re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:05pm

my little puddle of drool is growing, lol.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/27199361@N08/ Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

lite2shine Profile Photo
#16re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:43pm

I'd say he is handsome but not hot to my taste. Too skinny and pale. Will there be an age limit for this show though? I don't think younger than 14 yrs old or so should be admitted. I'm sure theatre savvy teenagers can handle it but young Harry Potter fans (as well as their parents) who have never been to a (dark theme) theatre would be shocked to see him in this show.

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#17re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:46pm

Not to mention shocked by the play itself, no matter who's in it.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#18re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:52pm

IF I see this kiddie porn one more time I'm going to barf.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#19re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 3:59pm

I think there will be age restrictions for the play so the Potter fans might be left out. Isn't there full male nudity in the play? I don't see why a parent would take a child once they know the content of the work.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#20re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 4:26pm

Speaking of distancing himself from Harry Potter, has anyone seen him in Extras? He's hilarious.

I did! Hysterical.


I'm very curious to see how this is received. I'm not very familiar with this play, so forgive my ignornace, but isn't it very controversial? Just reading the synopsis alone leads me to believe that it is. Should be interesting to read reviews.

Also, I'm wondering if they'll include some sort of warning when buying tickets about the nudity. That way the Harry Potter fans won't come expecting Harry and...well, see a whole lot more than they bargained for.
Edit: On second thought, why would they? I'm sure a lot of people would want to see a naked Harry Potter. What was I thinking?
Updated On: 1/30/07 at 04:26 PM

jpbran Profile Photo
#21re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 4:42pm

The other posts might have been removed because he's under 18, and the pix are quite revealing.

In the U.S., that definitely put them into the "dirty underage pix" category. (Not in England though, at least according to the law)

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#22re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 4:44pm

Um, Broadwayworld itself has the pictures on the home page.

jpbran Profile Photo
#23re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 4:49pm

Yeah, that IS true... They actually seem to be everywhere, so that probably isnt the reason the posts supposedly vanished.

I just hope the show has more to offer than a 17-year old's nudity. The producers seem to have focused almost every promo photo on Harry Potter in all/most of his glory... Hopefully there's more to recommend than just that.

tazber Profile Photo
#24re: Radcliffe in Equus pics..
Posted: 1/30/07 at 4:51pm

I'm sure there will be more to it. But come on - a naked Harry Potter is gonna sell tix!! It's just marketing.

....but the world goes 'round
