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Magic Theater Moments

The_Jackal2 Profile Photo
#1Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 10:48pm

Hey, I hope nothing like this has been posted yet, but I was just thinking about those moments in musicals that are so perfect and magical. You know, the moments where you just get goosebumps?
I was wondering what moments in shows have given you that feeling.
I could actually make a long list of these for me, but one that comes to mind is when the curtain goes up at the beginning of "Curtains" and there's a huge dance number going on. I got chills!

elphie_defies Profile Photo
#2re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 11:02pm

For me, it's the Act One finale of Wicked. The two times I saw it, I was shaking, crying, and practically hyperventilating (all in a good way, of course.). A man in front of me was concerned that there was something seriously wrong re: Magic Theater Moments. It was my first Broadway show ever, and I had had no idea it would move me so much.

"Today I start my quest to find my special destiny." - Wicked, pre-Broadway
Updated On: 3/11/07 at 11:02 PM

ahmelie Profile Photo
#2re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 11:05pm

When the door slammed at the end of Sweeney Todd. I was just sitting there in awe, three feet away from Patti LuPone. I got chills and I get choked up just thinking about it.

Theatre is a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done. -John Patrick Shanley

mattonstage Profile Photo
#3re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 11:07pm

The opening number of 'Ragtime' never failed to move me. Pure magic, everything, the music, the costumes, the choreography. Hasn't been anything like it since, IMHO.

I killed the boss, you don't think they're gonna fire me over a thing like that!!!!

SNLMedia Profile Photo
#4re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 11:17pm

The "overture" of Hairspray, as the lights go down and you hear the chorus of "I Can Hear The Bells". Always gives me goosebumps.

The opening number of "Wedding Singer", especially right after Robbie says "Line dance, follow me!" The song just takes off at that point, IMO.

And the overture to Piazza, as Margaret enters, Clara begins singing, and the leaves are blowing onto the stage. Lovely.

"The world is a better place because of hairspray." - Michael Ball

Jeannie2 Profile Photo
#5re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/11/07 at 11:22pm

The most magical theatre moment would have to be 'One Day More' in Les Miserables... and the Finale... I get chills every time.

Shakespearean Profile Photo
#6re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 8:59am

The transformation of Cervantes into Don Quixote at the opening of Man of La Mancha, which shows that the magic of theatre can happen anywhere, even under the worst circumstances.

The day when the wolf in a Little Barn Players production of Red Riding Hood and Friends took off his mask and walked out onto the lawn to give a weeping, terrified girl in the audience a hug because sometimes some things are more important.

The curtain call of Harold Pinter's The Homecoming which restored hope to my soul that the torments of Hell aren't necessarily eternal, it just felt that way for two hours.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#7re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 11:50am

When Harvey made his entrance in "Hairspray" and after his first line everyone in the theater was on their feeting clapping.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#8re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 12:04pm

JLY's entrance in Jersey Boys is always a wonderful moment in the show, everyone applauding and cheering as he walks out onto the catwalk.

When the guys perform Sherry for the first time is another great moment in the show, along with all the other Four Seasons hits they perform in the show including Can't Take My Eyes Off You.

The Act I finale to Jersey Boys with Norm Waxman revealing Tommy's debt to the guys.

#9re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 12:58pm

If the part of Cosette is played right, the end of "I Dreamed A Dream" gives me goosebumps.

Also, the end of "One Song Glory" in Rent maybe, but there are so many others... Harvey Fierstein in Hairspray singing "Welcome to the 60s"

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

#10re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 1:10pm

Vivienne Segal singing "Bewitched" in the 1952 revival of Pal Joey

Alfred Drake singing "Fate" in the original Broadway production of the musical Kismet

Everything that Hugh Jackman did in The Boy From Oz

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#11re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 1:14pm

The Act One Finale of All Shook Up when all the characters are singing "Can't Help Falling In Love" full voice breaking the fourth wall. It gave me chills all three times I've seen the show.

