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89th Academy Awards Thread- Page 11

89th Academy Awards Thread

Jane2 Profile Photo
#25089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:33am

I don't really care who remembers it. I do. How would I be reporting exactly what it said if I hadn't seen it? I've never seen an Oscar winner card before this.

And since you saw the correct card, then you would have to know that Beatty and Dunaway did not receive the card which announced best picture, however,  they announced best picture.



Jane2 Profile Photo
#25189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:41am

"Beatty went on to explain: “I want to tell you what happened. I opened the envelope and it said, ‘Emma Stone, La La Land.’” (Stone had just won best actress moments before.)"

This was in the Washington Post. I didn't include a link because it's a long article.


FrankieSay Profile Photo
#25289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:41am

It's not that I don't remember it, it's that I just re-watched it.  I watched the entire segment from the moment Warren and Faye stepped out onstage right through until the closing credits.  And at no time was a card held up the way you describe, Jane2.  Were you watching online or some other way with a different feed?


Could you have seen a still photo after the fact online?  I know I saw one of those the next day. But it was not during the official broadcast on ABC.

Oh, segne deine Herzen

hork Profile Photo
#25389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:41am

Jane2 said:
Anyway, the card said Emma Stone - la la Land. Pretty clear.

That's exactly what I said. You're arguing with me about something you couldn't possibly have seen and making the same argument I am. Are you feeling okay, Jane?

And since you saw the correct card, then you would have to know that Beatty and Dunaway did not receive the card which announced best picture, however,  they announced best picture.

Yes, we know that. Everyone knows that. It's what we've been talking about for four days. They got the Best Actress envelope by mistake, Faye Dunaway's eyes glossed over the name "Emma Stone" and saw only the words "La La Land" because that's what she was expecting to see, and read them aloud. There's no difference of opinion here, so I don't know what we're arguing about.


Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#25489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:52am

Jane2 said: "I don't really care who remembers it. I do. How would I be reporting exactly what it said if I hadn't seen it? I've never seen an Oscar winner card before this.

And since you saw the correct card, then you would have to know that Beatty and Dunaway did not receive the card which announced best picture, however,  they announced best picture.


There is absolutely no need to be rude or get defensive. Warren Beatty explained on the broadcast that when he opened the envelope he looked at the card and it read "Emma Stone - La La Land". 

At no point during the broadcast was that card shown by Beatty or anyone else. 


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...
Updated On: 3/2/17 at 11:52 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#25589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:55am

They were handed the wrong envelope.
Beatty choked during an unprecedented snafu on live television.
He showed the envelope to Dunfadeaway without explanation and she impatiently read the only film title printed on the card.

That's it.  Nothing insidious.  A series of mistakes made by various people.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#25689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:57am

Mister Matt said: "They were handed the wrong envelope.
Beatty choked during an unprecedented snafu on live television.
He showed the envelope to Dunfadeaway without explanation and she impatiently read the only film title printed on the card.

That's it.  Nothing insidious.  A series of mistakes made by various people.


That is exactly correct Mister Matt but at no point during the broadcast was that card held up by Beatty or anyone else on camera for everyone to see. 


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#25789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 12:07pm

89th Academy Awards Thread

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Taryn Profile Photo
Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#25989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 12:20pm

Mister Matt said: "89th Academy Awards Thread


Sheesh, talk about being overly dramatic.

Some of you on here are really, really weird. 


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...
Updated On: 3/2/17 at 12:20 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#26089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 12:54pm

"Some of you on here are really, really weird. "

I take that as a compliment. cheeky


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#26189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 1:44pm

"Some of you"?  Which ones aren't really, really weird?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#26289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 4:18pm

"You're arguing with me about something you couldn't possibly have seen"

Of course I saw that. So don't make false statements. OR -  do not be so cocksure of something you do not know for sure.

Feeling okay, Hork?


Jane2 Profile Photo
#26389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 4:20pm

"at no point during the broadcast was that card held up by Beatty or anyone else on camera for everyone to see. "

and you know that because....


