
When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?

When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?

#1When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 10:33pm

It was filmed on Saturday for PBS and will be released on DVD. When/where can we purchase it?


ljay889 Profile Photo
BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 10:42pm

It's already available on the COMPANY website, Amazon.com and the TARGET Exclusive Edition contains an introduction by Stephen Sondheim and Elaine Stritch.

It retails for $89.99.

PBS Link for the telecast: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/broadway/musicals/company.html

Updated On: 7/2/07 at 10:42 PM

#3re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 10:42pm

I'm awaiting the DVD too but, it's going to be some time before it's released. They probably haven't even started editing all the footage yet. Just be patient, and when official word comes out, or someone leaks the info, you'll hear about it.

#4re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 10:49pm

BrodyFosse123 and Stacey are working double time to meet demand. Brody has yet to complete the documentary that was promised, but I understand that the deleted scenes will be on the disc as promised.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#5re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 10:57pm

Nope...the documentary is still going on. This weekend we're interviewing Donna McKechnie and Pamela Myers, which are the last 2 from the original 1970 Broadway production we had not interviewed yet.

Tomorrow morning Raul and Stephen Sondheim are recording their duo audio commentary; the audio commentary with the entire cast was finished about 2 hours ago and is being mixed as I write this.

The 'deleted' scenes aren't actually deleted scenes but footage of the 2 performances as seen from backstage, etc. Somewhat of an 'outtakes' reel, but not really.

That's it for an update. re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?

#6re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/2/07 at 11:13pm

I'm so excited about this dvd

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 7/23/07 at 11:13 PM

#7re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 12:06am

If all goes the same as other PBS productions , the DVD wont be released until after it airs on PBS next year
The last production I remember was the Carnegie Hall Concert Version of South Pacific with Brian Stokes Mitchell and Reba McIntyre
The CD came out and then the PBS showing and then afterwards came the DVD
So maybe next Spring if we are all lucky I would say

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#8re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 1:45am

I don't really care how long it takes them to release it as long as they do it at some point. I'm just happy that they recorded it.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"

travtrev2 Profile Photo
#9re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 2:30am

wow, i cannot wait for this to air

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#10re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 2:49am

I don't really care how long it takes them to release it as long as they do it at some point. I'm just happy that they recorded it.

That's exactly my sentiment.

*starts thinking of "Something's Coming" from West Side Story*

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

Updated On: 7/3/07 at 02:49 AM

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#11re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 6:39am

Not to rain on the parade, folks, but I honestly wonder if you'll feel the same way five years from now -- or if you'll then see it the way I did: tantamount to a play about a rehearsal for a marching band made up of Wall Street brokers.

Updated On: 7/3/07 at 06:39 AM

ken8631 Profile Photo
#12re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 8:03am

Great to hear it was recorded!!!!

#13re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 9:03am

I just received an email from BrodyFosse123. Due to the demand for Grey Gardens bootlegs, the dvd release of Company has been shelved indefinitely. Brody and Stacey regret this turn of events and have vowed not to post on this board again until the Company has been released. Thank you, Brody!

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#14re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:11am

Kringas, relax. Stacey is trying to locate an adequate sized mastering facility that'll suit our needs.

Production hasn't been haulted on ANYTHING, just temporarily suspended until further notice.

We expect to be back in full operation by the end of this week.

PS: as of 10:12am EST, Raul is already in our looping facility and we're just waiting for Sondheim to make it back with our Starbucks run so we can begin with the recording of their audio commentary for the DVD. It's being recorded in 'real time' as they watch the show -- there will be no stopping or editing of their comments.

#15re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:22am

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 7/23/07 at 10:22 AM

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#16re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:37am

This is just too great.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

jenna2 Profile Photo
#17re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:39am

"we're just waiting for Sondheim to make it back with our Starbucks run"

Hahaha! Well, this is the best thread of my morning.

Call the understudy / I can't go on tonight / I'm drinking with my buddy / I'm getting good and tight / Before they raise the curtain I'll be higher than a kite / So call the understudy I can't go on tonight

#18re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:41am

Brody, where do you work?

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#19re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 10:55am

I feel like this might be too good to be true...
Updated On: 7/3/07 at 10:55 AM

#20re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 11:00am

Please contact BrodyFosse123 via PM for pre-ordering. You can only receive the special BWW discount through him.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

#21re: When/Where can we purchase the DVD Recording of Company?
Posted: 7/3/07 at 1:05pm

So there is no Elaine Stritch commentary? I heard a rumor they recorded her playing a drinking game with Barbara Walsh while watching the performance. Apparently, Walsh can't hold her liquor next to Stritch. But who can, really?

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"