The transtion from the French rap group into the early days of The Four Seasons in Jersey Boys, as well as the first time they perform Sherry and the Act One finale.

The Act One finale of Wicked is powerful, especially when Elphaba says "Its me" and begins to raise into the air. Its so amazing to me.

When Tracy first wakes up in the beginning of Good Morning Balitmore in Hairspray.

Having done the show, Secret Garden, when all the ghosts are surronding Mary during the Final Storm is so amazing. As is "How Could I Ever Know."

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 3/12/07 at 01:14 PM

#12re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 2:20pm

Anytime John Raitt sings "Soliloquy" I get chills at the end, and tear up. ALWAYS.

And, if done well, "Music and the Mirror" brings me to tears every, single time.
Updated On: 3/12/07 at 02:20 PM

Jeannie2 Profile Photo
#13re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 2:49pm

misschung, I think you meant Fantine at the end of 'I Dreamed a Dream." Unless, you meant Cosette at the end of 'Every Day,' in which she does sing of a dream :)

AC126748 Profile Photo
#14re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 2:57pm

Tonya Pinkins delivering "Lot's Wife" in CAROLINE OR CHANGE. Every mouth in the theatre was agape by the time the number had finished, and the applause stopped the show cold for about 5 minutes. Remarkable.

For plays, I'd have to say Vanessa Redgrave's final monologue in the revival of LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT. You could've heard a pin drop.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

uncageg Profile Photo
#15re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:13pm

Stephanie Mills final note in "Home" in The Wiz

Tonya Pinkins singing Lot's Wife. (The final notes with the piano just get me every time)

ALL of the original cast production of Sweeney Todd (I actually had to be asked to leave the theatre as I sat there with jaw dropped for 15 minutes after it ended. I was the only one there and the staff had to clean for the evening performance. I actuall looked up to the place I was sitting for "Sweeney" when I saw "Wicked" and smiled.)

Idina and Kristen singing "For Good" (I admit it. I cried!)

The opening number to "Purlie" - Walk Him Up the Stairs

Seeing Richard Gere nude in "Bent"! That was magical!!! lol

Just give the world Love.

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#16re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:37pm

Kerry Butler singing Suddenly seymour

sidjones09 Profile Photo
#17re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:41pm


Zeljko Ivanek's courtroom disintegration in Act 2 of The Caine Mutiny. I was in shock at what I was witnessing on the stage. It's the only time in a show where I felt like I was watching it by myself, alone. Anyone else ever have that experience?


Opening number of Ragtime. Amazing. 'Nuf said.

"If you've got something to say, say it, and think well of yourself while you're learning to say it better." - David Mamet

rosekwbp Profile Photo
#18re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:44pm

The last moment in Gypsy when Rose looks out of the stage door for the last time.

And anything that Bernadette Peters does. Updated On: 3/13/07 at 03:44 PM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#19re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:47pm

I can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet:

The moment where Peter Pan and the Darling children fly.

#20re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:52pm

The whole "The Phantom of the opera" scene always gives me goosebumps! So brilliantly done!

#21re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:52pm

Audrey II. During Git It and Suppertime!! Theatre magic!!

James2 Profile Photo
#22re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 3:57pm

The overture of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels where everyone is dancing until Lithgow/Pryce comes out. I especially liked it on Pryce and NLB's last day, for the audience cheered when Gregory Jbara walked out onstage. It was loud enough that one could not hear the ensemble girl's first line.

My avatar = A screencap from Avatar, arguably the greatest animated show of all

#23re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 4:06pm

Besides the opening few notes of Hairspray...I have to go with the (paraphasing here) "let's do the entire combination facing away from the mirrors....a 5, 6, 7, 8..." and the music kicks in for the opening combination of ACL.

#24re: Magic Theater Moments
Posted: 3/12/07 at 6:01pm

misschung, I think you meant Fantine at the end of 'I Dreamed a Dream." Unless, you meant Cosette at the end of 'Every Day,' in which she does sing of a dream :)

I did mean Fantine, sorry! duh..

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
