Am I a bad dad?

#1Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:46am

Later this month - my 7 year old daughter is joining me on a NYC trip - we are seeing ITH, Little Mermaid, but . . . I really want to see August Osage County - so if I get back row balcony seats and put a pair of headphones on her with her favorite music on it - what would people say - she would be listening to her favorite music - and I'll be seeing the play to end all plays -

is that sending the wrong message?


#2re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:49am

as long as she is entertained and complaining I see nothing wrong.
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 12:49 AM

EugLoven Profile Photo
#2re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:53am

re: thread title. I certainly hope no one from these boards takes it upon themselves to answer this.

My thoughts: Do NOT bring your daughter to a show, August: Osage County or any other, wearing headphones.

Not only does your "plan" sound riddled with loop-holes (Honestly, you expect this to go off without a hitch during a 200-minute show?) but it shows a great disrespect for the audience around you. The ambient music is bound to be heard by your neighbors.

Plus, it teaches your daughter that this is "okay behavior" in a theatre.

If you want to see August: Osage County go alone. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Your premeditated efforts to bend-over-backwards in order to see it prove this.

But before entering the Music Box Theatre, find a different nighttime activity for your daughter with someone you know and trust.

Or, if you specify the date and time, I'll babysit her! Ha

Updated On: 7/14/08 at 12:53 AM

rowlinvale2 Profile Photo
#3re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:55am

honestly, it's a shame, but i don't think you should go see it. a 7 year old... that's very young to be expected to sit through a show that is almost 3 and a half hours... let alone a show like august: osage county that a child wouldn't find too interesting.

i am sure no one around you would have a big problem, given her age, as long as they can't hear the music coming through her headphones.

but i'd strongly suggest either a more kid-friendly show or doing something else that night. you're right, it's not really a good message to send to your daughter, that it's okay to do something like that during a live performance.

Je veux vous frapper avec un poisson.
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 12:55 AM

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#4re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:56am

Well said Eug re: Am I a bad dad?
And nice finally meeting you at Barks yesterday

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

#5re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 12:59am

Thanks - I will pass on August -

and wait for it to travel to Utah! -

mikem Profile Photo
#6re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 1:06am

Obviously, you know your daughter better than anyone on the boards, but most 7-year olds would have a hard time sitting still in a dark room surrounded by strangers for 3 and a half hours just listening to music, particularly until 11pm. (I think it would be hard for most adults.) Most of the play's actions would not hold visual interest for a 7-year-old. I really don't think it would work -- you would end up having to leave anyway and miss the end of the show, and it would probably be disruptive for those around you.

I think this production of August is great, but it will undoubtedly be performed at many regional theaters over the next several years, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to see the show later. There will be other chances.

(I wanted to also add that I agree with your instincts that this is not a show that a 7-year-old should be seeing -- the language and themes are problematic for that age group.)

ETA: I see you already decided not to go -- I must have been writing my message while you were writing yours.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"
Updated On: 7/14/08 at 01:06 AM

winston89 Profile Photo
#7re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 1:18am

I am not one to say what is appropriate for a particualr age and what isn't. My parents raised me by not censoring and let me make my own choices about what I wanted to see. Never in my life did they not let me see something because they thought it would be "too offensive" for me at a young age.

That being said, It would be rude and it would send the wrong message to have her sit in the theatre while she has her Ipod on. If your going with someone who can watch her for the night then by all means go yourself and enjoy this amazing production of this amazing play. But, don't bring her along if she can't sit through it and would find it boring etc.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#8re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 2:46am

You shouldn't pass on August, but I agree with the other posters. The sound of from the earphones will distract the people around you, and at 9PM, your daughter might already be tired and ready for bed. Also agree with the whole, she might think it's acceptable thing, although once she's older, she might realize that it's not, but it's best not to give her the idea at all.

Don't pass on August. If you know anyone in the city at all, have them babysit her while you go see the show.

carderic Profile Photo
#9re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 2:59am

i commend you for asking others first. unfortunately, most parents would not care and do it anyway. but it's very respectful of you to ask.

now that i got that out of the way, i have to send a spanking your way for considering letting your child listen to music for 3.5 hours, her poor ears! people my age are going to be deaf by the time we're 40 but starting THAT young?? but if it would've been just a one-time thing, that's a little different.

anyway, i hope you get to see the show very soon! enjoy your trip!

#10re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 4:22am

Don't pass on the tickets--with the money you'd be spending on her ticket, just hire a babysitter!

"Don't thank your parents, if you were raised in a nurturing environment you wouldnt be in show business"--Conan O'Brien at the 2006 Emmy Awards

Patash Profile Photo
#11re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 9:17am

Another solution. They say a little Ambien mixed with vodka works wonders on 7 year olds.

Sorry, folks, I'm only kidding.
But seriously, does anyone know how an out of towner finds a good and safe babysitter for such a situation?

MenzelManiac Profile Photo
#12re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 9:30am

I say just grind up a few Benadryl's and give her some special "Broadway Show Punch", this way it keeps with the theme of the show and you get a nice quiet child while still getting to enjoy the show.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#13re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 9:48am

I know if I was seeing a show with a child in front of me listening to music through headphones(which you can always hear) I would be furious.
Check with the hotel you are staying with to see if they have baby sitters on call.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#14re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 10:28am

I second what South FL Marc said ~ check with your hotel (in advance if possible). They should have a list of agencies that provide sitters. I used to work in a hotel (not in NYC), and we had several services we could recommend depending on the circumstances. Most of them will have a minimum number of hours (use or pay for those hours regardless), but they generally have to be licensed and bonded so you should be fine that way.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Anakela Profile Photo
#15re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 11:19am

Also- if your workplace offers a "backup care" type benefit program, that organization should be able to help with lining up child care while traveling.

#16re: Am I a bad dad?
Posted: 7/14/08 at 2:26pm

Unfortunately with kids in tow the only unselfish thing is to see kid suitable shows. Don't worry the time will come when you can go and see whatever you like.
