Miranda Sings

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#1Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:08pm

Does Miranda Sings annoy the **** out of anyone else? She is such an attention whore.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#2re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:10pm

Attention whore? Why, because she entertains people?

Jane2 Profile Photo
#2re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:12pm

No, she doesn't annoy me whatsoever. I can't get enough of her.

And how is she an attention whore?


#3re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:13pm

I think Miranda is hilarious.

And she's not as big of an attention whore as Ryan O'Connor...

Jane2 Profile Photo
#4re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:14pm

I don't see how she's an attention whore AT ALL. I 'd like to know why the OP called her such.


CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#5re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:21pm

I am friends with her on facebook, and she just seems very- I don't know how to describe it. Very into herself.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#6re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:23pm

That is the character. You do know that it's a character, right?

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#7re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:23pm

She's not a real person. Her name is Colleen Ballinger and she's a very talented performer. I don't think her "Miranda" character is as funny as everyone thinks it is, but in no way is she an attention whore.


WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#8re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:23pm

She's not a real person though...

It's supposed to be a joke that she's into herself because she's a character created by Colleen Ballinger.

#9re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:23pm

^You know she's fake, right.....

Jane2 Profile Photo
#10re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:31pm

"I don't know how to describe it. Very into herself."

Sadly, almost everyone I know is very into themselves.


StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#11re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 4:40pm

umm, thats sort of the point of her character, that she thinks she is a brilliant singer.
By the way, I LOVE miranda.

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#12re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 4:53pm

hater alert

morosco Profile Photo
#13re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 4:59pm

re: Miranda Sings

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#14re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 5:01pm

Love her.

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#15re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:31pm

Every time I watch her videos I almost die from laughing so hard!

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#16re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 1:11am

I think she is pure genious!

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#17re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 10:31am

She's a friend, and she's funny as hell.

And she doesn't care that you find her annoying.

And she says thanks for the publicity, hater.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#18re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 10:34am

I think the character works for the intimacy of YouTube. In live performance (such as the Easter Bonnets and the recent cabaret venue hopping she's done) I think it falls flat on its face. Craig Stevens is much funnier because he has more than one joke.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#19re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 2:11pm

I think she is talented and funny but I am getting tired of hearing about her. I mean, some people pretty much worship her. Again, that's not really HER but a small group of people who think she is Jesus in a dress.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#20re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 4:44pm

I think she's brilliant, and not in a "she's so talented" way (though I think the act is very funny). But come on, MAJOR props to Colleen Ballinger for creating this character that would propel her to such YouTube cult following status that she has been asked to perform at some major New York venues, both as Miranda and as herself, and get "seen" by the New York theatre community. That's pretty great self-promotion skills if you ask me.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#21re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 5:38pm

Vespertine, have you seen her live in one of those venues?


PUGILIST Profile Photo
#22re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 9:41pm

I love Miranda.
If I had to guess I would assume she didn't anticipate it taking off as it did, so really any annoyance is that the public bought into her, so like any performer she's just playing into what the audience wants.

I don't think her character fell flat on her face in person. I've seen the vids of her performing in NY and LA and they're hysterical.

If anything I would say the other two in the Miranda videos in NY fell flat on their faces. Craig, I think? And some other girl? They were annoying to me just because they were trying so hard. "Miranda" barely does anything and it's hysterical. Now THAT'S a performer.

But ya know, that's just me.. some may love the antics of those others.

One of the funniest live performance videos is Miranda singing Suddenly Seymour with Barrett Foa... BRILLIANCE.

Don't you wanna be the life of the party?
Updated On: 5/17/09 at 09:41 PM

legally_popular Profile Photo
#23re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/17/09 at 10:15pm

I think she's hilarious. Before she became so "famous," I thought she was a real girl who actually sang like that and was disgusted, lol. Now that I know it's just an act, I think it's brilliant. She never fails to make me laugh.

Mad props to Colleen. It must be incredibly difficult for someone to sing that bad and off pitch when she's actually a really great singer.

skb2010 Profile Photo
#24re: Miranda Sings
Posted: 5/25/09 at 11:37pm


I posted this comment on the video, but Carol Burnett anyone?

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