Jane2 Profile Photo
#26489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 4:38pm

I haven't yet located the screen shot I saw, but this is the envelope for best actress held by Warren.89th Academy Awards Thread

Updated On: 3/2/17 at 04:38 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#26589th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 5:52pm

Except that there IS footage of the guy that came out trying to correct the error holding up the correct envelope. I saw it too.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#26689th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 6:46pm

Of course, Drama!

What is bothering me here and why I keep posting is because I know what I saw. I resent these other people telling me I didn't see it because it didn't happen. It didn't happen because they say so, right.


FrankieSay Profile Photo
#26789th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/2/17 at 11:29pm

Huh? The title she saw was Emma Stone. They held up the card to the camera on air. I saw it.

I just watched the entire Best Picture portion of the Oscars again for the THIRD TIME because it is still on my DVR.  And I can assure you, AT NO TIME ON THE OSCAR BROADCAST DID ANYBODY HOLD UP THE CARD THAT SAID EMMA STONE LA LA LAND.


That did not happen.  You can resent being told you didn't see somebody on the Oscar broadcast hold up a card that said Emma Stone in La La Land, feel free.  But you didn't see it.  It didn't happen. 


So basically, this shows us how tricky it is to get prosecutions for crimes when it relies on witness testimony.  Because a lot of time people THINK they saw all sorts of things they never did.


Does it matter? No. But when people get all scoldy about things that never happened it starts to feel like Trumpian logic.  There ARE some things that can be disproven. 

Oh, segne deine Herzen
Updated On: 3/2/17 at 11:29 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#26889th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 12:06am

Getting back to the movies. I really enjoyed La La Land from start to finish, but I was completely haunted by Moonlight tonight. I totally see why it won. If you haven't seen it yet, you must. 

ljay889 Profile Photo
#26989th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 12:06am

Getting back to the movies. I really enjoyed La La Land from start to finish, but I was completely haunted by Moonlight tonight. I totally see why it won. If you haven't seen it yet, you must. 

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#27089th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 8:33am

I've seen Moonlight twice, and plan on seeing it again this weekend.  I have never been so moved by a movie before.  I still haven't seen La La Land.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27189th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 10:10am

"That did not happen.  You can resent being told you didn't see somebody on the Oscar broadcast hold up a card that said Emma Stone in La La Land, feel free.  But you didn't see it.  It didn't happen. "

Yes, I saw it. Don't you tell me I didn't see something I saw. In the LEAST, you and those other people could say something to the effect of "well, I watched the show and didn't see it" or whatever, but you cannot under any circumstances tell me I didn't see it.

Perhaps I did see it after the show in another clip, but when I saw it, I really wondered why both Beatty and Dunaway both saw the words I was looking at, and didn't know they had the wrong envelope. It happened right after the mistake was announced and Warren looked flabbergasted. He then said he wanted to explain what happened.That's when he held up the card, which explained why he said la la Land. The card said Emma Stone la la Land. Perhaps this was edited out which would have shown that someone gave him the wrong card, who knows? But I saw it.

I'm tired of this, Frankie the newbie. Please go back and watch the show a few more times.

Updated On: 3/3/17 at 10:10 AM

FrankieSay Profile Photo
#27289th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 11:00am

I'm sorry ma'am but I will, with all due respect, tell you you did not see what you said you saw on the Oscars broadcast.  How do I know you did not? Because after you insisted you did, I rewatched the entire segment two times without ever taking my eyes off the screen and I can assure you that what you said you saw did not happen on the Oscar broadcast.  The recording I watched was the recording of the event.


Perhaps I did see it after the show in another clip


You seem to be the type of person for whom the bolded sentence is as close as you can personally get to saying the three magic words, "I was wrong."  

Oh, segne deine Herzen

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27389th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 11:09am

Newbie, as I said, take your giant calzones and go watch the show again. Or, just go away and pick your nose, son.

It was fun while it lasted but it's over  now.89th Academy Awards Thread


#27489th Academy Awards Thread
Posted: 3/3/17 at 11:15am

I blame the Academy and PWC for this ridiculous mistake. PWC did use any best practices or basic accounting procedures.  PWC has used the Oscars as a tool to promote their brand by becoming part of the narrative rather than implement processes and procedures so that the correct winner is announced.

Two accountants posing while holding cases of envelopes is ridiculous and not any reality of basic accounting or business practices! 
